Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 567

567 The journey of acquiring entrance to one’s own soul

*Sigh* Vincent placed his hands on his waist and said, “What kind of trap will I face next? I wonder what kind of joke you have in store for me.”

[Eeehhh! Is that how you see this cute curvy girl in front of you?]

[And here I was going to help you learn a new skill with the Soul Power points you have hoarded.]

Vincent smiled. “I am listening.” He said in an enthusiastic tone and curious expression.

[Hmm... now that I think about it, I forgot. I might need some encouragement to remember.]

Vincent winked and started flirting with Kazumi.

After a few minutes of flirting passed, Kazumi was satisfied. With a pair of faint white blush on her cheeks, Kazumi explained how she understood Soul Invite worked.

After using Soul Invite many times over the recent days, Kazumi started to dislike working hard and becoming exhausted all the time. She hated the drawback of becoming tired after spending a long time chatting with Ester, Lupa, Iris, Lilith, or Vincent during the day or before going to sleep.

Thus, Kazumi used her intelligence to save herself some hassle.


Kazumi had the brilliant idea to question, ‘What if Vincent could use it in my stead? I would save a lot of my mana on more time with the girls. Wolfie and Freerie are always excited to meet with Ester and Lupa.’

Vincent went to sit beside a tree under the shade. He leaned his back and closed his eyes. He started to focus on the wish to learn a new skill similar to what Kazumi explained.

Shortly, a flash of light caused Vincent to open his eyes. In front of him appeared the skill creation window.



[The desire of the user has been detected.]

[The user can spend 20 Soul Power to initiate the creation of the user’s desire.]

[Will you spend 20sp to start the process?]

[No refund. No discount. Max time 60min.]

[Accept -20sp] [Decline]


While reading the details, Vincent couldn’t help but grin with excitement. “Accept.” He said with a cheery voice.



[-20sp has been used. 660sp remaining.]

[59:59 time remaining.]


The surroundings darkened, and the rustling of the leaves stopped making a sound. Vincent soon found himself invited into his Soul Domain by Kazumi.

[It worked!]

“Worked! Yes...” Vincent paused for a moment. He started to question his memories if he saw the success of new skill development or not.

“What worked?”

[Didn’t you take a look at the window behind you?]

“Window?” Vincent turned around with a frown. He thought Kazumi was joking. However, his eyes soon saw the learning window with updated details behind him.

‘How strange. Why is the window behind me?’ He curiously questioned, yet no one could give him an answer.



[Soul System has detected enough experience, thoughts, and knowledge in the Soul and memories of the user.]

[Soul Hero Skill – Soul Domain Entrance has been created.]


“Soul Domain Entrance! Does that mean I can...” Vincent stopped talking after watching the details of the skill.


[Soul Domain Entrance description]

[The user can visit their Soul Domain for one second and limited times every day.]

[Visits available 0/0]


Even though Vincent learned a new skill, it didn’t mean he could use it. His expression immediately showed dissatisfaction with the new test-like skill he had learned.

[Sigh. The mutation system is greedy. It gave you the placeholder of the skill.]

*Sigh* “Learning a new skill with zero uses isn’t motivating.”

Vincent shook his head and exhaled to clear his mind or unneeded thoughts.

When Vincent focused on upgrading the skill, a window appeared with twenty Soul Power per upgrade requirements. Additionally, the skill revealed how it didn’t start at stage one. Instead, it started at stage zero, meaning it needed ten upgrades.

Vincent sighed and repeated, “Accept.” ten times.



[10 upgrade commands have been registered. -200sp has been used. 460sp remaining.]

[Soul Hero Skill – Soul Domain Entrance has reached Max Stage. Further upgrades are possible.]


[Soul Domain Entrance description]

[The user can visit their Soul Domain for ten seconds and limited times every day.]

[Visits available 1/1]


Vincent and Kazumi became thrilled to see one visit available, and the time reached ten living world seconds. However, their cheery mood didn’t last long.

The Soul Domain began trembling as if it was experiencing an earthquake.

The patch of crystals moved and started to expand. It reached Vincent and Kazumi’s position, after expanding twice its previous size.

From the center of the emerald crystal area, the ground started to rise. The treasure chest in the middle started to move to the side as if someone was pushing it. Yet the egg of Bright remained on the treasure chest as if it felt no movement.

