Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 646

646 Look at my finger


“Yes. Lupa, Plow, and Jun Ye Rim should have overheard the conversation. After what happened yesterday... my plan to spend some time alone has been made certain now.” Vincent responded while recalling the rapier stabbing his chest and losing his strength.

“I...” Vincent gently shook his head and frowned. “I need some time alone to recover.”

“What can we do to help you feel better?” Asked Ester.

“I can spend a day casting Minor Regen if you wish. Just say the word.” Offered Lilith.

“I, too, can help.” Added Iris. “I can give you lots of healthy drinks and ma... massage your body if you want.”

“I would like to help with that. ” Sakura moved her finger as if she was prepared for a body massage that only perfection could release the recipient from her service.

Plow wagged her tails while looking cutely at Vincent. Lupa also wanted to join, but she knew Vincent wasn’t done with his announcement.

“I want to go to the forest today. I need to rest my mind and regain my focus. I also need to test out my new skills.”


“New skills? What kind?” They all questioned. Even Jun Ye Rim was interested in learning what new skills Vincent acquired.

Vincent smiled as the thought brought him excitement. He nodded and began explaining the two new skills he acquired after reaching fifty percent Soul Synch with Iris and Sakura.

Iris became fascinated to learn about the Limb Seed skill. She felt happy their bond created a seed.

Iris knew from experience how difficult it was to create new species or subspecies of plants. The more her desire to witness the seed sprout grew, the more her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Sakura was also fascinated to hear Vincent acquired a new skill because of their bond. The thought of her class being shared by Vincent through their bond brought her joy.

Furthermore, the details of the skill born from Sakura and Vincent’s bond astonished her. The skill was about mixing and sharing. It made Sakura feel good not to have pure oni blood coursing through her veins.

Sakura believed she felt better than how Ester, Lupa, and Lilith described giving Vincent a skill or talent because of their bond.

Sakura felt similar to giving Vincent a permanent keepsake. She could know it would always be on Vincent.

Jun Ye Rim frowned. She moved her head, starting from Ester to Sakura, before thinking, ‘I can’t understand why they look happy to hear Vincent gained power from their connection.’

‘How does it work anyway? Is Vincent secretly a special kind of incubus? I only heard they gain stats and not skills.’ Jun Ye Rim pondered before a question flashed into her mind.

“Humph.” Jun Ye Rim quietly pouted before thinking, ‘I can’t give him a new skill since I am a Soulmancer. But... it is not like I want to have a bond with him or anything like that.’ “Humph.”

[What is wrong, Jun Ye Rim? Why are you puffing air? Are you interested in having a bond with Vincent? Hehe.] Kazumi teased.

“Humph!” Jun Ye Rim looked away. Her eyes peeked at Vincent before their eyes met.

Jun Ye Rim saw Vincent with his hand extended toward her. She flustered at the thought of Vincent wanting to hold her hand. However, the reality was different. Jun Ye Rim was at the center of the bedroom.

“I can only show Iris’s bond for now. ” Vincent said before a tiny bead of blood emerged from the palm of his hand without creating a wound.

The bead of blood in the middle of Vincent’s palm changed from a liquid state to a rigid state.

It had the appearance of a red gem, yet not at the same time. As it sheened from the illumination of the bedroom, it resembled a red jewel, yet it could be perceived as a fake red jewel after a second glance.

“Is that the Limb Seed?” Questioned Iris with her eyes sparkling with profound curiosity and her lips revealing a pleasant grin.

Vincent focused on the seed. His eyes soon widened, and a grin appeared on his face as well.


[Name] Limb Seed

[Condition] Fresh

[Grade] Exotic


After mana is injected with the intent of growth into the seed, the seed will enter into a growth medium mode for ten seconds.

Upon being planted a minimum of one inch deep in the earth, liquid, or flesh of a living being, the reaction will occur, causing the seed to sprout.


*Five seconds to mature in the earth, liquid, or blood.


“Yes. This is Limb Seed. ” Vincent confirmed.

