Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 223 The Cavalry Arrives

Chapter 223 The Cavalry Arrives

The arrival of the reinforcements changed the entire dynamic on the ground. Leading the pack was an M1A2 Abrams tank, its engine's low rumble announcing its presence. The tank, a mainstay of armored warfare, advanced steadily, positioning itself with its main gun turning towards Crimson.

Behind the Abrams, a convoy of ten LAV-25s rolled in. These light armored vehicles stopped in a formation near the tank, providing additional cover. Soldiers, quick and focused, disembarked from the LAVs. They took up defensive positions, rifles ready, eyes fixed on Crimson. Their movements were efficient, reflecting their training and readiness for combat.

Above them, the sound of the A-10 Warthog added to the imposing scene. The Warthog circled the area, its pilot scanning the situation below and preparing for a potential strike.

Crimson, who had so far seemed unbothered by the military's efforts, showed a momentary sign of surprise at the scale of the response. She watched the tank and the LAVs, her expression more serious now. The smile she had worn earlier was gone, replaced by a calculating look.

If the Apache's Chain Gun could make her blood barrier ripple and weaken she wondered what the Abrams' 120mm cannon could do. A brief smile returned to her face as she thought that the barrel of the tank was slow so it had no chance of hitting her.

Echo 3-2 approached the other squad leader and spoke. "Be careful, that woman is fast and just downed an Apache helicopter."

"How fast is she?"

"She moves like a blur. If you want that tank to have a high chance of hitting her, then you must keep her in the same location."

"Copy that, thanks for the information. We'll handle it from here."

"Wait…at least give me a weapon. I am still alive and can definitely pull a trigger,"

The squad leader looked to his squad and through stare alone, they understood each other's intention. The other soldier tossed an M4 Carbine to Echo 3-2, who caught it deftly. He checked the weapon quickly, ensuring it was ready for use.

"Okay, what's the order from the Oriental Crown?" Echo 3-2 asked the squad leader.

"Well, our order is to eliminate the magic user. Oriental Crown has also reported this encounter to the Blackwatch leadership and they are awaiting news from them. Let's hope that we are enough to deal with this threat."

"Hmm…after witnessing how she fights, I don't think you brought enough cavalry with you," Echo 3-2 replied, his gaze fixed on Crimson.

At that moment, Crimson's demeanor shifted dramatically. She raised her right hand, biting her finger to draw blood. In an instant, the blood morphed into a long, sharp spear.

Without hesitation, Crimson charged forward. She spun the spear expertly in front of her, slicing through the hail of bullets from the soldiers with ease. The bullets seemed to be deflected or cut mid-air by the spinning spear, rendering the soldiers' gunfire ineffective.

The M1A2 had its bead on Crimson, and seconds later, fired the SABOT round. The armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS) round, a mainstay of modern tank warfare, is specifically designed for penetration and speed. Traveling at velocities up to 1,700 meters per second (about 5,577 feet per second or over 3,800 miles per hour), these rounds are incredibly fast and devastatingly powerful.

As Crimson spun her spear, cutting through the soldiers' gunfire, she was so focused on the infantry that she failed to notice the tank's aim. The round, a blur of speed and force, struck the spear head-on. The impact was tremendous, the kinetic energy of the high-velocity round tearing the spear apart. Shards of the blood-crafted weapon scattered in all directions.

The round, after demolishing the spear, continued its trajectory. It grazed Crimson's cheek, leaving a superficial but significant mark. Crimson reeled from the impact, momentarily thrown off balance. The sheer speed and force of the round had taken her by surprise.

In that moment of confusion, the LAV-25s seized the opportunity. Their Bushmaster II 30mm chain guns, capable of firing at a rate of up to 200 rounds per minute, opened fire. The 30mm rounds, designed for both anti-armor and anti-personnel roles, were accurate and powerful.

Crimson, now realizing the imminent threat from multiple directions, attempted to raise her blood barrier again. However, the simultaneous assault from the Abrams tank and the LAV-25s created a relentless barrage that she struggled to defend against.

And then from above, the Warthog made its run. As the Warthog swooped in, the distinct sound of its 30mm Gatling gun erupted, sending a torrent of armor-piercing rounds toward Crimson. The pilot of the Warthog expertly maneuvered the aircraft, keeping the stream of fire focused on Crimson while avoiding any friendly fire.

On the ground, Echo 3-2 and the soldiers watched as the combined assault seemed to finally take its toll on Crimson.

"What the…she was acting tough earlier and now she is struggling. Well, nothing beats a conventional weapon."

However, his celebration was quickly stifled into silence as the aura of Crimson started to glow brighter and brighter until it reached the point—tidal blood exploding outward knocking out the infantry, the LAV-25, and the Abrams tank a few meters. Most of the infantry went out cold, the LAV-25's engine shutting off, while the tank and other LAV-25s remained operational.

"What the hell…" Echo 3-2 cursed as he staggered to his feet, struggling to comprehend what had just happened. In the chaos, he saw Crimson transform before his very eyes. Her skin, already pale, turned an even more ghostly white. Her eyes, which had previously held a calculating look, now glowed a deep, ominous red. And her hair, which had been dark, shifted into a stark white color.

The soldiers who remained conscious were stunned, their rifles hanging limply in their hands as they tried to process this new development. The few operational LAV-25s tried to reposition, their crews were shocked but determined to continue the fight. The Abrams tank, though shaken by the blast, still had its main gun trained on Crimson.

"All stations…this is Echo 3-2, target seemed to have undergone some sort of transformation. She's more powerful than before," Echo 3-2 urgently communicated over the radio.

"Okay…I will take you all seriously this time…" Crimson said.

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