Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 135: She is here!

Chapter 135: She is here!

[Anabelle's POV: ]

"Where were you? I looked for you all over the place! "

I wailed silently with my head dipped in my beloved's chest as I felt his soft caress over my head. If not for this overwhelming grief I might have swooned in delight by this warmth I have always yearned for.

It was after the conclusion of the first round which was aced by Seth without a hitch as he answered all the remaining questions without facing any trouble. I never doubted his intelligence and felt that it was given that Pristine Academy would excel this round.

Our school group was shrouded with festivity on the first win, more so when this result was entirely unexpected. I thought Ciel was smart but when I saw the results when I returned after searching for Seth, I realized that she was just as helpless as anyone could have.

The tears of joy I saw in her eyes made me relieved as well since more than anyone Ciel is taking this tournament in the name of everything she possesses.

But that would be later to contemplate since right now, I just want to enjoy this embrace.

"I was ambushed. "

My body jerked hearing that before I tilted my head upwards to look at him, and found his expressionless eyes staring out of the window located opposite the bed.

"Who? "

My heart rate dropped slightly as the urge to dye myself in the blood of some pests rose exponentially. The fact that someone dared to take Seth away despite when I was around, was alarming and self-loathing as well.

I did try to search all over the vicinity but there was nothing that could be counted as a trace to find Seth.

"It seems I have angered some underworld organizations and they have now allied to take me out. The reason might vary but their objective is now certain. "

True, that Seth has harmed some underworld goons before but that much couldn't be counted as a massive blow to those criminal organizations. Or maybe I am not entirely informed about what Seth has done in the past.

There was a glaring factor of Duchess Valarie as well who might be the reason why Seth has been getting targeted since it was a widely known fact that Lady Valarie prefers her firstborn over any other of her family member. Though it was a little shocking that someone could dare to openly go against Valarie it was not entirely impossible either.

"But that is not really concerning at the moment. "

Seth let go of me, which was saddening but I didn't pester as I followed his back toward the window with my eyes trained on him, waiting for his next words.

"I met Miyuki."


Anxiety rose inside me as I heard that name. My heart raced in distress but soon I found a hand went over my head, calming my uneasiness instantly.

"Stay calm, Mayu. If you go apprehensive every time upon her name being mentioned then it would be a tough battle for you ahead."

His deep gaze contained warmth and care which was only directed at me and no one else. Seth wanted me to not remain tense then I would obediently comply.

I just need to follow his words then only I can remain by his side.

"Mm. I will not think too deeply about it. "

"Good. Coming back to the topic, I got to know something from her which made me contemplate about distinctive incidence until now. "

Despite he told me not to stress, I could sense the look of discomfort he was holding back, signifying how severe this matter was.

I didn't voice my urgency to know what Miyuki said and patiently stayed silent for him to continue.

Seth went past me to grab a glass of water before he emptied the content down his throat. Gosh, that movement of his adam's apple is so hot and enticing that I found myself swallowing my saliva.

'! Bad Anabelle! Don't think about such things for now!'

Self-reprimanding I waited for him to continue, which Seth did soon after.

"From what she told me, all of us who have reincarnated in this world would not entirely die even if we get killed. This means, our soul would simply get transferred to another person if this shell dies, but a part of our true self would cease to exist."

My body froze at the place hearing those words. I might have regarded all this as bullshit if not for Seth seeming so serious about this, indicating that there was considerable credibility in this news.

My mind went numb for fractions of a second as I plopped down the bed to stabilize myself before my immediate thoughts leaked out, "That means Saito... "

"Yeah, it's possible that he still is alive out there, and if he is, I would once again get targeted. "

"But how...? "I asked with my brows knitted.

"It's all related to that divine tree since from what Miyuki said, all of those who reincarnated have a major role to play in the future, and for that, the said divinity would retain our lives in this world until her motive is not accomplished."

Seth spoke with a sigh as he leaned on the wall opposite me. My gaze fell to the floor and fist clutching the bed sheet in anxiety and anger.

Was this all planned since the start? Are we just toys dancing on the palm of some deity? A lot of questions and not being able to reach any of those answers was frustrating.

"What should we do Seth? "

I asked, lost on any definite route I should be walking on.

There was primarily Miyuki to deal with. Then came these numbskull underworlds. And now that bastard Saito is suspected of still being alive and all more concerning, now a God is in the equation to look out for.

I am feeling...helpless by all this.


[At the same time]

After the contest was over, everyone was invited to the banquet dinner which was arranged at the common venue. Some of the students decided to have it in their room and utilized the services but some chose to join the buffet to make friends and maybe have some fun as well.

But apart from the others, a lone boy sat over a small boulder located on the backside of the building with his legs crossed in the lotus position and eyes tightly closed.

It was Arata who chose to be in isolation since he wanted to interact with the godly entity residing in his soul. Arata not generally contacted the sentinel being inside of him daily and today as well, it was persistent from the other party which forced Arata to dive into his subconscious.


Arata exclaimed inside his mind as he heard the voice of the Thunder Emperor; learning something he could have never expected to hear this soon.

[It is how it sounds, brat. Another otherworldly presence is around and considering how close that entity has been following that bespectacled rival of yours, I suspect that this is no one but... ]


Arata's fist clenched both in elation and anger. Elation because he finally has some clue to find Miyuki and agitation since she still was after Ryuuta even after this long.

But that will change now and Arata would make sure it does.

'I have lost you once already...not this time. Even I have to fight god or kill hundreds...I won't give up on you, Miyuki... '


A/N: - There's a reason why Seth calls Anabelle Mayu yet she calls him Seth.

Seth hasn't moved on from his past life but Anabelle wants to forget that they once shared a brother-sister relationship that's why, despite the urge of calling him 'brother', she refrains.

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