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Chapter 107: Wen Gong, Wen Qi

Chapter 107: Wen Gong, Wen Qi

After the loud noise came out, a meteor shining with white light flashed past Red Sun in an instant.

Soon, the dazzling white light fell down in an instant.

For a time, even the red sun was overshadowed by it.

And this Baimang, the direction of the fall, was surprisingly the location of Jinlin No. 1 Middle School, Grade 3 of Grade One.

The meteor came suddenly, flashed past, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han, who was in the classroom, suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his head.


After the tremor, Ye Han only felt that something had been shattered in his mind, and there was a faint sound like jade cracking.

This sound only lasted for a few breaths, and then stopped abruptly.

The next moment, in Ye Han's mind, there was a melodious bell ringing leisurely.

when! when! when!

After the bell rang three times, a jade palace the size of a thatched house appeared in Ye Han's mind.

"this is"

Ye Han was taken aback suddenly, this sudden palace gave him a feeling of being connected to flesh and blood.

"Wen Gong! This is Wen Gong. I didn't expect the legendary, no, Wen Gong that appeared in the Internet novel turned out to be true!

After a slight daze, Ye Han recovered in an instant, and a huge wave appeared in his heart.

Wen Gong, this is an unfamiliar and familiar name. In his memory, he has seen the word Wen Gong several times when he read a little ink novel in his previous life.

At that time, he only said that it was an unscrupulous author who was ignoring, but who would think that in this life, he actually condensed the palace of While Ye Han was still thinking about it, a bright air current flashed above his head!

The air flow rises, as big as an umbrella cover.

With such a vision, how can other students in the classroom not be shocked?

"Look, what is this?"

"Red gas? Where does it come from?"

"You are blind. Didn't you see that it was on top of Ye Han's head? He must have done it!"

"Of course I saw it, but don't you think it's a little too mysterious? I don't believe Ye Han did it. Maybe it's a chemical reaction?"

"It makes sense. What is such a magical thing in this world, it must be a chemical reaction. Science is the truth!"

The classmates around, talking in a low voice, they were surprised and puzzled.

But when Banhua Jiang Xiaoxuan saw it, she almost jumped up.

"It's the literary spirit, this is the literary spirit, my God, Ye Han is not only a warrior, he is actually a scribe!"

"No, Jiang Xiaoxuan, such an excellent man, must get him. He will definitely become a famous figure in the Dragon Kingdom in the future. If I don't seize the opportunity now, I will regret it forever!"

In shock, Jiang Xiaoxuan wiped a strange expression in her heart.

If Jiang Xiaoxuan could still maintain a sense of superiority in front of Ye Han when she just learned that Ye Han was a martial artist, then she has now clearly realized that Ye Han is definitely not in the pool!

There are only a handful of people like Ye Han who are both civil and military cultivators, looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom.

These people are all the pillars of the Dragon Kingdom!

Now, even though Ye Han's realm is still low, he has shown terrifying potential!

This made Jiang Xiaoxuan not be moved by it, her thoughts changed from simply drawing Ye Han into Jiang's house, to a no-compromise method, she must get Ye Han.

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaoxuan might never know that, in addition to the two professions of warrior and writer, Ye Han is also a terrifying concubine and singer!

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