Terraforming was happing in front of them. The previous slightly raised ground became steeper. As the Soul Domain shook and the ground made of emerald crystals started to rise, the thought of a volcano eruption was in Vincent and Kazumi’s thoughts.

A glowing green substance emerged at the center of the five-meter-tall hill, making two fear a real volcano eruption. The danger of the unknown caused them to be on high alert. Even if they could probably do nothing to stop what was happening.

The substance moved as if it was alive and started to take the form of a chair. The moment the chair hardened, the ground stopped shaking, giving the impression the mysterious addition of the chair was the cause of this bewildering event.

Instead of questioning what happened like usual, Vincent and Kazumi started going up the hill while Wolfie and Freerie cautiously followed them.

Vincent and Kazumi soon stopped in front of an emerald crystal chair. While Vincent rubbed his chin, thinking about the new addition of furniture in his Soul Domain, Kazumi curiously sat on the chair.

[Huh? I thought it would be uncomfortable since it is made of emerald, but it is quite comfy. It feels similar to the crystals with the soothing properties of grass.]


[Yes. My Soul feels refreshed. It feels like it is soothing my Soul. It feels soft and comfortable. Now I know where I will sleep now. This chair has officially become my new bed.]

“Maybe the seat works like crystal grass. It looks sharp, with it feels soft and bends like paper upon touch.” Vincent guessed. “Nevertheless, I am happy you have more things in this place.”

[Well, regardless of this fine piece of furniture, you can now visit your Soul Domain once for ten seconds of living time or ten minutes of soul time.]

“Yes. Not only can I visit you guys without tiring Kazumi once a day, but I can also increase my thought process once a day too. I, too, can now cheat time once a day, hehe.” Vincent said while grinning.

Vincent was cheerful to call the ability to hasten his thought process and make the time slow only for him his skill. The ability to dodge or block an attack depending on the situation saved Vincent multiple times already.

[How about we upgrade to the next level since you basically learned Soul Visit?]

“We can try. But do Kazumi, do you think you have enough...”

[Yes, I have. I compiled all the memories of using Soul Invite and Soul Visit.] Kazumi interrupted.

[I didn’t know which was the first skill I learned when I had a body. Well, hehe, now we know that Soul Invite is the advanced version.]

Vincent sat on the chair, and Kazumi sat on his lap. Wolfie sat beside Vincent while Freerie rested on nearby crystals.

Vincent focused, and the upgrade window appeared.




[The user’s desire to upgrade [Soul Domain Entrance] has been detected.]

[Will you spend 20sp to start the upgrade process?]

[Accept -20sp] [Decline]


“Accept. ” Vincent said, hoping for a great result.



[-20sp has been used. 440sp remaining.]

[Soul Hero Skill – Soul Domain Entrance changed to Soul Domain Visit.]

[Soul Domain Visit description. ]

[The user can visit their Soul Domain for ten seconds and limited times every day.]

[Visits available 1/1]


“...” Vincent didn’t utter a word, and from his expression, anyone could tell he was greatly disappointed.

Vincent had a considerable amount of expectations for the skill upgrade, yet the skill’s name didn’t change while the rest of the details remained the same.

Wolfie rubbed its head on Vincent’s leg, and Freerie flew around him. The two soul pets, out of which, one was split into sixteen, tried to cheer Vincent up.

[The kids are trying to help you understand it isn’t the end of the world. Did you forget how many times we didn’t have luck going our way? So cheer up, and let’s continue upgrading the skill while the iron is hot.]

“Thank you. I sometimes forget I am actually cheating. I can not do this without Kazumi’s help and the encouragement of my cute Wolfie and Freerie.” Vincent told everyone.

Vincent focused on success, yet he set his expectations low.



[10 upgrade commands have been registered. -200sp has been used. 240sp remaining.]

[Soul Hero Skill – Soul Domain Vist has reached Max Stage. Further upgrades are possible.]


[Soul Domain Visit description]

[The user can visit their Soul Domain for ten seconds and limited times every day.]

[Visits available 10/10]


*Woof!* *Bzz* Both Wolfie and Freerie tried to warn Vincent about something.

“Huh? Is there a problem?... Huh!?” Vincent got up from the chair after something slimy touched his bottom.

[My bed... Why is my bed looking like a glowing sludge...] Kazumi said while her previous happiness changed to gloom.

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