Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 571 - Five Hundred And Seventy-one: The New Rules

Chapter 571 - Five Hundred And Seventy-one: The New Rules

The third point of view:

"Isabella!!!" The door was kicked open and someone screamed from behind, almost waking the dead from the grave.

Isabella didn't have time to react as Anabelle tackled her, the both of them falling to the ground. It all happened in slow motion, all Isabella knew was that for her to turn around, Anabelle flew on her, and now, she was on the floor.

What was Isabella doing here anyway?

Well, she had left her parent's sleeping quarters to go observe her nightly ritual, leaving her siblings who were still gushing over their unborn siblings - rubbing their hands all over Reina's slightly flat stomach, placing their head on her stomach, and trying to make up the babies heartbeat, which was kind of stupid.

The kids claimed they would be the ones to name the triplets once they're born. Allen would name first, followed by Ailee, and last but not the least, Neon named his choice as well. Hence, all of them were excited to begin their research.

She - Isabella - doesn't even get to name any of the kids. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, from now to the moment Reina delivers, she has to go prepare her affection. It was three babies, they would require a lot of time and devotion.

"What are you doing, Anabelle!" She tried to push the girl away but that annoying octopus held on to her tight and began to shower her face with kisses.

"Muah! Muah! Muah!" Anabelle could not contain her happiness. She could almost fly! "I'm so happy!"

"I am not your fucking boyfriend! Stop kissing me!" Isabella growled, wondering where she got this amount of strength - no matter how she pushed Anabelle, she was too strong.

Suddenly, Anabelle stopped and then announced, "My mother is pregnant!" expecting to see a look of astonishment and joy across her cousin's face. However, all she met was Isabella's face, void of emotion.

"Of course, I know, so can you please get off me?" Isabella tried to sit up but Anabelle pushed her back down.

Isabella shut her eyes and tried to rein in her anger. Anabelle is her cousin and a friend notwithstanding she's annoying, Isabelle chanted inwardly so she doesn't harm her.

"How did you know?" She said it! Isabella was an alien!

"Our parents called us at the same time only to break the news of her pregnancy. Who wouldn't put two and two together and figure out that was the same case with your parents?" Isabella explained.

"Wait a minute, aunty Reina is pregnant?!" Annabelle screamed. Isabella's ear almost bled.

Of course, Anabelle had not been able to figure it out, Isabella shook her head in sympathy - not that she had high hopes, anyway.

"Wow!" Anabelle's joy knew no bounds, "This good news! We are?expecting our siblings at the same time?!"

"Actually, it's more than one sibling, Reina is having triplets," Isabella disclosed, rambling on, "Speaking of which, I have to add your future sibling to my list - so tiring, too many people to love. Now get off me!" She tried to push her away but of course, Anabelle stood her ground.

"Oh my gosh!" She was so thrilled, "Your mother is expecting triplets! Isabella, you're going to become a super big sister! God, I'm so envious! You deserve my respect! Muah! Muah! Muah!" Anabelle continued to pepper her with kisses amid Isabella's exclamation of disgust and struggles until...

"What's going on here?" someone asked from behind and both ladies on the floor instantly stiffened. It then dawned on Anabelle that she hadn't closed the door before deciding to kill Isabella with affection.

Her eyes went wild like a thief caught in the process of theft while her heart thundered in her chest when she recognized that voice, it was none other than Julie, her boyfriend.

At once, Anabelle let go of Isabella, the both of them sat up and stared at their boyfriends standing in their room, staring back at them with suspicion and accusation in their gazes.

"We seem to have barged in at the wrong time," Pedro said, still not believing what he just saw. All he knew when he came in was Anabelle on top of his girlfriend, kissing her - from his position.

"It's nothing," Isabella was quick to defend herself.

"I can explain," Anabelle said.

"Yes, the scene is obviously self-explanatory," Julie sassed.

"It's not what you're thinking," Isabella grumbled, irritated. This was all Anabelle's fault, she dragged her into this unnecessary misunderstanding.

"Really? What am I thinking?" Pedro raised a dark brow at her.

"Eww, that's disgusting," Isabella wrinkled her face, getting up to her feet, "You can't possibly think I like Anabelle?"

