Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 725 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-five: Give Him War

Chapter 725 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-five: Give Him War

The third point of view:

"We have trouble on our hands," Emerald released the crisis at hand.

After the visit from yours truly, Mikhail, he called a meeting between Sakuzi and the core members of the organization aka Valentino's sons - Finley, the oldest, and Victor, the youngest.

Although Andrew was present, he wasn't permitted in the conversation and only stood guard with the others. However, one could see how tense he was considering the subject matter was his woman, Maggie. Perhaps, that was the reason Emerald intentionally ostracized him from the meeting tonight. Everyone in the base knew he was in love with the woman and one of their greatest rules was never letting emotions clad their judgment.

"So, I heard the blood cobra paid a visit and from the look of things it wasn't a pleasant one," Finley was the first to bring up the conversation.

"Idiot, isn't that the reason why we are having this meeting in the first place?" Victor taunted him and Finley glared back at him. The both of them were fond of quibbling with each other whenever they were together amid their age.

"Behave," Valentino warned them and then leaned forward, asking Emerald, "What does he want?"

"More like who does he want?"

The moment Emerald said that, Andrew's fist clenched by his side. He really wanted to kill that Mikhail bastard. No one is permitted to lay a hand on Maggie, he would make sure of it.

"Our very own Maggie killed his son by castration and now he wants to kill her in return to restore his honor," Emerald Sakuzi explained.

"The book of exodus. Blood for blood code. I'm not surprised," commented another member of the gang who wasn't a part of the Sakuzi bloodline.

"What are the options?" Sakuzi asked, unshaken by the news as if he had seen it coming.

"It's either Maggie or a war with us," Emerald revealed, "So the question is, what would our answer be? "

"The woman has to go obviously. We can't risk the whole gang over a petty woman," was Finley's opinion.

"Petty woman?" Valentino Sakuzi picked on that statement, his brows raised, "Your mother wouldn't be exactly pleased with that word,"

"Sorry," Finley apologized immediately, wincing internally. No one said a word to him and he made a mental note to choose his words carefully.

"I agree with brother," Victor was quick to say, "We can't risk the safety of the gang for a woman who knew what she was getting herself into in the first place. Moreover, the blood cobra is not an easy gang -"

"And we are?" Valentino interrupted him.

Victor stumbled upon his words, "No, that's not it.....just saying that she's not worth so much trouble and Blood cobra is especially ruthless,"

"So we sacrifice what to Mikhail?" He asked, "A woman to a threatening gang like a pussy?!" Valentino guffawed, causing both of his sons to go red in the face.

Andrew took a deep breath where he was standing, thank God. It had taken everything in him not to reach out and punch the light out of them when they made that ridiculous statement.

Sakuzi turned to his sons asking, "Would you have given me the same opinion if it had been your wives in this situation?"

A guilty look cut across their faces, knowing their father was right. They would have fought fiercely if their wives were the ones in this situation.

"What honor would we have if we released her to him like that?" That was Valentino's point. Once they willingly handed over Maggie to Mikhail, they would be less than a laughing stock. Who would believe in their strength anymore?

"I understand your point, Valentino," the other man said, "Our reputation is at risk, however, peace is a much better option than war," he claimed.

"I think your idea of peace is cowardly. The Falcon Gang has carved its name on the underworld because of our great reputation and you decide to put that in jeopardy?" Emerald asked in disdain, his lips pulled in a small smirk.

He went on, "Moreover, have we become so comfortable with safety that the idea of war seems like a fairytale to us? Have we become so addicted to our safety cocoon that we became oblivious to the monsters lurking outside our walls?" he snorted, "Or have you forgotten the foundation of blood this gang was built upon, or did you become so intoxicated with the power you've forgotten to see?"

No one said a word as Emerald's words sank into their senses. Falcon Gang was one of the strongest mobs out there, how did they become so afraid? Has their pursuit for peace turned them into weaklings?

Valentino didn't say a word yet the sense of pride on his face was visible. As he expected, he had not made the wrong choice in making Emerald his heir. Sure, Finley was a good leader but he was not passionate about his doctrines and was easily swayed by external forces.

While his sons had been busy taking advantage of his connection and fame, Emerald had been there by his side, watching and noting down his movements and approaches. Although choosing a member of the family as a leader was important to preserve the bloodline, Valentino would rather hand over his legacy to someone who would establish it than a family member who would let it wither away.

"We would never abandon one of our own," Sakuzi finally spoke, commanding everyone's attention without even trying hard, "Although Maggie's vengeance has been a one-woman battle and had sworn to bear the consequences, she has brought us immense benefits in the long run. The latest safe route we currently use to deliver our products is because of her findings. She did what most of you 'men' couldn't do, " He intentionally popped out the 'men' to his sons hearing.

Valentino went on, "It has been quite a long time since we battled with our enemies. So tell Mikhail or whatever he claims to be that we are ready for him. Nobody gives the Falcon Gang choices. If he wants war, we would give him War.." He declared.

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