Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 154: Next President?

Chapter 154: Next President?

Serena has been in a dilemma since morning. The reason for her troubling thoughts emerges from the news her mother broke just some hours ago through a letter.

The proposal of marriage Serena's family sent to the Albeck family was a known fact to her. Serena had mixed feelings regarding the proposal since a side of her does like Seth but in what way, it was uncertain. And another side of Serena was afraid to see herself being paired up with such a great man. She was nervous to be regarded as an unworthy wife of the eldest heir of the Albeck family.

Then again, the chances of Seth accepting Serena were too low for her to prepare beforehand regarding how she would serve her potential future husband.

Serena has already ruined her image in the eyes of the President by offering herself not once but twice to him. Serena doesn't regret it since she wanted to save her best friend but now that Seth must have gotten the word of the proposal, he must have been feeling disgusted by the mere idea of making Serena his wife.

That was what Serena thought since other than being an acquaintance she couldn't hope for anything more out of their relationship.

Or so she thought...

'President actually accepted the proposal...'

Serena pretended to not notice how her cheeks were unnaturally heated up even in this cold as she barely held herself from smiling like a fool.

She received a letter from her mother this morning that her engagement has been scheduled for two months thirteen days from today.

'So does it means...Seth as well... ' Serena didn't want to raise her hope but the heart of a maiden doesn't understand logic when romance is involved and surely Serena was no exception to it.

She never was good at reading people from their expressions and someone who generally remains stoic and indifferent like President Seth, Serena barely ever has perceived his mood and thoughts in the past.

Naturally, because of that, she wasn't able to realize whether Seth had anything for Serena as well.

But now...

Unbeknownst to the blond princess, there was a certain individual in the class who was continuously staring at Serena with dead eyes. It was a miracle how the said person has yet to release any murderous intent since just from her gaze one could deduce what the girl desired out of Serena.

The desire to kill.


"So that's it for today. Since final exams would be nearing in a month, I hope all the students focus more on revision."

With that Haruka dismissed the class before she began to arrange her notes.

Seth, who has been silently focusing on the class until now, moved for the first time to collect his books and return to the council office since he had some immediate work to submit.

It was then, when suddenly...

"Is it true, President, that you are engaged with the first year, Serena?"

Normally, no one dares question Seth so openly, and most importantly about his personal life yet the person in question was the tomboy of the class who likes to break the norm and speak her mind without a grain of worry.

Turning his head toward the tall redhead, Seth first thought of ignoring her, but when he realized that not only the questioner but almost everyone was eagerly waiting for an answer, he sighed.

"Yes, it's true, Rebecca. Now that you excuse-"


As something heavy fell on the ground, Seth along with others turned their eyes to look at the spot.

"Ah, sorry about that." It seems Professor Haruka has mistakenly dropped her bag and her books have scattered on the aisle.

The girl nearby went to help the Professor before the latter hurriedly left without turning even once.

Seth squinted his eyes but soon abandoned the thought of reading her mind. Her mental barrier would notify her about the breach and Seth didn't want to be hated by her more than she already does.

Sighing, he took his bag and after pushing them into his spatial storage, he walked away toward the council office.

"Good afternoon, President."

Everyone greeted him as usual, to which Seth nodded and walked toward his seat where his secretary already was waiting.

"Afternoon, President. I would like to remind you that you have fixed your schedule to meet with Serena at four."

Ciel reminded the president since he told her to forward a letter to Serena in the morning. So, to not make a lady wait needlessly, Ciel reminded him.

It was surprising for Ciel as well to hear that the person who has got his heart broken some months ago and was in suspicion to be in a relationship with her best friend Anabelle, was actually going to get engaged to Serena, out of the blue.

Regardless, as a disciplined and experienced secretary, Ciel didn't try to quell her curiosity and remained professional as always.

"Hmm...thanks, for the reminder."

Ciel wasn't too shocked by hearing the President's gratitude since he has become a little considerate and gentle these days but still, it made her heart flutter every time being praised by the man she deeply admired.

Not for him, then Ciel might have never received the award of most valuable player and had to marry some rich young brat after graduation. Now she possesses enough achievements to shut all those mouths who told her that a woman's role was only to support a man.

Old hags should have burnt to death by now. Ciel huffed.

"That reminds me, are you preparing for the election and your campaign speech, Ciel?"

Suddenly, President voiced something that took Ciel off guard. Since he still was working on the review files of the club management team, President, fortunately, didn't see Ciel's flustered expression.

Regaining her bearing Ciel replied in her usual tone, "Yes, President. I have already written my speech and decided on my motto. If things go well, then next month, I would be sitting on your chair."

Shit...that might have gone too far! Ciel inwardly cursed herself for speaking a lot, in the flow.

But the arrow has already been shot and she had no other option than to prepare herself for bitter words Seth would follow with.

Seeing his hands halting and head-turning in her direction, Ciel sucked on a silent breath as she braced herself...only to get surprised upon seeing the smile adorning his lips.

"I also wish to see you succeed in my position, so do your best, alright?"

A dumbstruck Ciel couldn't comprehend how a man could change this much in so less time or what factor bestowed her with this gentle side of her President.

The only word, the current Ciel could mutter out as a response was, "Understood...."

Indeed, the secretary is getting favored. Everyone else in the council room noted.


[Seth's POV:]

It was nearly four in the afternoon when I was walking toward the flower garden where I previously had a meeting with Serena.

As soon my gaze landed on her, a shy smile spread across her face as she slowly got up from her seat.

From the looks of it, it seems she wasn't against the marriage at all, rather she seems to have already accepted me as her partner.

That look, saddened me a little since the thing I was going to tell her surely would break her heart.

'But...I cannot let her remain in the dark about this relationship... ' Fortifying my resolve I made my way toward my possible wife to confess my true motive for this relationship.


A/N: - Some character development and work on relationships would continue before we get on with the chaotic events.

The plot is nearing its end?

Actually no, but there's a possibility that I divide this one into two parts like Wannabe Villain, as well.

Who knows?

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