Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 553 - Five Hundred And Fifty-three: The Instructor

Chapter 553 - Five Hundred And Fifty-three: The Instructor

The third point of view:

Everyone was in anticipation to meet the queen, hence when the servants came to announce the queen was ready to see them, they became "proper people".

Even Neon put himself in character as if he had been undergoing training for this moment all through his life. He only hoped that the queen wasn't as mean as that man from earlier. Although Akim claimed that the man, he has come to know as Lord Albert, meant him no harm, he still didn't like him. Their first time encounter had ruined any other impression he had of him.

"We are honored to meet your highness, the queen!" They all said in unison as soon as they came into the throne room as if they've been practicing that line.

Well, they've been practicing that for a while, mother Reina made sure they did so. She wanted them to make a good impression on the queen and that meant they had to be "unusually" and "extremely" polite. Well, here goes nothing.

"Your highness, you're more beautiful in reality than I saw in pictures," Neon praised her.

"Oh, you little one, is quite a lady charmer," The queen laughed heartily.

Allen frowned, why was Neon taking all the attention? That was his cue to attract the queen's attention. But now, the queen had his eye on Neon. Well, since it was that way, he'd just turn everything around.

"Yes, your highness the queen, you're full of grace and charm, and my younger brother under my magnanimous care couldn't agree more," Allen hinted that he taught Neon all that he knew.

I'm older than you, Neon wanted to argue but the secret look from Reina shut him up. Well, behave Neon, don't disappoint Mama.

Ailee facepalmed mentally, what's with Allen and his rivalry with Neon? She couldn't understand both of them at all.

"Alright, both of you, shut your asses right now," Reina said under her breath, loud enough for just the boys to hear and heed. Afraid that they might say words that would piss off the queen, after all, who knew what the boys were up to.

The queen laughed, "I've had never been entertained this much by kids," her eyes twinkled, "And to reward you for that, I'll have the best Lincolnshire dessert made by our professional chefs sent to your room,"

Neon was extremely happy but Allen's mouth twitched, dessert? He had no use for that sweet food, all he wanted was to have a solid relationship with the queen. After all, who knows when he would need her help? He needed to secure connections for his future, Allen thought, forgetting the fact that the queen would be stepping down soon.

Anyway, Allen took a step back as his mother commanded and the real talk began.

"You must be Niklaus," The queen's gaze landed on him.

"Yes, your highness," Niklaus said politely, but then if one looked clearly, the man still held his head high up proudly.

Even though he was not royalty, he was still king of the Spencer group and no two kings could submit to one another unless one gave in or was conquered, and the queen knew that.

The queen stood up this time, and walked over to Niklaus. Getting there, she reached out and took Niklaus' hand, placing it on her much smaller wrinkled palm with motherly affection, "I want to thank you specifically for taking care of my son all those years. You shielded, protected, clothed, and fed him when I couldn't and for that, I'm forever in your debt. Do not hesitate to reach out when you need my help,"

But Niklaus said, "You don't have to worry about that, we're family already," He hinted at the fact his sister was marrying her son.

The queen smiled in understanding, her gaze moving over to Reina, "You're lucky to have such an understanding and caring husband,"

Reina blushed while pride boomed in Niklaus' chest. He was a good husband, even the queen acknowledged that. Hopefully, his wife rewards him for being a good husband tonight.

"You falter me, your highness," Reina said to her courteously.

Suddenly, the queen came closer and whispered into her ears, "You're glowing and there are only two people I know possess such an aura, babies and their mother," the queen stepped back afterward, leaving Reina in confusion.

What the hell was that woman talking about? Reina wondered. Glowing mothers and babies? It didn't make sense at all. Maybe she meant to say her twins were as good-looking as her? Yeah, that one wasn't far off.

"And for the kids," The queen said and then made a sign, the guards at the door opened the door just as a prim and proper woman stepped in.

"Your highness," greeted the woman dressed in a suit, her skirt tailored to stop at her knees with her clothes having no sign of creases at all. Her hair was pulled and twisted into a tight chignon at the back, secured with pins, not even a strand of hair stood out of place. The woman was perfect, at least appearance-wise except for the fact there was no emotion on her face. She looked like a robot.

"This is going to be interesting," muttered Isabella who has been strangely quiet all this while. The girl was not interested in meeting the queen or being on character - royalty was not her thing. She just wanted to be out exploring the kingdom, discovering new places and opportunities.

"My daughter-in-law Emily told me the kids would be playing a vital role in the weddings, is that right?"

"It seems that way, your highness," Reina wasn't even sure of the said kid's role in the wedding. She had only agreed to it knowing Emily would never betray her trust nor put the kids in danger.

"Lincolnshire weddings are a bit different from usual weddings," The queen informed them even though they already knew.

The kingdom of Lincolnshire had two weddings which were the traditional and formal weddings. In the traditional wedding, the bride and the groom have more time to pay their respect to their parents and observe their tradition of paying the bride price with the parents of the groom finally blessing the union.

Although the traditional wedding signified both couples were legally married and lived as husband and wife from then on, Judy still insisted he wanted the formal wedding. He had promised?Emerald that their wedding would take place together and would see to that - Cecil and her husband would not be participating in the traditional wedding.

" Jacqueline here will be their instructor," the queen gestured to the unsmiling woman who stepped forward and introduced herself with a bow.

"Hello, I'm Jacqueline and I will be teaching you Lincolnshire culture and royal etiquettes,"

Unlike the excited Neon who couldn't wait to learn something new, the others were crushed. There goes their dreams of having fun. They never saw that one coming. No wonder Akim couldn't even remember how to have a good time. For Christ's sake, they came for a wedding, not for schooling!

Ailee glanced up to her mother,?her eyes pleading, "A little help here, mama,"

"Is that really necessary?" Reina asked, knowing her kids weren't exactly a fan of learning forcibly. They learned faster at their own pace and environment nor did the strict Jacqueline look accommodating. Reina was more concerned that her kids might traumatize her.

"Yes, absolutely," the queen replied.

Reina shrugged at her kids, her hands were tied here. There was nothing she could do. If they wanted to participate in a Lincolnshire wedding, they had to act like they belonged here.

"Their lessons would begin first thing tomorrow morning," Jacqueline announced and the kids' jaws dropped. This was the reason they hated school - they needed their beauty sleep!

"Wonderful," Isabella rolled her eyes.

Judy, who had been silent at his mother's side, laughed at Isabella's reaction, "Her majesty has your best interest in mind. Moreover, learning is fun. What's the worst that can happen anyway?"

Yeah, that was Reina's fear. With her kids, anything could happen. But she had to have faith that her kids would behave and save her face. Yes, have some faith in her children.

"That's all I have at the moment. I'll see that you have a comfortable stay here and do not hesitate to find me if something arises. You may leave now." The queen dismissed them.

"Thank you, your majesty," Rang out one after the other as they all showed their appreciation and left.

"They're one cute family," The queen chuckled.

"That's just the tip of the ice, they are one crazy, happy family," Judy reminisced about the time he spent with them. He whispered longingly, "They're a perfect family,"

"Correction," The queen said firmly, "They 'seem' to be one happy family," she shook her head, "No family is perfect, Kai,"

"I know," He nodded, "But then, Niklaus just seems to have this control over his family. They stay together, working like the wheels of a bicycle,"

"Then emulate that control and apply that into your own family. However, you should be warned that no two families are the same - what works for Niklaus may not work for you,"


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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