Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 622

622 Seeking a hopeless revenge

Everyone was currently mourning Vincent’s death instead of lashing out at Vlad. They weren’t attacking him or saying any bad words at the tip of their tongues.

Mimi hated her father at this moment. She didn’t care if her father killed her. She wanted revenge for the death of her lover and blood bank.

Mimi took out a rapier and a buckler from her bag of holding. She furiously glared at her father and clasped her equipment tightly.

“Why do I have to have two parents addicted to their desires? Why is my father addicted to revenge and my mother addicted to the man I call father?” Mimi mumbled with a cold blood lust-filled glare.

“Father. You have gone too far.” Mimi shouted before rushing to attack her father.

This was the moment the chain reaction started.

Ester’s body became lit by multiple sigil tattoos, and above her hands collected and condensed a ball of destructive wind.

Lupa shapeshifted, and her eyes glowed goldenly. Her rage became immeasurable.

Iris’s eyes and horn glowed. From her mouth, steam escaped. While using the Overload trait, Iris took out all the seeds in her pockets and threw them in Vlad’s direction with all her anger.


Sakura touched two bags of holding placed in her pockets. Two one-meter-long tick logs appeared, and they started to crack at the sheer might of Sakura’s infuriated grip.

Sofy placed her hands together, and water dripped on the snow. As she separated her hands, two whips made out of water formed.

Ganni and Russo nodded at each other. Ganni went to protect the children and Russo’s mother while Russo became a man of flame.

Russo began running and behind him was a trail of melted snow and singed grass. He was going to avenge the death of the man who showed him and his mother kindness.

Maria couldn’t believe she failed her job to keep Vincent safe until the judgment by combat. Yet her hand had already decided on what to do. In her hand was a wand firmly held and begging to be used.

After Maria spent so much time with the Lionheart family, she felt angry, and the thought of revenge was in her mind. Her hand acted before arriving at a choice.

Lucas stood up. He looked at the angry people preparing to attack Vlad and said, “I know everyone is emotional, but no one can beat Vlad. Not even if I help everyone present.”

However, Mimi didn’t falter. “Father. NO! Vlad, I hate you!” She loudly said while thrusting her rapier at Vlad.

Vlad’s head became blurry for a moment, and the rapier was deflected. The rapier wiggled as if Vlad hit the thin blade with his head at unfathomable speed.

*Tsk* Vlad extended his hand and pushed Mimi away. “I will have to capture and educate you after I capture and decide on what to do with the remnants of the monster.”

Vlad noticed the snow strangely move. Shortly, he saw multiple vines emerging from the ground. The vines collected into multiple humanoid figures, but it wasn’t time for sightseeing.

Lupa swiftly arrived in front of Vlad. She swung her arms violently, and the hit landed on Vlad, or so it seemed.

Lupa stopped attacking and ran forward. She suddenly entered Vlad’s body and kept running past him. Vlad’s body faded as if it was an illusion a moment later.

Lupa arrived in front of the real Vlad, or so it seemed. Lupa attacked Vlad, yet it was another illusion again.

Lupa and Vlad moved so fast that only Lucas could keep up with their movement. The exchange happened five more times before Lupa stopped and pointed her finger in a certain direction.

“Ambush. ” Lupa said while her eyes stopped glowing.

The real Vlad appeared where Lupa pointed her finger at. When the real target was located, a body elegantly moving in mid-air landed in the blink of an eye.

*Boom* A cloud of snow covered the area, and Vlad shortly appeared in another location with a buckler half destroyed held in his hand.

*Tsk* “What monsters was the monster raising? A beastman who can surprisingly keep up with my speed, yet her body could not, and a sigil mage that can output so much power without caring for her life.” Vlad threw the destroyed buckler on the ground and took out another one.

Vlad sidestepped, and two logs of wood shot past him.

Vlad moved to the other side and kicked the snow. Russo was about to land an attack on Vlad when the snow melted upon landing on the fire armor.

The snow evaporated, and Russo couldn’t see in front of him. He soon felt a powerful kick on his ankles and instantly felt his body spin one-eighty before landing on the snow.

