Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 75.1: Reaching a New Record

Chapter 75.1: Reaching a New Record

The highest floor that was reached until now was the 54th floor of the White Tower.

The golden gates of the treasury are now open.

Its a big room but nothings unusual.

Theres no sign of a demon king or a giant dragon appearing so it was a bit of a letdown.

At the front, a steel golem wearing a very lumpy armor comes. Theres no need to say that its a powerful boss.

No way, are you saying that this golem is the enemy?

Oracle-chan shouted from behind as I approached the golem to get rid of it.

Takeru, thats dangerous. Be careful!


The moment I thought so, the steel golem, who slowly raised its big sword with a creaking sound, slashed me at a high speed!


It almost got me but its a good thing that I managed to catch it with my neutral sword.

Without Oracle-chans warning, that would have caught me by surprise.this golems habit is not a laughing matter.

Takeru, thats an autonomous magic weapon, a swift steel golem. Be careful because it can move fast!

A fast golem? This is cheating!

Its as powerful as a slow steel golem, it is a golem but its wearing magic armor, and it is three-meter high with a big sword.

Also, unlike inorganic golems, its movement is accurate. This is already a robot with its own will.

Darn, dont underestimate humans!

Niten Ichiryuu, tiger sword!

I hit the big sword back using the neutral sword on my left hand and I hit its upper part using the light sword on my right hand.

It was hard but still, I managed to cut off the body of the golem, and its movement stopped.

This golem forced me to use my tiger sword which was supposed to be my secret technique

Then, swift golems show up one after another.

Oracle-chan manipulated the goddess statue and hit them but the swift golems fend off the attack of the holy staff and destroy the marble statue of Asama by slashing their swords without difficulty.

This is pretty bad.

Kaara, Ria, and Lyle-sense are casting magic but they wont fall down.

The mercenaries are not very powerful and only me and Louis can cut up such monsters.

The shooters seem to be effective but only the level of containment. They were able to retrain the enemies reaction but guns cant do much against the sturdy steel golems.

Kukkukkuk, it seems like Im needed.

Wake, can you do something?

Wake stood up in front and opened his palm.

His thief aides, who are always following him, gave him a matchlock.

You and your sensei made a rifle but I came up with something that can make me use the magical bullet of rebellion suing a matchlock.

When the golems were hit with Wakes magical bullet of rebellion, the swift golem stopped moving one after another.

I see, so his aides were there so that they can reload the matchlocks for him so he can fire in succession? When Wake shoots, he casts his magical bullet of rebellion on the bullet so even using a matchlock, it has a rifle-like accuracy.

Many of the golems stopped moving because of Wakes barrage.

However, how can a sniper stop a golem from working when its not damaged by rifles that much?

Hero, take a good look. Theres a little red magic jewel on their chests. Since that girl over there said that they were autonomous magic weapons, I thought they were their magical energy source so I tried to shoot them.

I see. As expected of Wake. You are truly impressive.

Wake fixes his blonde bangs while shyly muttering not really.

In addition to his keen eye that had seen through the weakness of the enemy immediately, only someone of his caliber can shoot those small targets with a single shot. As expected, it can be said that the king of thieves is a specialized cheat when it comes to range weapons.

Well, we managed to take care of the situation for now.

Conrad, the old emperor, who broke through this treasury, must have been quite strong.

Now, lets see what treasure is waiting for us.

When I went into the room, I found three bags filled with silver, gold, and platinum coins in a very haphazard manner.

Ive never seen such a design on a gold coin before.

This is an ancient coin of the Holy Liliella Kingdom. We can just melt and cast them but they also have value as antiques.

Indeed. You can make more profit if you sell an old coin to a wealthy collector.

Of course, we shared the loot with Wake but its still profitable enough.

What about that treasure chest over there?

The thieves following Wake checked for traps but they werent able to find anything.

Queen Liliella doesnt use those kinds of traps.

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