Tale of Discovery

Chapter 149: Cleaning ; Council

Chapter 149: Cleaning ; Council

Seraphiel? Do you have any information regarding this Code's capabilities, Irene?

{Negative. Code waves are detectable, so, it was possible to determine the Code. However, not enough data has been analyzed for more information.}

Right. What about this feeling of emptiness I just had a moment ago? Some invasive energy escaped from Siesta, I'm sure of it.

{Affirmative. The energy is currently being assimilated.}

Oh? It seems like my Code doesn't get rid of everything that invades, but keeps some for analysis. This might come in handy sometime in the future in a way or another.

"Uhm" a groan results in my focus to shift back to reality and observe Siesta as she gradually opens her eyes.

She is a little confused as she looks around a little before setting her eyes on me.

"Master?" she mutters.

Damn it. From the way she called me just now, she either hasn't received any memories of the past or hasn't known me before.

"Siesta, do you remember anything?" I ask her ambiguously.

"Uh" she voices a little nervously before giving me a short recounting of how she met me and why we are in this Platform.

As I thought, she hasn't received any memories from any past.

Irene, wasn't she supposed to have remembered parts of the past for her Core to form?

{Negative. Father's case is a special one. Others don't necessarily have to go through with the same procedure as Father.}

If only I knew what the heck happened in the past

Those visions are revealing bits of it to me, but I still have no idea what was it that gave me the uneasy feeling when Tiamat said that she saw my past.

I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Shaking my head, I push those thoughts to one corner of my mind as I settle my sight on Siesta's face.

Reaching my arm out, I gently stroke her cheek and say,

"Siesta, see if you can feel any kind of power within you. It should be somewhat simple to the powers I use."

In response to my words, Siesta dons a serious expression as she closes her eyes.

After a few moments, I feel uncanny energy leaving her body. What's strange is the aura seems to be brimming with purity.

For some reason, the closer I am to the energy, the more uneasy I feel. It just makes me wonder how powerful is she.

"Siesta, try to use your power," I state.

"Okay," she responds before raising her arm.

The next moment, all the energy she had released gets 'sucked' back in and gets channeled to the center of her palm before being abruptly released a few seconds later.

This ultimately results in an energy wave to encompass me and the whole room before simply dissipating.

Having prepared for the worst, this outcome throws me into a stupor.

What just happened?

Not a single thing in this room was destroyed or affected in any meaningful way. Did she fail in using her power?

Suddenly, I realize something. My clothes which had gotten a little messy from the fight with Guiche are clean.

Back when I woke up, I didn't bother clearing off the soil attached to it due to my hastiness, yet, here it is right now, looking as good as new.

Don't tell me

Having my doubts, I do a quick scan of the room, and as I expected, it's spotless.

I am aware that the cleanliness of this room is being maintained by the maids, but this is too much.

Siesta's powers are related to cleaning?

As much as it suits her status as my maid, it's unbelievable for a Code's power to be something like this. How could cleaning even be useful in battle, it-

My thoughts suddenly come to a halt as I realize something. There is always more to powers and abilities than what one would usually expect.

The perfect example of this would be my Plunder.

When I first arrived in Project Charlotte, I deemed it to be nothing more than a five-second possession ability.

Even so, what other applications of 'cleaning' are there?

There is one method to find out.

Clenching my hand, I throw a punch toward Siesta's face at a speed that no ordinary human will be able to perceive.

The plan is simply to see if Siesta will unconsciously use her Code to protect herself or not.

Naturally, I won't be really punching her. I will cancel out all the vectors to do absolutely no damage.

As these thoughts swirl within my mind, a wave of energy suddenly invades my body as the feeling of emptiness I felt before returns.

The moment I regain my clarity, I realize that not only is my arm down, but I had forgotten what I just wanted to a few seconds ago.

What the heck?

I glance at Siesta, only to find her examining her hands with intrigue all over her face.

Just now It almost felt like my intentions were erased. Is that an application of her Code? Erasing intentions?

