Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 531 - Five Hundred And Thirty-one: Where Is My Grandson

Chapter 531 - Five Hundred And Thirty-one: Where Is My Grandson

The third point of view:

Anabelle knew something was wrong by the time she went to see Julie and the men stationed outside wouldn't let her in.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! I just want to see my boyfriend!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I'm sorry but we're under strict orders from Sir Niklaus not to let anyone in," was their automatic response.

"You!" She saw red, "How dare -"

"What's the ruckus this early morning," a voice said from behind and Anabelle whirled around to see her uncle approaching her alongside Isabella.

"Oh, thankGod," Anabelle breathed in relief, walking over to them, "Uncle, your men keep stopping me from seeing -"

"It's my orders," Niklaus interrupted her firmly.

"But uncle…?"

Niklaus turned to Isabella, " Take Anabelle and make sure she doesn't interrupt anything today,"

"Sure," Isabella said and walked over to her cousin, looping her arm across hers, "Come, Anabelle, we have better things to discuss than a pair of oldies fighting unnecessary,"

Nicklaus' brows furrowed at that comment but didn't say anything about it.

"Huh?" Anabelle was confused as Isabella dragged her away. All she knew was that something was not right.

Isabella took her to the kitchen and picked a bowl, then went to the refrigerator where she began to fill her plate with any edible substance she could find.

"What's happening, Isabella? Talk to me," Anabelle couldn't stand being kept in the dark anymore.

"Niklaus is not happy regarding my engagement with Julie and has locked up your lover as an incentive to get his grandfather's ass over here,"

At the mention of that, Anabelle didn't know whether to be happy or sad. If things go well, that stupid engagement would be annulled and she would be happy as hell. But then, if things go wrong, not only are there chances of a war breaking out in the family, she'd be reminded over again that Isabella is betrothed to her boyfriend. Yep, that sucks.

"Judging from my father's tenacity and George's hot-temper, I'm hundred percent sure that they would tear each other apart before they would even think of a solution," Isabella pointed out nonchalantly rummaging through the refrigerator.

"Isabella, that's not encouraging at all!" Anabelle was appalled by her indifference to the situation as if she wasn't involved at all. When in reality, she was the reason the engagement came about in the first place.

"What? You wanted the truth, I gave you one," Isabella couldn't understand humans at times.

"Give me a positive one!"Anabelle retorted.

"Well, on the bright side, Reina is there to rein in the two unruly horses. Happy?" She faked a smile and went back to her search.

"By the way, do you want the chocolate-flavored Icecream or the vanilla-flavored one," Isabella, whose head was in the fridge, asked Anabelle heading over to the window. Something had caught her attention and she had an inkling it was connected to the impending war - as Isabella elaborated.

Upon getting to the window, Anabelle froze at the scene. Oh shit. She turned, "Isabella, you gotta see this!"

"What?!" Isabella screamed from the refrigerator. She was thinking about the best ice cream to take and hated to be disturbed when deep in contemplation.

"You need to see this,"

"Why?" she sounded annoyed.

"I think they're here,"

"They?" Isabella's brows raised interestedly. She abandoned everything she had in her arms and rushed to the window just as the wind beat harshly at her face.

"Oh heavens," Isabella was stunned, "This is better than I expected,"

Anabelle glared at her.

At the children's room.....

Allen decided to make up for all the bad pranks he had played on Neon by teaching him how to play video games. To his surprise, Neon wasn't as dense as he thought and with a few practices would be skillful enough.

Ailee decided to leave the two all to themselves, focusing on the drawing instead. She had her drawing paper and pencil on the desk while her eyes were shut close as she thought of what to draw.

"Neon?" could she draw him? It sounded hard. Well, nothing was too hard if one tried enough. Moreover, Neon was a good candidate since his features were embedded in her memory.

"Well, here we go," She smiled and was about to pick the pencil when it rolled off the desk. Ailee was about to bend and pick it up when she noticed something. Her Deak was vibrating.

"Holy shit!" Neon, who could view the outside from his position, exclaimed and dropped the gaming pad, heading over to the window.

"Allen! Ailee! We are having an air parade!" Neon announced to the kids who were beginning to wonder about the sudden rumblings.

At once, Ailee and Allen dropped whatever they were doing and raced to the window, their mouth widening to an 'O' at the sight before them.

"That is not an air parade," Ailee said.

Allen added, "Those are combat aircraft and helicopter,"


"Sir, he's here," Niklaus was not surprised when one of his men came to announce the news.

"And he's not alone, he came with quite an entourage," the guard further informed him.

"Lead me to him," Niklaus ordered, rising to his feet.

Immediately, a number of his men followed Niklaus to the backyard where the rest of the property sprawled across the spacious land and a perfect landing spot for a helicopter as well.

The wind from the choppers blew strongly at his face but Niklaus was not averted, he kept walking until he got to a safe spot watching as George stepped out of the Mi-35 helicopter while two other Tu-22M3 aircraft hovered in the air.

A rope appeared from above the aircraft as men in military gear began to descend from it. Niklaus snorted derisively, he hired the military? The helicopter took off but George strode over to him in all his furious glory.

"Where's my grandson?!" the man roared.

"Not with an attitude like that?!" Niklaus retorted, blocking the old man from passing.

At once, the military men George hired focused their guns on Niklaus.

So did Niklaus' men do the same to George.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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