Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 150 The Second Wave Part 10

Chapter 150 The Second Wave Part 10

[Congratulations! You have killed Cerberus.]

[You have received 80,000,000 gold coins and 300,000 experience points!]

[Your updated stats]

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 33

Available Skill Points: 0

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 3, Driving Proficiency Level 2, Tactical Mastery Level 1.

Experience points: 8,668,325/9,689,407

Current gold balance: 437,210,500]

Richard looked at his updated stats with a sense of accomplishment. The defeat of Cerberus was a significant milestone, and the rewards reflected its difficulty. He compared the two enemies he had faced: Goliath was tough but slow, whereas Cerberus, though less sturdy, was agile.

If he were to choose between them who he is willing to fight, he would certainly choose Goliath.

Richard connected to the command center and reported. "This is Eagle, I have confirmation that we have eliminated Cerberus. Any other mutated zombies nearby that I can exterminate?"

"Blackwatch Actual to Eagle, we copy. As for mutated zombies, there seems to be none of them that can pose a significant threat. All major mutated zombies are done and what's left are only hordes of zombies which our Armed Forces are taking care of…"

Richard tilted his head to the side as he noticed a slight change in Mark's tone.

"Actual, is there a problem?" Richard asked.

"Well, there are mutated zombies approaching the Blackwatch Actual…"

"Don't tell me…has the Hydra made their appearance?" Richard guessed though he wanted it to be wrong.

"No Actual…it's the Flyers. They are coming from above."

When Mark revealed that, Richard heaved a sigh of relief. It's a good thing that it was only Flyers because he had bought something that would take care of them.

"How's our Iron Dome Missile Defense System? Are they online?" Richard inquired about the status of the Iron Dome Missile Defense System, already formulating a plan in his mind.

"Blackwatch Actual to Eagle, the Iron Dome is operational. We've been monitoring the Flyers' approach, and it's ready to engage."

"Good," Richard replied, his tone firm. "Initiate the defense protocol. I want those Flyers taken down before they can do any significant damage."



Within the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp. The Iron Dome Missile Defense System positioned strategically at four quadrants was preparing to unleash its missiles. 32 batteries, each equipped with 15 missiles, locked onto the incoming Flyers. The control team worked swiftly, their fingers flying over the keyboards as they coordinated the defense.

"Missile batteries one through thirty, you are cleared to engage," the commanding officer ordered.

The Iron Dome systems hummed to life, and the missiles soared into the sky, tracing arcs of fire as they homed in on their targets. The night sky lit up with a display of explosive lights, each burst to mark the successful interception of a Flyer.

In Richard's head's up display. He watched the action unfold. Flyers who got hit by the missile were blown to smithereens. However, according to the data, there are over 400 Flyers threatening to invade the airspace of the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp. So not all the Flyers were intercepted by the missile.

Unfortunately for them, the Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp is not only armed with an Iron Dome.

The Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp was also equipped with the Counter-Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM) system, a sophisticated point-defense mechanism designed to detect and destroy incoming projectiles. As the Iron Dome dealt with the bulk of the Flyers, the C-RAM systems sprang into action to intercept those that slipped through.

The C-RAM's Phalanx Close-In Weapons System, a rapid-fire 20mm Gatling gun, spun up, its barrels blurring as they unleashed a torrent of rounds at an astonishing rate. Each round was a 20mm projectile, capable of shredding through the air at incredible speeds. The system's radar tracked the incoming Flyers with pinpoint accuracy, calculating their trajectories and intercepting them with a lethal storm of fire.

Meanwhile, the RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles, part of the camp's layered defense strategy, were deployed. These missiles, small and agile, were specifically designed for point defense against aerial threats. With infrared homing, they locked onto the heat signatures of the Flyers, chasing them down with unerring precision. The RIM-116s, upon impact, detonated with a focused blast, designed to obliterate their targets without causing extensive collateral damage.

Richard observed that the combined might of the C-RAM and RIM-116 systems formed a near-impenetrable shield over the camp. The C-RAM's relentless gunfire created a protective barrier, while the RIM-116 missiles weaved through the air, seeking out and destroying any Flyers that managed to evade the initial barrage of the Iron Dome.

"Things are looking good on our side—"

Richard was cut off as Mark tried to reach him.

"Eagle…we have a situation. Hydra is making an appearance!"

Richard rubbed a hand over his face. It's the only mutated zombie that is about to make an appearance, and now, it appeared.

Well…now that it has appeared, the only thing they have to do is to exterminate it.

"Blackwatch Actual…what is the location of the Hydra?" Richard inquired.

"It's in the northern quadrant. I'm sending you the coordinates, follow it, and it'll lead you to it."

Suddenly…on his heads-up display, a red blinking dot appeared, marking the location of the Hydra. Not only that, there was also footage captured from the MQ-1 Predator.

In the footage, he saw the Hydra burrowing underneath the ground, creating a trail of destruction as it moved. It went under the defensive lines of the Blackwatch Forces, causing the military vehicles to tip over as the earth beneath it shifted and cracked.

Finally, it unborrowed from the earth, revealing itself.

But it didn't deter the ground forces as 50 JLTV Oshkosh, 10 M1A2 Abrams tank, 15 LAV 25, and 20 M117 Guardian converged on it.

"Contact on the target! Open fire!"

The JLTV Oshkosh vehicles mounted with their advanced heavy machine guns went blazing, sending a hail of bullets toward the Hydra.

The M1A2 Abrams tanks, the mainstay of the armored forces, positioned themselves for a clear line of fire. Their 120mm smoothbore guns roared as they launched armor-piercing rounds, aiming for the Hydra's thick hide. The sheer power of the Abrams' main guns was evident as each round hit with immense force, causing noticeable damage to the creature.

LAV 25s, light-armored vehicles equipped with 25mm chain guns and TOW anti-tank missiles, added their firepower to the fray. The rapid firing of their chain guns created a continuous stream of projectiles, while the TOW missiles, guided to their target, struck the Hydra on its maw.

The M117 Guardians provided cover for the infantry as they engaged the Hydra. The soldiers, armed with M4 carbines, fired in controlled bursts. The Javelin anti-tank guided missiles were deployed by teams, locking onto the Hydra and firing. The Javelins soared through the air before striking the Hydra, the explosive warheads detonated on impact.

Additionally, several soldiers were equipped with M32 Multiple Grenade Launchers. The grenade launchers lobbed high-explosive rounds towards the Hydra, the explosions causing further damage and disorienting the beast.

Richard, observing the battle from his heads-up display, spoke.

"Actual…this may be the last monster we are going to face in this wave. We kill it, we end the wave easily. I'm coming over to their position and help. Eagle out."

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