Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 655 - Six Hundred And Fifty-Five: Courting Death

Chapter 655 - Six Hundred And Fifty-Five: Courting Death

The third point of view :

Natasha was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing and at first, she ignored it, however, the phone kept ringing and she had no choice but to pick it up.

"Hello?" She said, irritation in her tone because she was woken from her beauty sleep. Natasha had her eyes still closed and didn't look at her screen to see who was calling.

"Get up,"

That single command and tone erased all traces of sleep from her eyes instantly. It was her, and her heart began to race.

Natasha knew the woman was using a voice distorter because her tone didn't sound natural at all. It was robotic and masculine and sometimes, it was too creepy for her comfort.

If not for the fact she admitted to being a woman, Natasha would have thought it was a man that was messing around with her. Aside from that, most of her actions didn't match what a man would do. So Natasha knew without a doubt that she was dealing with a woman - a woman who had a grudge against Pedro.

"Get up," she said again, "And begin to pack your things," She commanded, to Natasha's utmost confusion.

"Why should I pack up? What's going on? I don't understand, say something," She asked, heart still beating.

"What did I tell you before? I do all the talking and you obey! And right now, I'm telling you to pack up!" She growled into the phone, "Do not pack many things, just pick the essential things you need and the rest would be provided for you in your new residence,"

"New residence?" Natasha was dumbfounded. What the hell was going on?

"You ask too many questions, Natasha. Just get your ass moving," She commanded through gritted teeth.

"Alright, this is it," Natasha stood up her bed, arms akimbo, "I am not moving a foot out of here unless you tell me what is going on? Why do I have to move to a new residence?"

"It is temporary,"

"Exactly, why?!"

"Because in less than thirty minutes from now, Pedro's men would be there to force you to get an abortion and you should know by now how important that baby is for us," the mysterious woman said.

"No, the baby is only important to you," Natasha retorted.

She didn't have any clue exactly what that woman wanted with the child in her womb but Natasha knew it wasn't for anything good.

But then, it hurt her as well that Pedro wanted to force her to get an abortion. Well, Natasha couldn't blame him, after all, she intentionally slept with him. It was all planned, but she had no choice. It was either that or her sister's life.

"So unless you want to experience the cruelty of forced abortion, I advise you to get moving. Once you're done packing, there's a pickup right outside your apartment, it would take you to your new residence. No question asked,"

"But -" Natasha wanted to ask but the line went dead.

"Shit!" She cursed and almost tossed her phone to the wall until she remembered this was the only source of communication between her and the woman. She couldn't afford to lose it, not when her sister's life is hanging on the line.

Peering out through her window blind, she found out indeed that there was a pickup truck right outside her house and she went into action immediately.

Natasha went to the sink and took some water into her mouth, gurgling out the impurities as there was no more time to properly brush her teeth. She washed her face with water as well and changed into a new one to limit her stink before she resumed her packing.

Natasha took her important documents; cash and Atm cards; some toiletries and a few clothes. She knew that woman would keep to her word of providing the rest for her. As far as this baby was in her womb, she was a very, very important person to her.

This plan has been ongoing for a long time. Initially, Natasha was just a simple PA working for her boss, Pedro, when that mysterious woman approached her via phone one night.

She didn't believe her threat, even when a video of her sister being held captive was sent to her. Natasha didn't acknowledge it until she went to her sister's school and found out that her sister has been away from school for a week now.

According to her friends and coursemates, her sister claimed she was going on a self-discovery trip. That was when Natasha knew something was wrong and the dread in her heart grew. She had to contact that woman back and as she feared, her sister was in their hands. Sure, her sister was alive, but her survival depended on her - Natasha - action.

And when she asked what they wanted from her, it was just one word.

"Get pregnant for Pedro,"

It sounded like a joke to Natasha, get pregnant for her boss? Were they kidding her? She admitted that her boss, Pedro, was handsome and rich and every woman's dream. But then she was not courting death, not when his evil fiancée, Isabella was around.

Isabella scared Natasha and it was not just because her reputation precedes her, but the way the woman gazes at her, it was almost as if she could see through her - through her plans of seducing her fiancé. Thus, for the sake of her beloved sister, she decided to court death.

It was an impossible task, she reported back to them. Natasha didn't need to even attempt to seduce her boss, knowing it would be an epic failure. Compared to other men she worked under, Pedro was uptight and only had eyes for one person, his fiancée Isabella, yeah, that scary woman.

Moreover, the PA before her was sacked because she crossed the boundaries, how then would her case be different?

Life was really unfair to her, she had worked hard to get to this position, only for all to collapse in a twinkle of an eye.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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