Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 227 Securing the Remains

Chapter 227 Securing the Remains

Flying over the devastated landscape of the Oriental Blackwatch, a Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion cut through the air, its rotors thundering. The scene below was one of desolation, marked by the aftermath of the B-2's merciless bombardment. Buildings lay in ruins, and smoke billowed from the remnants of what had once been a bustling military camp.

Inside the helicopter, Graves stood by the open ramp, surveying the damage below. His expression was grim, his eyes scanning the chaos for signs of their target. Beside him, a team of ten elite Delta Force operatives and five medical specialists are trained for extraordinary missions involving entities like Crimson.

The pilot's voice crackled over the headset, "Ten seconds to the target location." The team braced themselves, readying their equipment. The helicopter descended, maneuvering closer to the designated landing zone amidst the wreckage.

Graves turned to his team, his voice firm and authoritative. "Listen up! Our primary objective is to secure and retrieve Crimson's body. Expect resistance and unknown variables. Stay sharp and follow the plan."

The team acknowledged his orders with curt nods, their faces set with determination.

As the Super Stallion hovered just above the ground, Graves gave the signal, and the team swiftly rappelled down the ropes. They landed amidst the rubble, quickly forming a defensive perimeter around the landing zone.

Seeing that there was no immediate threat around, Graves pressed his earpiece and spoke.

"Specter-1 to Stallion 0-1, you are clear to land."

"Copy that Specter-1," The Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion responded to Graves' command, its pilot expertly maneuvering the heavy aircraft down to the ground. The helicopter touched down amidst the rubble with a controlled thud, kicking up a cloud of dust around it. The Delta Force operatives maintained their defensive positions, ensuring the area was secure for the medical team to operate.

The medical teams exited from the ramps and immediately surrounded the dismembered body of Crimson. There is a box that looks like a casket, but it's a two-inch reinforced titanium box. For it to break, one must produce a force of approximately 63,000 pounds per square inch. For perspective, the average car tire pressure is about 30 to 35 pounds per square inch (psi). This means the force required to break the titanium box is about 1,800 to 2,100 times greater than the pressure in a car tire. Another comparison would be with the pressure at the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench, which is about 15,750 psi. This means the box could withstand a pressure about four times greater than the deepest part of the ocean.

No matter how strong Crimson is in terms of supernatural strength, there is no way she would make a dent or break out of this box. The medical team approached the task methodically. They wore heavy protective gear to shield themselves from any potential residual energy or contagion that Crimson might emit, even in her severely weakened state.

Using a stretcher designed to handle the weight and peculiarities of such unique entities, they carefully gathered Crimson's dismembered body parts. Each limb was handled with extreme care to avoid further damage or triggering any unknown defensive mechanisms she might still possess.

The team worked quickly but efficiently, aware of the potential dangers in handling a being of Crimson's caliber. They placed each part of her body into the titanium box, arranging them in a way that would facilitate both containment and any subsequent research or examination.

Once all the parts were securely inside, the team sealed the box. The lid was fastened with a series of heavy-duty locks and electronic seals, each designed to withstand immense pressure and prevent any form of tampering or escape.

With Crimson now secured inside the reinforced container, Graves gave a final inspection of the box, ensuring every safety protocol was in place. Satisfied with their work, he signaled his team to prepare for extraction.

The medical unit, with the assistance of the Delta Force, carefully loaded the titanium box onto the Sikorsky CH-53E. The weight of the box required careful balancing and positioning within the cargo area to ensure a safe and stable flight back to their base.

Once the box was secured inside the helicopter, Graves gave the all-clear to the pilot. "Stallion 0-1, this is Specter-1. Package secured, ready for extraction."

"Copy that, Specter-1," the pilot responded. The rotors of the helicopter whirred louder as it began to lift off the ground, leaving the ravaged landscape of the Oriental Blackwatch behind.


Blackwatch Containment Facility, twenty kilometers south of the New Clark City Camp.

The Stallion helicopter made its slow descent down the helipad of the New Clark City Containment Facility.

As the helicopter landed, a team of security personnel and scientists, all clad in protective gear, awaited their arrival. The rotors slowed to a halt, and Graves led his team as they carefully unloaded the titanium box. The box was attached to a motorized transport unit, designed for heavy and sensitive loads.

Graves, overseeing the operation, communicated with the facility's head of security. "We have successfully retrieved the target. Proceed with containment protocols."

"Understood, Specter-1. We have prepared the containment chamber. Follow me."

The team moved in unison, transporting the box through a series of secure passageways, each checkpoint adding another layer of security. Surveillance cameras tracked their every move, and guards stood at every critical junction.

They reached the containment chamber, a large, reinforced room lined with various monitoring and control systems. The chamber was designed to withstand extreme forces and was equipped with advanced surveillance and life-support systems.

The box containing Crimson was carefully positioned in the center of the chamber. Technicians and scientists immediately began their work, hooking up various sensors and monitoring equipment to the box. Their goal was to observe and analyze Crimson's regenerative abilities and any other supernatural characteristics she possessed.

One of the doctors approached Graves from behind.

"Tell the boss that we won't lose her this time."

Graves turned around and faced the man who spoke, it was Doctor Aaron, the head scientist of the Blackwatch.

"Make sure to extract those pills," Graves reminded.

"We will do that after we conduct our tests. We need to know their physiology under the influence of their master," Aaron explained. "There is a lot to know from this,"

"Do it fast, because we believe that the progenitor has a tracking capability. It's only a matter of time before they send a squad to rescue her."

"Which is why we are twenty kilometers away from the main camp," Aaron said.

"Okay, I'm going to leave now."

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