Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 603 - Six Hundred And Three: Does Pedro Know

Chapter 603 - Six Hundred And Three: Does Pedro Know

The third point of view:

Life was the same; eat, grow, get married, birth a newer generation,?and die. Humans engaged in the same endless cycle and Isabella was about to become one of them.

The click-clack of heels disturbed her from her train of thoughts. Isabella lifted her eyes, her gaze lazily resting on Anabelle who strode over to her in ridiculously high heels.

"Hey!" Isabella asked, "Are you a giraffe?" how could her stupid cousin wear such high heels when she was naturally tall.

Anabelle stopped midway upon hearing that statement. She turned left and then, right before pointing to her chest, "Are you talking to me?" she asked.

Isabella rolled her eyes, "Then am I speaking to your shadow?"

Anabelle tilted her head in contemplation, "Then if you're talking to no else but me, does that mean you just called me a giraffe?" it finally made sense to her.

"Tsk Tsk," Isabella clicked her tongue, "You're still as dumb as ever," People change, but that wasn't applicable in Anabelle's case.

"Hey!" Anabelle was offended, "I'm not dumb!" She glared at her, annoyed.

But Isabella didn't reply to her, instead, she gave her that sympathetic look that annoyed her the most.

"Hey! I'm a top star! Top star!" Anabelle proclaimed it as if she wanted it embedded in Isabella's head, "Have you ever seen a dumb top star?" she asked, challengingly.

"I'm staring at one right now,"?Isabella retorted with a straight face.

Anabelle's jaw dropped to the ground. However, she quickly composed herself, saying, "You called over a busy person to insult her?"

"Busy?" Isabella snorted derisively, "I know you took a day off,"

Anabelle, who was prepared to leave thanks to Isabella's sharp tongue, turned around at once with a force that almost snapped her neck.

"You've been following me?" She couldn't believe it. Isabella was following her? Why? This was too hard to believe.

Isabella gave her a stupid look, "Am I crazy? Why would I spend my valuable time following you? Do I look like a stalker?"

"Who knows?" Anabelle mumbled under her breath, "You did follow Pedro during his first year at university,"

But Isabella heard that and her glare increased, Anabelle gulped, taking a step back. Even after so many years, Izzy's murderous intent had not lessened one bit.

"I'm just saying..." Anabelle scratched the back of her head awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with her. She shivered, Isabella scares her.

"I didn't tell anyone I was coming home," she bit on her lips nervously, "H-how did you find out then?"

"Stupid," Isabella shook her head, wondering for the umpteenth time how this moron ended up being her cousin. She reached for her purse and unlocked her screen before showing it to?Anabelle, "Spending time with my sis?" She showed her the picture of her and Allison that she uploaded on the internet.

"Where else would you spend time with her if not at home?"

"Ahh, right," It finally made sense, Anabelle was embarrassed. Of course, Isabelle was still a smart ass.

"By the way, why did you call me?" It finally crossed her mind. Moreover, why would Isabella call her into a department store of all places?

"Have a seat," Isabella tapped the space beside her on the couch, "It's time for you to be useful to me,"

Anabelle halted in her step upon hearing her comment, "You only called me because you needed me? Aren't we cousins supposed to see each other without an interior motive?" Anabelle said, sounding hurt yet somewhat happy inside - Isabelle needed her. Most times, it was her - Anabelle - that needed her.

Isabella turned to her, crossing her leg over the other, "Why? What were you expecting? That we'd go on a date? What are you? Ten?"

Anabelle's eyes teared up but she didn't want to cry. No, she didn't want to cry. But, the tears wanted to be free.

"You're still cold-blooded!" She cried out.

Thinking about it, Isabella never changed. She was still the same except that her hair grew longer, her gaze sharper yet piercing. While Anabelle was cute and calm, Isabelle was regal and lethal.

"Good to know that I'm still the same, now, would you have a seat," Isabella commanded, waving her complaints away like some kid's tantrums.