Vlad moved his hand as if slapping someone with his backhand. Two water whips landed mind slap, and half of the water whip popped like a bubble from the mighty slap.

The cloud of snow dispersed, and Ester burst forward with great speed. Vlad became surprised Ester wasn’t dead yet.

Vlad saw a sword in Ester’s hand. He decided to break both the sword and her will at the same time.

The rapier moved at incredible speed and collided with Ester’s sword. *Clang* The two swords hit each other, yet they didn’t break upon impact.

Ester let go of the dormant Elsir. She jumped and spun her body to hit Vlad with her heel. *Clang* Vlad blocked the attack with his bucker and became surprised yet again to see Ester unhurt.

Vlad emitted powerful domination intent and froze Ester’s body from fear. Vlad shield bashed Ester and sent her flying a couple of meters away.

*Tsk, tsk, tsk* “How many monsters were the monster raising?” Vlad questioned when he saw eleven Seed Guardians targeting him with a red core.

The Seed Guardians’ height varied from seven to ten feet tall. Some had more vines than others.

The Seed Guardians could attack anyone in their uncontrolled state, yet their desire to absorb the best nutritious source compelled them to lock their gaze on Vlad.

Vlad was far stronger than the rest and more nutritious. Unlike sensing the presence of multiple people with similar power levels, Vlad was so powerful that he was a beacon in the dark.

Vlad frowned. He moved his hand and grabbed a pair of water whips closing his head. After holding the condensed water with a firm grip, he swung both the whip and Sofy a couple of meters away.

Lapa landed a sneak attack on Vlad, or so she believed. With her senses back to normal and eyes clouded by the few tears of blood welling in her eyes, Lupa couldn’t perceive Vlad’s speedy movement anymore.

Vlad moved his hand, and shield slapped Lupa, sending her flying a couple of meters away. He swiftly moved his rapier and began slashing a barrage of ice lance Maira had amassed.

*Rumble* The ground underneath Vlad shook slightly. Dozens upon dozens of vines emerged from the ground and pierced his body. The body faded, and Vlad appeared a meter away from his previous location.

The eleven Seed Guardians rushed toward Vlad and started attacking him viciously. The attacks were not only random and uncoordinated, but the Seed Guardians something hit each other and absorbed each other’s vines.

“He is mine, you stupid plants!” Grunted Maria while shooting ice lance after the other at Vlad.

While Vlad was slashing the vines and the ice.

While the Seed Guardians became stronger by absorbing Maria’s ice lances.

While Vlad tried to discover the enemy’s weakness growing stronger by the second for reasons he could not comprehend, Lucas went to hear Anna’s orders.

“What does her highness wish to do now? Vincent is dead, and the secret alliance is over.” Lucas asked because he needed to protect Anna.

If Lucas attacked Vlad, he didn’t know if Vlad could decide to attack Anna. Lucas wanted to stop the fight, yet he knew intervening could make the hardheaded Vlad think Lucas was against him.

Anna snapped out of her daze and deep reflections. She blinked her eyes and took a good look around her. A frown appeared on her face when the situation was worse than when Vincent died, and she became shocked to see clearly what was happening at the moment.

Anna saw Shana, Leah, Clara, Beth, Lian, Olive, and Tula crying uncontrollably. Yula, Zefine, Grace, and Luisa were trying to calm the kids.

Beside them was Marika. She was trying to calm her crying daughter in her arms. Ganni stood guard beside them. He had agreed to protect them, even if Russo went to fight and got beaten with one move.

Anna moved her head and saw Lenn and Renn on their knees with life-less expressions as if they had lost someone important in their lives again.

Beside the twins were Eliara and Fliara. After watching how hopeless it was to seek revenge against the person who killed the man who saved their lives, their hearts became full of sorrow.

Anna moved her gaze, and not too far from them was a mermaid with a conflicted expression, as if she didn’t know if she should feel sad enough to cry.

Anna saw a deer woman on her knees while crying as if Vincent was an important person to her. Anna wondered what Vincent was to her.

Anna then saw an orc on his knees. His fists were clenched, and a deep frown was on his face. Holger gave Anna the impression he wanted to avenge Vincent, yet he couldn’t.

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