System Upgrades Every Second

Chapter 129: No need, just a picture

Chapter 129: No need, just a picture

Like a singer, a writer is also an ordinary one, revealing all kinds of mysterious professions.

In the end, Ye Han chose fantasy as a branch of the writer.

Because Ye Han still prefers fantasy writers who can condense book spirits out of thin air compared to the biased methods of realistic writers.

After choosing everything, Ye Han withdrew his mind from the system space.

Just after leaving the system space, he greeted the concerned eyes and words of the art teacher.

"Ye Han, are you okay, is there something uncomfortable?"

Ye Han burst out laughing when he heard the words.

It turned out that when he just chose the four major professions, he spent a lot of time, so that the art teacher thought he was in a daze.

Therefore, this art teacher will show a look of concern.

"I'm fine!"

Ye Han shook his head and replied.

"Oh, oh, it's okay. In that case, Ye Han, have you finished the homework for this class? Of course, if you feel uncomfortable, then you can rest!"

When the art teacher heard it, he nodded repeatedly, and then talked again.

However, he seemed to be a little afraid that Ye Han would be unhappy, so he added a superfluous sentence at the end and he didn't need to do homework.

Ye Han was speechless when he heard it.

This art teacher's flattery is too lame, which makes Ye Han, who is used to listening to the tube-style flattering, secretly feel a little disgusted.

Even if you want to learn to flatter, you should be professional!

"No, it's just a picture!"

Ye Han said something indifferently, and then took out the painting tools from the As he said, a painting is just to pass the time.

The art teacher saw that Ye Han had taken out all the tools for painting, and immediately stopped talking, and stepped aside in a nonchalant manner.

Most of the students in the class chose relatively less troublesome sketches.

Just like on the previous world, sketching in this world also originated from the Western world, led by England, Kyrgyzstan and Italy.

Later, it spread slowly to the Dragon Kingdom and became a very influential genre in this planet called Blue Star.

However, there are also a few students who choose watercolor and oil paintings.

As for the students who choose the traditional painting method of Longguo, there are very few!

It's no surprise that this result will occur.

Compared with sketching, watercolor painting, oil painting, etc., the skills of getting started very quickly, the traditional painting techniques of Longguo can be said to be difficult to get started, and even more difficult to master!

"Since I am a native of Longguo, of course I have to do Chinese painting!"

Ye Han said inwardly and drew out pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Shaping ink, laying paper, and painting, Ye Han almost worked in one go, without a pause in the middle.

What he drew was a picture of ink bamboo. On rice paper, a cluster of ink bamboo stood in the wind, proud of its bones, and outstanding!

When the "hair" pen in his hand was put down, and after taking a look at the picture of the ink bamboo he drew, Ye Han felt in a daze that the ink bamboo seemed to be about to break through the air, which was incredible.

"what's going on?"

Seeing this, Ye Han was slightly startled.

Although he relied on the task, he has already brushed the "sex" of the art to the equivalent of a doctoral level, that is, a full-time artist.

But I am afraid that ordinary full-time painters may not be able to show such an incredible degree.

"Everyone, have you finished the drawing? After you finish the drawing, hand it in. The teacher will give you comments!"

At this moment, the art teacher saw that nearly 90% of the students had finished painting, and he started talking in a frustrated tone.

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