Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 139: Change in Plans

Chapter 139: Change in Plans

[Arata's POV:]

"Ghak! You bas-" The aggressor of the enemy team in front of whom I just landed, fell back upon receiving the gut-wrenching kick I implanted. It was not a part of my strategy but proactiveness is what makes someone a victor.

And thanks to that, now I have a strong start to showcase my powers to someone special.


The crowd was cheering for me. I can hear it. I am sure Miyuki is also amongst them to watch that bespectacled bastard but at least she wouldn't be able to ignore my performance and would judge how much I have changed compared to my past self.

[Keep your head calm, brat! The match is not over!]

The old man shouted in my head to which I just scoffed and began dashing toward the defender of the opposing team.

I knew it was not the strategy and that bastard Seth must be fuming at me for destroying his 'perfect' plan, but someone has to tell him how the world does not revolve around that shithead just because his mama got some moves.

Ciel is a bootlicking slave of his so she wouldn't go against his words, and as proof, she was already on her way to extract the flags upon hearing the orders from her master.

A bootlicker to the core.

"Watch where you goin' pal... "

"Ohya? " I smirked at the burly guy holding the shield who had the role to defend the base before he made a small dash with his small feet in my direction, intending to slam his shield and throw me out.

I was disappointed by the performance and continued pacing forward without binding the approaching wooden shield which was now meters away from my nose.

Once I acknowledged that it was an appropriate distance from where this defender wouldn't be able to change the course of his projectile, I sidestepped marginally to evade the attack. I haven't showcased the full length of agility which was better than Ciel, and it was enough for the bulky to miss me by inches and continue dashing forward like a bull.

I didn't turn to look where that guy ended up since his speed was paced enough to throw him off the cliff...

....or so I thought.

[Duck, Brat!!]

I didn't process what was shouted in my head and followed the words before crouching down only to feel a gust of wind passing from above me, just inches away from hitting my head.

I kept my head straight and saw that it was the same shield that the defender was using before, which meant...


[You dead]

I didn't need confirmation from the oldie since the time I sensed someone nearing, it was already too late and soon I found a painful kick landing on my left arm, throwing me away with a small flight.

'Fuck... 'I winced since the power behind that assault could have probably taken my arm if not for that potion that that bespectacled bastard made us drink before this round.

It increases the density of the bone, not much to decrease our speed but it strengthens our muscles and frame almost twice as we possess naturally.

I would have been a goner without my arm but no time to repent here I just need to-


"Wait when did you-"

I did not have time to finish my words since the blond supporter of the team whom Seth drowned previously was now leaping toward my direction with her staff already launched in my way.

I only had a fraction of a second to tilt my head to the right before the staff went five inches inside the ground. That was some fucking strength there...

"Surrender or you may suffer... "By the time I regained my focus, Angelena was already crouching over me with her fist inches apart from my face.

Like hell I would be surrendering here.

I swiftly took hold of her wrist before she could react and was about to turn the tables when I felt something breaking in me.

My ankles...


"Good job Markus." That hulk defender jumped with his both feet on my left ankle, breaking it in a single strike.

I didn't know what happened afterward since in between the curses of Angelena and the old man I blacked out.


[Angelena's Pov:]

"Good now that one of his strong contenders is out we just need to-"

"Get rid of me?"

I widened my eyes before jumping on my feet to see the source of this familiar voice.

"UOOH! "Markus didn't wait before throwing a punch right into the face of the opponent team's captain—Seth, only to strike nothing but open air since Seth already moved faster than Markus and jabbed his elbow right in our defender's gut.

"KHWAK!" Spit sprayed out as Markus somehow held his bearing and didn't fall to the ground after that painful-looking strike.

"You! When did you come here?!" I couldn't help but shout since the opposing team was not moving as they should have. Seth shouldn't have reached this platform since he was supposed to be a supporter just like me.


"Initially I planned to play this round peacefully and end it with a smile and a handshake. But now... "His hand reached up to his baton before he twirled the wooden stick masterfully in his hand, gripping it in an inverted hold as he finished his words with a threatening look on his face,"... I am done relying on others to win this. "


[Ciel's POV:]

'Just as he predicted... '

Before this match, President Seth told me that Arata might go out of the way and do something foolish and we might have to face handicap. In such a scenario I was supposed to stick to the plan and Kevin was asked to play the role of both, supporter and Defender, which he is doing excellently.

President Seth engaged the Defender and the Supporter. The two aggressors of the opponent team were trying hard to bypass Kevin but he was just simply either throwing them off the cliff or offering them a single flag of ours.

It was also a part of the plan.

The reason was that the rate at which we are stealing their flags is rather something they could never duplicate.

I am not taking a flag and swimming back to our post, rather as the President stated, to apply in this situation, I am throwing the flags like a javelin, and on the other side Kevin is collecting them easily before planting them in the flag circle.

The opponent team's aggressor wanted to do something similar but Kevin didn't let them and his bulky size and murderous glare were enough to let them be satisfied with one flag per round trip.

This might have gone haywire if not for the preparation President Seth did before the match. And now we were inches away from our victory.

'This day can go no better... unfortunately, not for everyone though...' Glancing at the unconscious boy, I sighed.


A/N: - I hope it wasn't confusing. Drop a comment if you liked the chapter~

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