Vincent raised his hand to his mouth and bit his finger. A bead of blood appeared, causing the girls to frown and worry. Vincent lost a lot of blood today, after all.

“Why are you injuring yourself?” Asked Iris. She thought Vincent was going to satisfy her desire by placing the Limb Seed in her hand. Instead, Vincent harmed his finger.

[Are you thinking what I am thinking?] The curious Kazumi was the next to ask.

Vincent didn’t respond. Instead, he held the Limb Seed shoulder high and infused it with his mana.

When the order was placed into the Limb Seed with Vincent’s intent, the red seed entered into a reactive state for ten minutes.

It became easy to tell the Limb Seed was ready to sprout as the sheen became brighter and more reflective. It gave the impression of being alive or having a tiny light inside of it.

Vincent placed the seed on the wound, but nothing happened. Not only was Vincent puzzled as to why it didn’t work, but those beside him also did not comprehend what Vincent was trying to do.

[Sigh. Did you forget the seed needs to be planted at least by one inch? But since this is a test and shoving the seed in your finger is a gruesome scene, I suggest covering it with your blood and sending an order to grow.]

Vincent faintly blushed after feeling embarrassed. He was tired, and he did not remember all the details of the Limb Seed.

Vincent followed the least gruesome suggestion. After covering the red seed with his blood, placing the tip in his wound, and sending a signal, the seed began to sprout. As Kazumi guessed, the Limb Seed believed it was planted.

A small green vine resembling any other plant emerged from the red seed. The vine extended as if it was alive before it started to move on its own. The tip divided into two parts before curling and forming a heart shape.

Vincent was counting the seconds. He decided to give another order before the time to Maturity ended.

As the growing plant became more flexible per his orders, Vincent felt more blood and mana being absorbed, yet it was a meager amount, fortunately.

Vincent understood why the Description in his mutation skill line mentioned the Limb Seed becoming a parasite upon being sprouted by blood.

The maturation time came to an end, yet the plant attached to his finger was alive and well. Vincent focused on the plant, and the tips curled sideways as he ordered with his intent. It was indeed a parasitic limb.

The plant on Vincent’s finger enchanted everyone in the room. They clapped and smiled as if they were watching a magic show. It didn’t take long to receive requests about how to move the plant.

The vine wiggled, formed shapes, and even clapped with the two tips. It was like a real extra limb. One which can move as if it was attached since birth.

[Vincent. How about you make it grow bigger?]

Vincent liked the idea. He was in a good mood by watching the smiles of his wives and hearing the clapping. It gave him the inspiration to try something different in the name of testing the limits of the Limb Seed.

Vincent sent the intent order to grow. He felt the roots expanding and growing in his finger like worms wriggling inside his body. Not only was the sensation not that great, but the plant did not grow larger. Only the roots did.

Vincent noticed his finger didn’t lose any of its movement or flexibility. However, it became slightly heavier than before.

-It is not working. I will try again.-

[Okay. I will use Mana Sense to detect any change that can’t be seen.]

Vincent felt reasured to have Kazumi by his side. He didn’t want to cut his finger if the experiment went wrong.

Vincent sent another signal of growth to the plant, but the roots and the vine did not change this time. Kazumi also didn’t detect any change in the mana surrounding the plant.

It became clear to Vincent the parasitic plant did not try to grow more than it could. He also felt glad nothing bad happened to his finger.

On the other hand, Kazumi thought the parasitic limb seed plant probably had a safety intuition to protect its body from overfeeding and dying.

Kazumi assumed similar to how little nutrients will make a plant die, absorbing too many nutrients will also make the plant die. The plant had the instinct to survive.

Vincent decided play time was over. He tried to pull the plant out, but it could not come off. Vincent was in a pickle.

-Kazumi. It is embarrassing to say, but I can’t take this thing off.-

[Hehe. Did you try to order it to be removed?]


Vincent didn’t know if Kazumi was joking or serious. Either way, Vincent was not going to lose anything to try. He had to save his finger one way or another.

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