Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 580 - Five Hundred And Eighty: He Would Pay For This

Chapter 580 - Five Hundred And Eighty: He Would Pay For This

The third point of view:

Allen was the first to recognize what was going on. His eyes widened, "You knew about the treason? How did you know? We never told you,"

All he got was a mocking smirk.

Ailee said, eyes wide in bewilderment, "And you have evidence as well," she could tell from the way Isabella was engrossed with the cellphone.

How had she gotten the evidence? She wondered. But all that matters was clearing their names. With the evidence, their punishment would be revoked and they will be allowed to roam Lincolnshire soil again - and this time, with honor. "The kids who saved Lincolnshire," Ailee, was thrilled with the prospect of such a title.

"We should tell the queen about this," she couldn't wait.

But then, Isabella boomed at her, "You will not be doing such a thing!"

"Why?" Everyone was shocked. Why wouldn't they submit the evidence when they have one?

Isabella left the desk and walked over to them with a purposeful stride. She squatted down beside Ailee and squeezed her shoulder tight, saying sternly, "This is the point now where I want you to withdraw,"

"But -"

She turned a sharp gaze to Allen cutting him off, "This is war and in war, there are casualties and I don't want you to be one,"

"What about you?" Neon asked carefully, "Are you going into the war as well? Moms says even if you're tall, you're still a kid,"

Isabella gave him her best smile, Neon was the first baby she ever liked - babies were irritating with their fussing and soft skin.

"I'm not going to the war, I'm only going to help them win," Isabella said.

She then brought them closer, such that the three of them stood in front of her, her hands now squeezing Ailee's shoulder and Allen's shoulder with Neon sandwiched between them.

Isabella whispered, "You remember that time we were attacked at home?"

They all nodded, having an inkling where she was heading to.

"You're going to do the same now, find your toys or any weapon strong enough to protect yourself and lay in wait. Tell Anabelle and the others, but do not make them panic,"

There was a fire in their eyes as they decided to stay safe, finally realizing they were nothing but kids in need of protection.

"You can go now. I have to see Judy, there's no much time left," Isabella urged them and they were about to leave when she shouted,


He turned.

"Be nice and share your toys, I know you brought them here,"

The boy's cheeks turned scarlet red, other than that, he smiled at her saying, "Be safe, sis,"

"I'll always be," Isabella said, a sensation of joy filling her heart. Her brother cared about her? Maybe it wasn't that bad to have more siblings.

So Isabella went to find Prince Judy or Kai. Whatever, she didn't really care what he answered. She knew his quarters and how difficult it would be to enter his place, especially with the tension tonight. Moreover, there was no way to know if the guards stationed there worked for Albert or not.

"Stop there," The guards commanded her as soon as she approached his door.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm niece to Lady Emily and I wish to speak to her," her aunt and Judy shared a room. She was being cautious by not mentioning Judy trying to know if they were loyal or not.

"It's late, you should come back tomorrow," the other guard waved her away like a kid, and Isabella wasn't bothered by it. Sincerely, it was better they underestimated her, that way she would have the upper hand when it was time to strike.

"I'm sorry but it's important," Isabella pressed.

"As I said, go home! Miss Emily is resting," the other guard insisted.

Isabella smiled, knowing it was time to draw them out. If they were genuine, they would let her in, but if they weren't? They would try to subdue her.

Isabella knew they wouldn't hurt her. She was a guest and hurting one of the guests means they were bringing another war on themselves. Most of the guests here were aristocrats and important personalities.

So Isabella spoke like a spoiled brat, "Fine, since you don't want me to speak with aunty, I'll call her then. Let's see if she's asleep as you claim," she pulled out her phone as if to make a call.

Isabella made out the subtle changes in their aura even before they moved. They were Albert's men - he had his people scattered.

The other tried to grab her from behind but Isabella pretended to pick something from the ground and the man tripped over her, falling straight to the ground. His partner's eyes grew wide as he tried to comprehend if this was intentionally or not. However, he still lunged at Isabella.

"Sorry, but I'm too lazy lately," Isabella said and brought out a device strapped to her waistband, electrocuting the man till his legs could no longer carry him. He crumpled to the ground.

The other man recovered and pounced on her, unfortunately, Isabella had the wits and agility. She easily dodged his moves and stunned him in the end. He collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Isabella opened the door to Judy's quarters and saw two guards knocked out coldly - they must be the original guards. But she ignored them and went into the bedroom and there he found Judy on the floor, gagged and his hands bound behind him.

He made a noise when he saw her but Isabella's gaze trained on the figure on the bed. She gasped when she realized it was aunt Emily and there was a trail of blood on her forehead.

Is she dead? The thought made her sick to the stomach. No, it couldn't be.

Isabella forced herself to press her finger across her nose and relief flooded her body. She was still alive.

Thank God.

But why?

Either Albert realized killing Emily was starting wars with the Spencers or he wanted to kill her himself. Either way, he was going to pay mightily for this.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ????

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