Supermarket Space: Traveling Through the Ages and Marrying a Rough Guy

Chapter 245: Auntie, did you recognize the wrong person?

  Chapter 245 Did my aunt admit the wrong person?

  The older sister is Song Yufeng. She is 27 years old and has been married for seven years. Now she has two children. The older one is a six-year-old girl, and the younger one is a four-year-old son.

  My husband’s family is an ordinary family. Although life is difficult, it is also peaceful, unlike other families that are noisy all day long.

  When Song Xi arrived at Song Yufeng's mother-in-law's house, the family was eating lunch. Song Yufeng was chasing after the younger son to feed him, but the naughty son refused to eat well.

  Song Yufeng's parents-in-law, husband, and six-year-old eldest daughter all sat at the dining table and ate. The lunch consisted of porridge with wild vegetables, pancakes with cornmeal and a small dish of pickles. Their life was very poor.

  However, it is much better than the original Ping'an Village, because Ping'an Village's rice output is low, and all of them are handed in every time, unlike the large rice villages outside, where half of the handover is kept and the other half is kept. The main grain distributed to each household is rice.

   "Niece Yufeng." Song Xi called out in a mature tone.

   "Auntie, you..." Song Yufeng looked at the middle-aged woman in front of her in a daze, she didn't know this person at all!

"Niece Yufeng, I am your aunt in the same village, don't you remember? I hugged you when you were young! But since I have been away for many years, I don't even know that you are married, so I asked the talents in the village They found it here." Song Xi pretended to be angry.

  Song Yufeng didn't know what was going on, but she welcomed Song Xi into the main room, "Parents, this is my aunt from my mother's village. She came to see me."

   "Big sister, you haven't eaten at noon, right? Sit down and have a bowl together!" Song Yufeng's mother-in-law invited with a smile. She looked pretty good, not the kind of person who would bully her daughter-in-law.

"No, old sister, I brought dry food with me when I came, and I ate something when I was hungry on the way." Song Xi nodded in satisfaction, put down the basket, and took out a piece of navy blue defective cloth from it, " Niece Yufeng, I wasn’t in the village when you got married, so I didn’t give you a gift, so I’ll make it up for you now. Let’s make clothes for your family and children with this defective piece of cloth! Girls have to do it too, and they must be treated fairly. Do you know, child?"

   "Thank you, auntie, I know." Although she didn't know this auntie, it didn't affect her being touched!

  Song Xi took out two more cans of malted milk, one pack of brown sugar, one pack of white sugar, one preserved chicken and preserved duck, one preserved grass carp, and five catties of preserved meat.

   "Niece Yufeng, this is the dowry my aunt gave you."

   "Auntie, no." Song Yufeng hastily declined. This gift is too expensive, and she has no way to accept it. The defective cloth can be accepted, but these hard-to-buy things are really too expensive.

  Song Xi pressed her hand, "I'm giving it to the two children, niece Yufeng, you have no right to refuse."

Song Xi took out another ten yuan and handed it to Song Yufeng, "I see that your daughter has reached the age of studying, so let's send her to study, don't let her face the loess and the sky like us, and work hard for a year but get nothing. She can’t even fill her stomach, and this ten yuan should be enough for her to finish elementary school for five years, and if there is not enough money for junior high school, we will find a way together.”

  Song Xi really wanted to say, when you lent me fifty cents back then, I could repay you fifty, five hundred, or even five thousand.

   "Aunt..." Song Yufeng couldn't help crying, where did such a good aunt come from, she didn't remember at all, did the aunt recognize the wrong person?

  But my aunt called her Yufeng, so she was right!

  But why doesn't she have any impression of this aunt?

  Song Xi smiled at the people at the dinner table, then pulled Song Yufeng outside the door, and asked in a low voice, "Is there anyone in your village who comes to collect seafood? Such as snails?"

  Song Yufeng choked and shook her head, "No."

Song Xi understood instantly. It seems that Wen Qiang arranged for people to go to the poor villages to collect them, so that those poor people could increase their income. As for the place where they could get enough water, no one would starve to death anyway, so they didn't come. .

"I know a person who needs a lot of snails, snails, mussels, clams, crabs, crayfish, etc., for two cents a catty. If you want, you can pick them up with your mother-in-law, and then accumulate five days Measure it, and then send it to Xianglin, such as the fifth, tenth, fifteenth... on such days, he will wait for you there."

   "Really?" Song Yufeng wiped away her tears and asked in disbelief.

   This is the most common thing in the countryside. If it costs two cents a catty, how much money do they have to make?

"Really, it's best to send it there before dinner in the morning. After all, people are also very busy, so it's impossible to wait for you all day. You should discuss this matter with your parents-in-law, and I'll go first , come to see you next time." Song Xi patted Song Yufeng's hand, turned around and left.

   She didn’t even take a backpack, mainly because she put several backpacks on the roof of the supermarket, and there was no shortage of backpacks.

  Seeing Song Yufeng came back alone, her mother-in-law asked, "Where's your aunt?"

Song Yufeng said, "My aunt went back. My aunt said that someone collected snails, snails, and river mussels for two cents a catty. She said that if we were willing to pick them up, we would send them to Xianglin every Friday. On the 5th, 10th, The 15th... When such a day is sent to the past, there will be people waiting there."

Granny Song Yufeng slapped her thigh excitedly, "Aunt you are so kind, you don't count for giving us so many things, and you also provide us with ways to make money. Please don't say anything about this matter, so as not to hurt us." Your aunt was arrested for speculation, your aunt treats you well, you can't be ungrateful, you know?"

   "I know, I won't say it." Song Yufeng was hit by a huge surprise today, and she is still a little dazed.

Seeing the two children staring intently at the malted milk essence, Song Yufeng made a bowl for each of the two children. Although the weather was hot, the two children seemed to be ignorant of the heat. They drank with gusto. Song Yufeng watched, his eyes gradually turned red up.

  Since then, Song Yufeng's family has also started to make money. Song Yufeng and her mother-in-law are responsible for picking up after work, while Song Yufeng's husband and father-in-law are responsible for sending it there.

  When the two of them traded with 'Lan Tian' for the first time, they both felt lucky. Fortunately, they were two **** men who came. If they let lesbians come to trade and were seen by others, they might be wronged!

Song Xi held a big parasol and walked back with a hand-held fan. The weather was so hot, she ate two ice creams, drank two bottles of ice water, and even ate half of them with a spoon. Iced watermelon.

   I just walked for a while and went to the supermarket to rest. After passing through Xianglin, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

  She walked under a big tree, intending to enter the supermarket here to change clothes, but she noticed something shaking in the grass.

   Thinking it was a pheasant, Song Xi quickly squatted down and moved over there cautiously. After getting closer, he realized that it was a human voice, and there were still two people.

  (end of this chapter)

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