Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 91: Keith Albeck!

Chapter 91: Keith Albeck!

There are not many things that could make Keith Albeck frustrated to this extent as he was currently. Given in what circumstances he has grown up, Keith found himself mature enough to mind the trivial things which bother children of his age. But some of the things cannot be glossed over even if he wants to.

It was currently nighttime when Keith returned to his room after he declined to have dinner for tonight because of the disappointment and annoyance he suffered because of the same person who has troubled Keith the most ever since he could remember.

His older sibling Seth Albeck.

Since childhood, Keith has been trying to live up to the mark where he could make his mother proud of him. He wanted her to look at him with adoration and pride at the things he did. Keith never slacked at whatever phase of his life and at each step he wanted to make his mother look in his direction and praise him even for once.

He just loved and respected his mother to the extent that getting complimented by that lady became the primary motive of his life.

But he was never successful because of a single person. His b*s*ard half-brother.

Whatever Keith did he got compared to Seth. Either it was his wizardry or just handwriting he was told to learn from his big brother. Why? Because Seth was better in everything than Keith even the latter never found that factor.

Keith never found himself inferior to Seth. He awakened skill prior to the age when Seth awakened. Despite being in low tier than Seth, Keith always did his best to show the best results of his efforts and never indulged himself in those things which could divert him from his path.

But even so, for some reason, his mother always favored Seth despite the said person being anonymous and stupid at times. Like when Seth requested engagement with a low-ranking noble house or when he rejected the tuition of physical arts just because he was lazy.

The Duchess never saw Seth in a bad light whatever he did yet Keith was reprimanded with harsh scolding at every step. He was hurt and wanted to complain and scream about this unfairness but Keith swallowed it all.

Reason? Keith knew, the way Duchess was obsessed with her firstborn, it wouldn't be surprising if Keith gets thrown away from the family if he dares defy Seth.

If about Seth's treatment toward him, then that b*s*ard never looked at his three siblings at all, like they were not worthy of the name of Albeck. Despite being the oldest he never considered their emotions and extended a kind hand to understand how Keith and his two sister thinks or feels.

Seth was too proud and arrogant in his own world to consider the people around him. And the fact their mother announced Seth as the official successor of the throne only fanned his ego and elevated his pride to an unreachable extent.

Keith was once again hurt by such an unfair judgment where the Duchess didn't even think of him and without providing Keith a chance to prove his worth, she announced that bas*ard as the next Duke!

After that day, a seed of hatred was born in Keith's heart which only grew denser with time. Keith wanted nothing more than the demise of Seth. But he knew it wasn't possible because of the amount of protection Seth has received in form of his maids.

Not to talk about Seth's own strength which despite being less than the raw physical might of Keith but still in terms of magic, Seth was far ahead.

However, that doesn't builts the fact that Seth was worthy to be the next Duke just because he awakened a Second-tier skill. To be a lord, one has to be superior in lots of skills but Seth paid no heed to those subjects and lived his life as he wanted.

On the other hand, Keith worked hard to impress his mother and did all those things required to become a successful Duke, but to no avail. The Duchess was simply fixated on making her firstborn the next person sitting on her throne and Keith never got the chance to replace him at all.

There was nothing in Keith's power to do but resign to his fate and be the good-for-nothing warrior under the shadow of his 'talented older brother'.

But...something changed in Seth when he returned from the temple where Keith's long wish was about to be fulfilled failed and Seth survived the ordeal. But that was not surprising enough to pale the announcement that Seth did over the dinner.

"I want to vouch for Keith's name as the next head of Albeck Duchy."

That is what he said and made Keith utterly shocked to believe his own senses for the first time. Keith never could have believed if someone has said that his selfish indifferent brother would ever give up on his successorship for Keith, if not for Keith himself hearing it,

Sure there was a small argument between the Duchess and her favorite son, but it doesn't change the fact that Seth announced Keith's name as the potential heir to the throne.

There was a lot Keith wanted to ask that how and why this sudden change Seth adapted and what evil plan that bas*rd had in mind for all this ploy. But again Keith was ignored like he was equivalent to a fly in Seth's eyes.

Despite that, Keith finally got a chance to prove his worth and become a person his mother could be proud of. Someone who wouldn't be shadowed and could shine with all his glory without being shunned in the mud of comparison once again.

Then why Keith was currently this upset?

Seth after returning from his long trip from who knows where, called a meeting with the Shadow Order, one of the assets of the Duchy, without telling their father any reason behind it.

Keith knew his father wasn't regarded much in eyes of Seth but Keith wanted to know the reason for this sudden meeting, being the heir of the Albeck. However, he was once again ignored by that man just because Keith was not old enough to understand the situation?!

And more so, Keith even saw his mother emerging out of nowhere from that meeting office signifying this was a planned occasion by the mother and son duo where no one was allowed to be entangled.

'That a**hole always makes me feel like a filth, nothing more. But I need to know my answers before he leaves tomorrow...even I have to go against mother...'

Keith knew Seth would be leaving for his academy tomorrow and there were things Keith wanted to know before he goes away or who knows how many nights Keith would have to spend sleeplessly.

But just as he was pondering on the method to communicate with Seth, someone knocked on his door, instantly gaining a tongue click from the young man.

"Tch. What is it?! Didn't I say, I wouldn't eat tonight?"

Keith flared at his maid who must be worrying needlessly just like always. But little he did think how wrong he could be...

"Throwing tantrum as always huh brother?"


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