Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 127: Annoying Harassment

Chapter 127: Annoying Harassment

Another week has passed, and another day of attending some boring classes and training after school was about to begin. The training has started to show its results, with every participant now being able to maintain their magic power control for an hour without any trouble. After doing our usual training today, Im thinking of advancing to the next step. Or that was what was supposed to happen.

As informed previously, we will be using the training area for our class today! After changing into your uniforms, head to the training area! Eh? What? You havent heard about it, Lily? Its going to be a problem if the top student doesnt have her act together! If you dont have your training uniform, then just come naked!

Its that sort of harassment, huh. It seems like Sola, Tebby, and the other students participating in our training had been given the memo at their dormitory room. In other worlds, only Urania and I came unprepared.

Geez, what pointless harassment Professor Hermans doing! I know! Moreover, he even said come naked, hes making light of the Purple Peers Household!

At the dressing room, Sola and Aura, a girl that recently joined our training, grumbled so in anger. The girls that have joined factions have already finished changing and left a while ago with smirks on their faces, while the one other girl that also participated in our training earlier left apologetically.

Both Sola and Aura are also done changing, so all thats left for us is to change. Well, if doing something this small makes them happy, then I guess they can be happy all they want. After all, a change of clothes isnt something I necessarily need to go out of the way to prepare.

I quickly used Dream Fabrication to produce a training uniform. This training uniform is similar to a riding habit and was made for ease of movement. Its made with Dream Fabrication after all, so its actually of higher quality than the training uniform we left back in our room. While it will disappear if it gets scratched, since the top, bottom, and inners are separate, it shouldnt result in becoming completely naked after one hit. Rather, I dont think it would get scratched during training at all.

Lily, that is. Ive prepared spares just to be sure. Mn, mine too? Yes, naturally, I prepared for you too.

Just freshly made though. Her size? How long do you think Ive been with Urania? I obviously know her size.

Successfully changing into the uniform, the four of us headed to the training area together. At the corridor, we were joined by Tebby, and the male students who participated in our training were waiting for us out of concern. Theres really no need to worry much about harassment of this level though.

Tsk Everybodys here! Now then, we will begin our lesson for today. With one week of practice, your magic power control should now be passable to an extent! Today, you will be showing the results of the training youve done up until now!

Oi, you clicked your tongue just now, didnt you! I guess his true nature is finally coming to the surface. Anyhow, the results of the training up until now? What is that even? Even a year with that training wont give you any proper results

Now then, lets begin with a mock battle. Lily! Come up here! And you too Hermie! Glen! Milt!

Including me, four students were called. Hermie is a daughter of a purple peer like Sola and was ranked 5th in the class sorting examination, Glen and Milt are both the sons of blue peers and should be of the first prince faction. I recall that theyre 3rd and 7th respectively. By the way; Tebby, Urania, and Sola should be 2nd, 14th, and 6th respectively. Though with how she is right now, Sola could probably rise to 5th.

The mock battle will be a two-on-two team battle! The teams will be divided into team Lily and Hermie, and team Glen and Milt! Pleased to be working with you, Lily. Of course, its my pleasure to work with you as well, Miss Hermie.

The four of us headed to the stage in the training area. At that moment, I didnt overlook the meaningful gaze Professor Herman sent to Hermie. Come on, now its this kind of plotting?

You will be wearing this thing, its a damage mitigation magic tool. Its only usable in this training area, but itll mitigate a fixed amount of damage. If it breaks, then youll be retired. This tool itself is cheap to produce, so no need to mind the expenses!

Saying so, he handed us necklaces with some sort of jewel. Or rather, only mine lacks the magic that should be loaded into it. I see, so its a two-fold trap. Still, something of this level is barely a trap.

Well then, are both teams done preparing now? Then begin!

With Professor Hermans signal, Hermie casts her magic. While she doesnt seem to be quite good with magic control, her construction speed is pretty impressive. The other two are still in the middle of the construction stage. In a standard mock battle, if this magic hits its target, itd change the battle into an early 2 vs 1 with the advantage on our side.

Take this! Flame Arrow!

The magic Hermie chose was a Flame Arrow that shot five arrows. She likely decreased the number of the arrows to speed up the construction speed. Moreover, I guess she also sacrificed her control, as three of the five are heading straight towards me. Geez, you even have your targets back and this is all you can do? Well, if youre having some difficulties with magic control, then why dont I lend a hand? Were on the same team after all.

Wha-! Thats not what we talked about! Hermie! I didnt-! I was sure that I-! Oh? It seemed to me that you had some difficulty controlling your magic, so I decided to help just a bit. Wha-!?

It looks like she held back a bit, as even though all five of them landed on the opponent, hes still not retired. Nonetheless, a student with sloppy control over magic isnt any match for me. 3 vs 1? With only me having no defense? So what?

While this would go differently if this was a mock battle at the guild, where the use of weapons is permitted; in the field of magic, I probably wouldnt lose unless my enemy was a sage-class sorcerer like Ces. Rather, even with Ces, Ill win next time. Ive already prepared a secret weapon too.

In the end, none of their magic ever reached me; I hijacked their sloppy magic and had them hit each other, while for those that I couldnt take control of, I dispersed its magic power and made it vanish. By the end of it, they dropped the act and just ganged up on me, but it wasnt an issue at all. As all of their damage mitigation magic tools were destroyed, I looked towards the rest of the class.

We of the student council have been conducting a more practical method of magic training. What you have seen here is a result of that training, to say the least. If any of you are interested, please feel free to come to the training area afterschool. We welcome everybody, no matter who you are.

While it was an annoying harassment, that made for a considerably great performance. I guess I should thank Professor Herman for this then?

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