Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 268 - Two Hundred And Sixty-eight: His Fiancée

Chapter 268 - Two Hundred And Sixty-eight: His Fiancée

Reina's point of view

The call from Nik's phone had been a savior.

It brought my mind back around, reminded me of what I almost committed myself to. What the hell was wrong with me?

"You have a call" I reminded Niklaus when he purposely allowed the phone to ring on.

"I don't care," he mumbled, trailing kisses down my neck.

I suppressed a moan, I had to untangle myself from this mess. "Niklaus, answer the damn phone," I mustered enough strength to push him away.

This time he listened, picking the call while I got off the bed and rushed to the door, hoping to escape but it was locked - I should have known. No wonder he seemed so relaxed answering the call because he knew I couldn't escape.

Knowing escape was not likely,?I decided to use that opportunity to make myself presentable. I looked a mess; the buttons on my shirt were open, my bra one-sided, my hair disheveled and my makeup ruined.

There was a standing mirror in the room which I used to view myself and for a moment there, I thought I saw a girl of the same features as me but with brown hair instead, imitating my very actions.

The headache returned, I rubbed my forehead. I was not stupid not to notice my memories were returning and I couldn't tell if that was a good thing.

Truth be told, I was scared; scared that I might have been wrong about Nik all these while; scared that I might return into being the pathetic Maya who couldn't protect herself because she was too weak.

My breath hitched when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist from behind,?it was Niklaus - talk about escape.

I turned around in his arms to meet his face but gulped instead. There was something different about the way he gazed at me today, it was tender and affectionate and I didn't want to believe it - it made butterflies flutter in my belly.

"Niklaus, whatever happened earlier between us was a mistake. It was just our pathetic hormones trying to make us do something awful … you know what? I have to go," I placed my hand on his chest to create some space between us, but all I did was make me aware of how taut his muscle of his chest was. How can someone have a godlike body?

"Mmhmm, continue? " Was all he said, beginning to trace the curve of my waist.

"Niklaus!" I was strict this time, "I have to go," My control was slowly slipping and I didn't like it.

"Fine, have coffee with me and you can leave," He wasn't asking, this was an order - like I was going to accept in the first place.

"I don't have much time to waste," Was my reply which made his lips tilt to the side. That wasn't a good sign, right?

"Then we can continue where we stopped, gladly," He had already lowered his head to kiss me when I shouted quickly.

"Fifteen minutes. Not less than that,"

There was humor in his eye, "Deal, my lady,"

He let go of me slowly, making sure his hand trailed down the curve of my butt. Seriously, that sly asshole!

With irritation, I strode to the door, already waiting for his royal highness - note the sarcasm- to come and open it.

Niklaus fished out a key from his pocket and opened the door through which I stepped out. But that asshole made a comment that made me stop in my tracks.

"Nice ass you got there, Reina"

I went red in the face instantly and turned around to give him a piece of my angry mind, only to bump into him.

I glanced up to see his brow raise questioningly, "Reina.." he called my name so softly it was almost a whisper, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"What?" I almost spat blood. But I was never one to give up without a fight, "Seduce you? Who was the way who brought me to the bed?" Let's see how he would get out of this one.

"Oh? This is how I get paid for my act of free will?" he scoffed.

"Free what?" what was he talking about?

"You had a headache and I, out of my generous heart willingly gave you a head massage that you enjoyed so much that you fell asleep. Like the gentleman I am, I knew the couch was uncomfortable and brought you to a bed so you could have a comfortable rest. Also, I slept beside you just to chase the mosquitoes from biting you and didn't even molest you yet you accuse me of seducing you? You were even the one who kissed me, shouldn't I be the one who should complain about molestation? "

I was tongue-tied by the time Niklaus was through. Seduced? Molested? I did all those. How could this guy be so shameless, he was obviously making me the guilty one here.

" I seduced you first? You were the one who preyed on my consciousness by crying, producing the thought of kissing your tears better!" I blurted out.

"Oh," Nik was taken aback by my confession, "So Reina.." he began with a straight face, "What you're trying to say is that you kiss any guy that sheds tears from his eye?"

I was short of words, Niklaus was angering me to death. Was he accusing me of kissing any guy I just met? I knew I could just ignore him but that accusation bothered me so much that I felt the need to clarify this misunderstanding.

"I have not seen a man cry nor have I kissed any crying man, only you! "?Wait a minute... It finally dawned on me.

This son of a biscuit had been goading me all along; he wanted this reaction out of me.

"I hate you," I said and stomped away.

"Reina, you don't hate those you kiss with fervor and you're going in the direction of my bedroom,"

I heard his annoying voice from behind and retraced my way back to him with blushing cheeks.

"If you want me that much, you just have to ask darling," He openly flirted with me.

I ignored him and he took that as a cue to lead me back to the living room.

"Follow me," He said and I did, guessing he was heading in the direction of the kitchen to make the so-called coffee.

Fine, some minutes more and I'm out of here.

Though I was irked by Niklaus' presence, I still couldn't help but get enthralled by the way he carried himself with grace. The more I watched him, the more I kept getting flashes of memories and deja vu. I did live here - that was for sure considering I was his daughter's nanny.

"A cup of coffee for a beautiful lady and I hope you enjoy bitter coffee cause mine is acridly bitter,"

At the mention of bitter, I thought I saw something and the next thing I knew, I had stretched my hand to stop Niklaus from taking the coffee into his mouth

"What is it, Reina? " Niklaus asked me, surprised.

I stilled, what just happened. For an instant there, I had a feeling someone mixed fenugreek seeds with his coffee seeds which gives it a more acrid taste.

"Nothing," I sat back down. I guess it was my stupid imagination because the kitchen I saw in my memory wasn't the same designs like this one.

Niklaus didn't say anything further, he simply gave me a long stare and resumed his coffee. I took a sip from the coffee too and gosh, it was bitter. How can he drink this so easily like it was water?

I set my barely drunken coffee down, using that opportunity to look around the kitchen and for some reason, something felt off.

"Did you renovate this place?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" Nik was quick to question me.

"Nothing, it just feels new," was my lie, but the look Niklaus gave me told me he didn't believe a word. Had Nik somehow discovered something about me? These looks of his were beginning to unsettle me.

"When are you going to stop with these games, Maya?" Niklaus dropped the bombshell.

I looked up, his gaze was firm and determined. I knew he had no evidence to support that claim, he was just trying to trick me into saying the truth; he was in for a loss.

"When are you going to stop being obsessed with me and focus on your fiancée, Niklaus?" I retorted.

Speaking of his fiancée...

Jennifer barged into the kitchen, startled at seeing the two of us together. I smirked, someone must have tipped her of me being here else she wouldn't be heaving like an elephant - she must have run over here the moment she received the news.

"Jennifer," Niklaus was surprised at seeing her here. I guess Isabella's plan didn't work out so well.

"What's she doing here?" her heated gaze was set on me. She would murder me with those eyes if they were bullets.

This was going to be fun to watch.

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