Feeling slight movement, on my left hand, I move my sleeve away to reveal a dazed Aurora. I stroke her small head a little before shifting my focus back to Siesta.

As I'm about to inquire more about her power, I hear a knock on the door.

Using Clairvoyance, I find a brown-haired man. His face is firm, and his nose is sharp. There is a long scar on his face, from his right eye to his left cheek.

It's quite obvious that the man is a soldier, however, from the way he's carrying himself and the aura he seems to be giving away, he's no ordinary soldier.

Taking this chance, I examine our appearance before saying,


The man directly opens the door and walks forward until he's only two meters away from me.

Then, he kneels on the ground and says in a firm tone,

"General Godeffroy Boffrand at your service."

"What has brought you here, Godeffroy?"

"Your Honor, the time for crowning is near. The people have been waiting for this day for a long time," he responds stiffly.

"Is that so?" I simply respond while thinking of what he said.

I'm quite surprised by this, as I thought that there would be much more work to do before the people accepted me.

It seems like I have undermined the severity of the distrust that was formed for the nobles and the people's belief in the royal family.

From the looks of it, this place had been ruled well before the Reconquista ruined it all.

"Is there anything else?" I inquire.

"Yes," he responds before saying, "We hope that Your Honor graces us with your presence at the council room."


"Who are you referring to by saying 'we', and what is your reason for this?"

"The other generals would like to discuss the state of Albion with Your Honor in person."

Good. This man's attitude is rather likable. He simply says what needs to be said while leaving out what normally would've been the normal 'etiquette'.

This is much more preferable than time being wasted on a 'noble' greeting.

"I suppose, I'll do that then," I respond to his words.

After all, I need to find out the state of affairs in my own kingdom if I were to rise to the throne, no?

I turn around to face Siesta and say,

"Siesta, rest for now. I will be back soon."

Once she gives me her affirmation, I turn around and begin walking out of the room alongside Godeffroy.


As Godeffroy and I are on our way to the council room, we run into Krul, Yuno, Saturnus, Gabriel, and Aruru.

The five of them were examining some kind of crystal orb that was releasing energy similar to the crystals that were present in the machine we destroyed.

Aruru directly runs over and jumps into my embrace while exclaiming,


It seems like they're not going to follow the pretense of them being my maids now that we are no longer in the academy.

Well, this is better anyway.

However, there is a certain someone who doesn't seem to think the same way I do.

"Your Honor," Godeffroy voices with disbelief, "is she"

Despite him not finishing his words, I know full well what he wants to ask, so I nod my head and say,

"Indeed. This lass is my daughter."

Godeffroy's gets a little unnatural before he takes in a deep breath and says,

"I hope that Your Honor keeps this a secret for a while."

In response to his worries, I wave my hand in front of me and say dismissively,

"Of course, of course. I won't risk the stability of the kingdom in any way."

Seemingly satisfied with my response, Godeffroy nods once before continuing to lead the way to the council room.

The girls decide that they want to accompany me, as they have nothing better to do anyway.

Naturally, I'm not against it. Not only do I have no reason to do so, but it could be useful for them to learn more about this kingdom.

Soon, all of us reach the council room.

Godeffroy stands to the side and waits for me to enter the room.

Letting out a sigh, I walk forward and open the door.

What meets my sight is the back of a red-haired woman who seems to be pissed off.

"You are all worthless to doubt His Highness's capabilities! You deserve to die!", exclaims the woman before drawing a sword out of its sheathe which was attached to her hips.

"Calm down, General Yvonne! You know full that wasn't our intention!" a bulky black-haired man exclaims in response to her words.

"What else could it be other than that?!" Yvonne exclaims aggressively.

As the man is about to respond to her words, he notices my presence, which sends him into a stupor.

"What, you don't have anything else to-" Yvonne continues before eventually realizing that the man isn't looking at her.

"What are you looking at?" she says before turning around setting her sight on me.

Her expression shifts from annoyance and dissatisfaction to pure shock as a nervous voice escapes her lips,

"Your Highness!"

Hah~ It seems like my brain will not be getting much peace anytime soon

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