Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 536 - Five Hundred And Thirty-seven : Lincolnshire To Rock

Chapter 536 - Five Hundred And Thirty-seven : Lincolnshire To Rock

The third point of view:

They say great powers come with great responsibility. Niklaus had spent all his life garnering enough power so his kids wouldn't be forced to face the same hard choices he had to make, but it seems life always had its plans.

"I don't have many years left, you have to agree to this engagement," George told him, knowing Niklaus had the decision making power this time around, "Do this old man a favor,"

For over a minute, no one said a word, the both of them going over the decision and the consequences in their head

Finally, Niklaus opened his mouth to say, "No,"

George's face fell immediately. He had been hopeful.

Niklaus went ahead to explain, "I'm a man who believes in love and ended up with the love of my life, why then would I do the opposite to my daughter?" he leaned closer to his desk, "Living in a loveless marriage is agony and I have seen firsthand what it turned my father into, I can't do that to Isabella of all people.

"Moreover, she's made it clear to you that she would skin the life out of your grandson - you can take her word on that. So sorry George, I cannot help you with that engagement. I'm saving my daughter's life as well,"

George pursed his lips, nodding his head in understanding. The message was clear to him, the engagement was not going to happen. For a moment, the man wanted to just cry out his heart at a corner. He has failed his son and his grandson, Julie. He was a worthless grandfather.


That single word lifted the man's crestfallen face. He saw a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

"W-what?" he choked.

"I would love Julie to be my son and receive all the benefits of being a Spencer - including protection - but would keep his family name. In one word, I want to be his godfather, not his father-in-law,"?Niklaus asked him, "Would you grant me that?"

George was dumbfounded, and the next burst into tears of gratitude which made Niklaus groan and hide his face. He hated tears - all except Reina's. There was something weird about a man older than his father Adam, crying in his study, all because of him. Not to mention that they were pointing a gun?at each other earlier - Niklaus preferred his strong side.

"Thank you... thank you so much," George sniffed, trying to compose himself, "Now, I can die in peace knowing my grandson is in safe hands," He knew Niklaus never goes back on his promise.

"Please, don't die yet," Was Niklaus' response, "at least not without taking away the military you brought into my residence,"

If anything happens to George in here, there was no second guessing the war that would happen. After all, everyone would point fingers at him - George died in his study and he was the one who invited him in. He must have done it with evil intention, People would judge.


Everyone was beginning to get anxious, but the most uneasy was Isabella. Her hands were clenched by her side, her brain working at an unbelievable pace as she tried to think of what had elicited that sudden meeting.

But no matter how hard she thought, she came up with nothing. However, she knew one thing, her father was dead meat if he went contrary to her plans - all of her sacrifices would not be for nothing

Everyone's head whipped around when Niklaus returned with the poker-faced George. One by one, they waited for the final judgment, their heart thudding against their chest. To make it worse, Niklaus didn't have the best of expression heightening the tension, until they heard.

"I'm sorry," Niklaus said and their faces fell at once. Bitter tears stung Isabella's eyes, how could he? After everything? She was so close to bursting out of the place in anger when Niklaus completed,

"The Engagement has been canceled!"


They were dumbfounded before it dawned on them that the bastard had been pulling their legs.

The twins were the first to shout, "Yeah!"?triumphant shouts rippling from their throats and resonating across the living room before the others joined in.

Isabella was the most affected amongst them. That announcement from Niklaus earlier had crushed her from inside out, only to be told it was a joke played on her by her father. It was like suffering a bad whiplash only to realize in the end that it was simply a game simulation.

Yeah, she was hit that hard and needed a booster. So the girl turned in the direction of Pedro with determined strides, hooked her arms around his neck,and took his lips in a kiss before the boy even knew what was going on.

Niklaus' eyes widened, that little bug! What about their agreement earlier. Then it dawned on him that this was his punishment for pulling her leg. Niklaus couldn't help but frown, does this mean she would go and get pregnant if he teases her worse than this.

But then, even if Niklaus wanted to something, he couldn't with the way the women in the rooms were fawning over the kid's public display of affection. Women!

"Grandfather," Julie went over to his old man, unsure how to start a conversation. However, when he saw the smile on the man's face, he ran into his arm and engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you," He said even though he didn't know what brought on the change of heart. Anyway, he was grateful, that's all.

A trace of sorrow crossed George's features but he didn't show it. He was going to miss his grandson but knowing he would be in safe hands comforted him.

"So, are you coming back home or not?" Eden asked his daughter, Anabelle still keeping a distance from him.

Without a second thought, Anabelle threw herself on him and hugged him tightly "I missed you, papa,"

"I missed you too, pumpkin," Eden hugged her back, pecking her forehead.

And just like that, the runaways reunited with their family.

"Wait, we can't just leave like this!" Isabella announced to her friends due to?leave with their family.

"Leave?" Reina snorted, "We all got Lincolnshire to rock, baby,"

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