"Well, you can't color me shocked since a man married a doll in the news. Your affection for Anabelle is on par with your affection for me, I shouldn't be surprised if you're having an affair with your cousin," Pedro said.

Isabella glared at him, unable to speak anymore. Why were men so difficult and narrow-minded!

"Hey!" Anabelle stood to her full length. Unlike Isabella, she was ready to explain everything to the end, "What you saw is a misunderstanding. I was simply expressing my love, I mean, affection for Isabella," She replaced the word 'love' realizing the situation was a bit tricky.

"Moreover," she added, puffing out her chest, "Compared to you guys, girls are more expressive with their feelings. Hence, you shouldn't be that shocked to see us hugging and showering each other with fondness,"

"Really?" Pedro scoffed, "So I should expect you hugging my girlfriend like this..." He demonstrated by trying to hug Julie who pushed him away.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Julie wrapped his hand across his chest protectively," It's not enough that I have to endure you sleeping naked, now you want to assault me as well?" he scowled at Pedro.

"What?!" Anabelle shouted.

"You sleep naked with him," Isabella pointed to Julie accusingly, "What if he does something to you in your sleep?"

Julie almost spat blood, he faced Isabella, "What do you think of me? I'm the one in more danger of your boyfriend!"

"Exactly," Anabelle supported her boyfriend, "He's not the one who goes to bed naked," she claimed.

Pedro defended himself, "Men are more likely and comfortable to show off their nakedness than women,"

"Also," Isabella supported her boyfriend, "My Pedro is innocent. I'm actually more afraid of your experienced boyfriend, Julie, corrupting him,"

Anabelle and Julie were dumbfounded. Innocent? What innocent? Compared to them, weren't they the ones always doing it?

"Fine, it seems we have to lay down some boundaries here," Julie suggested.

"I'm in full support," Pedro raised his hand and turned to Anabelle saying, "I'm actually scared that someone will use their innocence to seduce my dear girlfriend,"

Anabelle glared at him, "Fine by me, I need to protect my boyfriend before he gets traumatized by someone's nakedness,"

"Fine by me," Isabella approved, "Pedro is an extinct species, he needs to be protected from the ravenous wolf," she said, staring straight into Julie's eyes.

It was game on.

The next minute, everyone had gathered around the table with a paper and pen on it.

"First rule: Limit physical contact between the both of you," Pedro stated firmly. It was decided that the four of them would come up with a single rule.

He went on, "That means hugging between the both of you must never last more than five seconds, no sleeping on the same bed and all kisses should be restricted to a peck. And never look Isabella in the eyes," she warned Anabelle knowing how charming her eyes were, "That's all,"

"My rule," Anabelle decided to go next, "You must under no circumstances sleep naked with Julie in the same room with you. No showing off body parts either,"

"Showing off body parts," Pedro didn't get the last part of her rule.

Isabella snorted laughter, "She means do not compare sizes of your d*cks in the restroom - stuffs you guys do in secrets,"

"God, are you even a woman?"Julie wanted to hide his face in shame. How could a girl be so crude?

"I'm not a woman? Do you want to check my tits?"

"Isabella!" Anabelle went red in the face.

Pedro put his arms possessively around Isabella's waist. One of these days, he had to teach her how to speak.

"Fine, I'm next," Julie couldn't wait to begin, "Girl's night between the both of you should not be held behind closed doors and never undress in front of my girlfriend," Isabella was goddamn hot, what if Annabelle falls for her without realizing it. It would be a huge scandal!

Naive cousin falls for her innocent cousin, Julie shuddered thinking about it.

"Is that all?" Isabella asked him knowing she was next on the line.


"My turn then," Isabella began, "Never share a bed with my boyfriend if you're drunk. What if you do something to him and blame it on your drunkness?"

Julie opened his mouth to defend himself but Isabella made a silencing motion and he had no choice but to close his mouth.

"Finally, no bromance with my boyfriend. If I get as much as a hint of a crush from you, I'll end you. Pedro is mine, understood?"

Julie gulped, what does it sound like Isabella was deadly serious?


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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