Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 548 - Five Hundred And Forty-Nine: Time To Leave

Chapter 548 - Five Hundred And Forty-Nine: Time To Leave

The third point of view:

A week later....

Niklaus' place was a hub of activities as everyone hurried to get their things packed.

"Oh yeah," Reina was on the phone with Emily while at the same time directing the maids on the bags to load into the car.

"At this rate, we'll arrive in six or seven hours. The children are a mess," Reina sighed.

It was partially her fault anyway, if only she had woken up on time. But then, she and Niklaus had been busy with sexy times. Her beast of a husband had claimed that there would be no time nor privacy to, you know, do it and so they went at it as if they were stockpiling sex for the rainy days. God, her hips still hurt. It was a miracle she could still walk.

"I can't wait to see you guys, sometimes, it gets so boring at the palace," Emily complained.

"Well, soon, you'd be getting enough of me and the kids," Just hope you don't get scared soon.

"And by the way," Reina remembered least she forgets, "Send me the crimes punishable by death in Lincolnshire,"

"Huh?" Emily was stunned, "Why would you ask that?" she couldn't understand.

"Else my kids commit one unknowingly. As a matter of fact, you of all people know how expressive Isabella is. I fear for this trip greatly," Reina told her.

"Nothing is going to happen," Emily assured her, "It's just for the wedding, what's the worst that can happen?"

"A lot could happen," Reina intentionally didn't voice that one out loud.

"But then, if you're so worried, then I'll let you know that such punishment only involves treason, insulting the royal family and stealing from royalty. That's pretty much all and I think you're safe. The kids are good," Emily was sure even when the mother wasn't.

There was no way her kids would plot against royalty, Reina was sure of that. Insulting a royal, she wasn't so sure about that but she'll call them to order. Stealing things from royalty, well Allen had the tendency to borrow, not take.

"What about my brother, Niklaus?"

"Wrapping up things at the company, he'd join us on the way. That is if he's at the hangar already,"

Reina resented the fact that her husband was already gone even before she woke up. How could someone have such stamina?

"Mom help!"

Reina heard her name from downstairs and sighed. These children will be the death of her.

"I'm coming!" She shouted away from the cellphone, then said into it, "Alright, Emily, I have to go. See you when I get there,"

"Sure. My kisses to the kids,"

"Same to Akim,"

The call ended and Reina rushed to the kid's room to see what was going on.

"What is it?"

"Mom, Isabella won't let me come along with this bag," Allen complained and tried to lift the luggage but grunted instead.

"Isabella, what's the problem?"

"Why don't you check the bag first?" she told her.

Filled with curiosity, Reina lifted the luggage but was stunned at the heaviness, "Geez, Allen, what did you pack in here?"

"Just a few things here and there," Allen said without looking her in the eyes and that was when Reina suspected he was hiding something.

"Mom, it's just -"

Reina didn't listen to him and opened the bag, she was stunned, "What's all this?"

Allen laughed nervously, "It's just some toys and science equipments -"

"And rocks," Isabella added impassively

"Akim told me they had the best science lab in the world. It wouldn't hurt to experiment and compare some of -"

"Allen, we are going for a wedding ceremony not a science fair," Reina bent and began to unpack what he had packed, "It's just for a few weeks - two weeks at most - and we're back to our normal life,"

"But -"

"Allen, there's no but this time," Reina dismissed his argument. She was his mother and he'd obey her.

The door bell rang.

"Get the door please Isabella,"

"Sure," Isabella answered and went downstairs. When she opened the door...

"Hi," Julie waved at her with a smiling face.

"Ugh," Isabella snorted and shut the door right at his face, turning around to bump right into Reina.

"That's very rude of you," Reina rebuked her, as if she had known this would happen. Nudging Isabella to the side, she opened the door for Julie who flashed her a grateful smile for saving him from Isabella, the devil.

"Your grandfather told us he wouldn't be able to make it," Reina started a conversation with him while Isabella left to go continue torturing her siblings.

"Yes, he came down with a cold," Julie revealed.

"Oh, poor old man," Reina was sorry, "However, you can make yourself comfortable. We'd be done soon and then leave for the hangar. Make yourself comfortable,"

"Sure," Julie sat down with his luggage at the side. Truthfully speaking, he could have gone with his family's plane but it would be as boring as hell. So he'd rather spend time with the Spencer's even though Isabella was bitchy with him.

Anabelle was leaving with her parent's plane and though he was invited, he had turned it down. It would be super awkward - he hadn't learned to be comfortable around Eden yet.

"Alright, tell me you're good to go," Reina came into the children's room to see that their luggage had been assembled.

Reina gave them a suspicious look, "Please tell me I won't need to search your bags again," she hoped.

"Of course, mommy!" Ailee answered for all of them - Allen and Neon.

"Fine, let's go," Reina sadly believed them, they were running out of time anyway.

The servants took all their luggages and Reina didn't get to see the way one of them groaned when he tried to lift Allen's bag.

"I race you all to the front seat," Ailee broke into a sprint, followed by her brothers.

"Easy there, three of you!" Reina cautioned them but of course, her words fell on deaf ears.

Ailee opened the car door and was about to climb in when Allen pulled her back by the hair and settled quickly in the seat.

"You cheat!" Ailee accused him, tears stinging her eyes.

"It's survival of the fittest," Allen gloated.

"Don't mind him, Ailee," Neon came up beside her and took her hand in hers, "You get to sit with me anyway," he cheered her.

At once, Ailee boomed a smile at Neon and interlocked their fingers together as they climbed into the back seat while Allen frowned, he had won yet

why did it feel he lost?

"Alright, Isabella! Julie! Get in this instant. It's time to leave!"

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