Tale of Discovery

Chapter 171: Dragon-Rider ; Second Calling ; Siesta

Chapter 171: Dragon-Rider ; Second Calling ; Siesta

As the two dragons draw near, I notice two humans on the back of each one. Both humans have a wand in hand and are pointing at me while seemingly chanting a spell.

I take in a deep breath before leaping into the sky and swinging Excalibur with all I've got.

This, in turn, results in a shock-wave to be released in the direction of one of the dragons, directly splitting it in half along with the human that was riding it.

Seeing this, the other dragon-rider panics as he jumps off his dragon and skydives toward me.

How stupid. Attempting to fight against someone who can fly while skydiving.

Whatever, he's dead meat anyway.

I use Excalibur's morphing ability to change its form to that of a scythe. Then, before the dragon-rider can cast any spells, I utilize Blink to appear right behind him and immediately swing the scythe at his legs.

Despite how painful it is to have one's legs cut off, the dragon-rider doesn't show it on his face as he continues to fall.

Just when it seems like he will slam into the ground and die a miserable death, he waves his hand which causes the air currents around him to 'catch' his body.

I stay in the air and gaze down at the dragon-rider as he gets surrounded by soldiers.

The man doesn't resist any further and just throws his wand away, indicating that he has surrendered - or, so I thought.

The dragon-rider casually punches the ground before chanting a spell which causes earth pillars to appear right below the soldiers and knock them into the air.

Then, the dragon-rider inserts to fingers into his mouth before whistling as hard as he can.

Knowing that he's most likely calling for the dragon, I look over at where it is, only to find it sucking in air at an incredible rate before diving toward the ground.

"No, you don't," I subconsciously mutter before morphing Excalibur into a spear and hurling it right at the dragon.

My parameters combined with the absurdity of Excalibur is nothing to scoff at, as it easily penetrates the dragon which results in the dragon to explode into bits of meat.

Seeing his precious dragon getting obliterated in such a manner, the dragon-rider glares at me as he points his finger at me before beginning to chant once again.

Unfortunately for him, Krul nonchalantly walks toward him from behind and swiftly knocks him out by casually swinging her hand.

I slowly float down and land right beside the unconscious body of the dragon-rider.

"That was interesting," Krul remarks.

"You're right about," I respond before gifting the dragon-rider immortality for his legs to heal.

Krul has an intrigued look on her face as she observes the flames cover the legs of the dragon-rider before his legs 'regrow'.

"You know," Krul says while looking me in the eyes, "You're beginning to turn into some kind of untouchable monster."

I chuckle at the way she phrased it before saying,

"What's with that?"

"Don't play dumb," she says with a grin on her lips.

Before I can respond to her, the dragon-rider groans a little before gradually opening his eyes.

The next thing I know, the man is back on his feet and is running as if his life depends on it while casting a spell to increase his speed.

I don't get the chance to stop him, as a certain black armament seems to appear out of nowhere and puncture the dragon-rider's thigh, resulting in him falling face-first into the ground.

Letting out a small sigh, I look over at Saturnus who's also looking back at me before beaming a smile.

Most likely understanding that I'm praising her actions, Saturnus also beams a smile as she interlocks her fingers.


"Finish him," I say to Saturnus who has been patiently standing by my side while I was diving into the dragon-rider's mind in search of information.

This time, I managed to get my hands on some interesting information.

In particular, about the castle that Joseph de Gallia is staying in.

From the looks of it, there are more of these dragon-riders as well some other annoying pests to deal with.

Well, it is what it is. I better make sure that the enemy can't decrease the morals of my soldiers any further.

Perhaps, I should make Joseph suffer a little before his inevitable death

{Criteria for the second calling met.}


{Terminate de Gallia.

Time-limit: 5d:23h:59min:59s

Upon failure: All parameters are halved.

Platform bound: Yes.

Optional Objectives: Inseminate Isabella de Gallia (0/1) | Inseminate Catherine de Gellia (0/1)

Completion reward: Alchemy

Full completion reward: +5 in all parameters.}

Are you fucking kidding me?! What the hell is up with this calling?! Leaving the first part aside, I'm going to be rewarded for having sex with the family of the man whom I just marked as a walking corpse?!

The only good thing about this is that I have six days to get it done, which should be more than enough time to take a kingdom down.

Speaking of which, what exactly is the calling asking of me to do? Am I supposed to end the kingdom itself or just get rid of the royal family?

{It's the latter of the two.}

Eh? Really? Then, this is going to be even easier.

Nevertheless, alchemy, huh? Is it going to let me manipulate matter in some way or something?

{Affirmative. Father would gain the ability to reform all matter.}

Yeah, that sounds way too powerful of an ability. There must be some limitations to it, right?


I thought so. There is no way that there isn't going to be limitations for such an ability.

Anyway, I'm sure that this ability could be really useful if used properly.

Instead of using my energy on creating certain things, it could be done through the usage of alchemy instead.

"Creator?" Saturnus's voice interrupts my thoughts.

I look over at her, only to find her holding the head of the dragon-rider in her hand by the hair.

"Let's go meet up with the others," I state before walking toward the door.

Saturnus throws the detached head on the ground before following me as I leave the small house that I borrowed for this occasion.

The moment I'm outside, I am met with the site of numerous 'dead' humans being held down by vines and other plants.

What's interesting is that I find Siesta standing right beside one of them with a serious look on her face.

Just as I am about to call out to her, Siesta raises her right arm and mutters,


The next thing I know, a great wave of energy escapes from her palm, sending a chill down my spine as the human in front of her gets covered in a golden light.

After a few seconds, a pillar of light extends into the sky. This pillar of light turns into the center of a golden circle large enough to cover the whole town forms.

Then, the golden circle begins to slowly turn as certain parts of it begin to glow before more pillars of light begin appearing wherever a 'dead' human is.

Suddenly, all the light pillars 'explode' into motes of light that slowly fall like the petals of a flower.

One of them landed on my shoulder, bringing with it an extreme amount of comfort.

However, that's not important, as the sight before me is much more noteworthy compared to that.

Every single one of the 'dead' humans seems to be coming back to life as the surrounding vines begin to loosen and let go of their bodies.

Due to the nature of the vines, their bodies have been injured, so I ignore everything else and begin to cast immortality on those within my range while approaching those who aren't.

A few minutes later, everything seems to return to normal, as the motes of light all disappear and the humans all get back on their feet with a grateful look on their faces.

As for the one who caused all this, Siesta, she's just standing where she is, gazing at the ground.

Knowing that something is wrong, I quickly make my way over to her side and say,

"Are you okay, Siesta?"

She slowly raises her head and looks me in the eyes before her body limply falls forward.

My body instinctively moves forward and catches her, however, I seem to have placed my hand on dangerous territory.

Fortunately, Siesta seems to be unaware of what's going on as she doesn't react, so I lift her from the ground and begin walking toward an empty house.

Saturnus seems like she wants to follow me, but I gesture to her to stay and take care of the aftermath, which she affirms by nodding.

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