She added, "And please, don't shed a tear because I swear to God, if you let a single tear...." Isabella was still saying when her cousin's eyes filled with tears.


She pressed the bridge between her nose, "I need to applaud Julie for putting up with you all these years," Because she couldn't. Isabella hated tears, it irritated her.

Ninety-nine percent of most tears were manipulations, carried out by children towards their parents when they wanted something; done by couples when they wanted a favor from their partner; used to plunge the heart with guilt. Aside from that, crying made one weak. She loathed it.

"Stop crying. Most of the employees here are your fans, what would they say when they see you like this? They would think I bullied you," Isabella didn't need such an unnecessary scandal.

"But you did," Anabelle wanted to say but swallowed the words. Isabella didn't exactly bully her, she just hurt her feelings.

"Here," Isabella handed a handkerchief to her, "Dry your face before someone takes a picture and tag you a crybaby,"

Anabelle did just that. How could she cry in a department store even though this was a VIP room? She sat down on the couch, putting some space between herself and Isabella. Just because she stopped crying doesn't mean she's good with her. This time, only an apology from Isabella would appease her and her cousin would do that - hopefully.

"I picked out some clothes for the rehearsal dinner, meeting with Pedro's family, and other little events. But I don't trust I can make the right clothing decision, which is why you are here to do that," Isabella said to her.

Anabelle couldn't believe what she just heard," You brought me over to choose clothes for you? "

"Why? You don't like it?"

"What's your PA doing? What about your designer? You have a lot of people to do that, why choose me?"

"Because I don't want to waste my hard-earned money on them? So tell me, are you doing it or not?"

"That doesn't make sense at all, you have never been tight-fisted with money...." It finally dawned on Anabelle, this was Isabella's idea of a date - meet up and benefit from her services as well. Come to think of it, Isabella had never been liberal with her feelings - except when it comes to Pedro.

At once, Anabelle's lips curled in a smile.

Isabella shuddered, "Why are you looking at me that way?" she was uncomfortable with her stare.

Filled with happiness, Anabelle without thinking, threw herself on Isabella when the unexpected happened.

Just as her head was about to hit Isabella's stomach, her cousin pushed her away with so much strength she landed on the bare ground.

On the ground, Anabelle looked up with shock filled gaze, how could Isabella do that to her? Although still hurt, She was about to speak up when she noticed something else - the way Isabella held her stomach protectively.

Her gaze lingered on Isabella's stomach and when she finally looked up, their gaze locked and she grasped the truth in there.

"You are pregnant?!" She almost died from shock.

"You are so dumb! Why can't you control yourself?!" Isabella scolded her for her earlier action.

"I'm so sorry," Anabelle found herself apologizing before she knew it, "I didn't know you were pregnant,"

Isabella ignored her, fishing out a lollipop from her purse instead. She tore the sachet and began to lick the red lollipop. These days, her taste bud was messed up.

Still shocked, Anabelle sat down without taking her eyes off Isabella. What the hell was happening? Isabella of all people was pregnant? It felt surreal.

She inched closer, "What happened? Didn't you say you would never?have children?"

Isabella had been so insistent on this sensitive matter that she and Cecil got into a fight once. What mother wouldn't want a grandchild? But then, Isabella was resilient, hence everyone gave up when they couldn't change her mind.

But then, the miracle they hoped for has happened. Anabelle knew there would be a massive celebration once they heard this news.

"I think it's two months ago," Isabella went into details, "I knew something was special about that night. Pedro and I did it everywhere - on the sofa, table, kitchen counter -"

"Isabella!" Anabelle went red in the face, this was not the answer she wanted.

However, the crazy Isabella went on, "Then he pushed me up against the wall and went in.." she paused for dramatic effect, "That was when the condom broke"

Anabelle choked on her saliva. How could her cousin be this shameless? Who in the world narrates their sexual scene to their cousin. Gosh, her face was burning. But then, Pedro was quite energetic. Hehe.

"By the way," Anabelle asked, "Does Pedro know?"


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