Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 117: Found it!

Chapter 117: Found it!

"Arata Hazadono wins!!"

As the referee announced, the said participant took his sword back into the sheath before he began walking out of the arena with a dull expression spread across his face. It was the third round of the day yet the match has gone anything but normal when the contest included this single existence. However, no one could tell what this young man currently was experiencing to make such an unmotivated front.

The crowd which came to observe the match and learn from the battle all were silently whispering regarding Arata as the major topic of their discussions. It was given that the raven-haired boy would be a hot topic among the masses since the potency he has shown yesterday and today as well, signifies what kind of prodigy the Pristine Academy is nurturing.

"Three strikes is what all it took even though that third-year guy was in the fourth tier and had a strong attribute that should have led to a prolonged battle, given the first year has lightning attributes. But all those mud walls were not enough I guess."

"That guy(Arata) didn't even rely on his skill to win this as he did in the previous one and just through sheer strength plowed Drewin's head into dust."

"Despite the records saying Arata of the first year has a regular body strengthening skill, I could not fathom how he is showing these tremendous results."

Gossips like this were the main reason for the current abuzz in the gymnasium where the duals were taking place. Not only Arata revealed that he was more than what his face value offers but the second attribute or maybe primary from what many concluded, Arata was practically breezing through the matches.

The theory that most of the populace landed upon was that Arata hid his skills and provided a false report during his enrollment which shows that he had awakened just a regular grade skill Body Enhancement. And now when the time has come, he decided to show his real strength and pulverize his opponent through a surprise element. Though it was not cheating but hiding attributes from the school record was rather a chargeable offense.

However, no official has come to collect Arata for further proceeding about his attribute issues which made many confused and annoyed as well. The only fact which was stopping them from confronting Arata was the sense of mysteriousness he carries and the horror they have seen on the battlefield wherever Arata participated as a contender.

Little did any of the school staff or students imagine that a legend has repeated itself and that in thousands of years, someone actually has double awakened with an EX-ranked tier skill.

The world would fall into mayhem once they saw even some fraction of the strength which the Thunder Emperor carries and what changes he could bring in favor of humanity. Conspiracies and strategies would be formed to acquire the potential demi-god existence and Arata was aware of such a possible future.

However, unlike his past self who was easily enticed by every shiny thing, now when the two souls have merged and Arata has found the reason which drives him to strive to a further level, he no longer desires to pursue superficial happiness but rather wants to keep improving so one day he could look into the eyes of the woman for whom the teenager was ready to burn this world.

But that could wait since Arata was not strong enough to win against his peers, not to talk about behemoths like Valarie or the principal. He will slowly build his strength and let the world know the feelings he has ever carried other than grief is the love for a single woman.

And when that time comes, Arata would finally get to rest.


"This is the farthest I can navigate. The last energy spike sent a wave across three kilometers but when located, no certain point was determined hence this quarry was excavated in the hope of extracting the piece of ancient energy."

It was the third day since Seth and Haruka had left the Albeck mansion and a day since that incident occurred. Seth and Haruka didn't wait for the ceremony the townspeople have organized and politely rejected their kindness since they had their primary motive to pursue and that was to dig out the artifact which Seth needed.

The journey ahead was covered in half a day since Seth used his skill to fly over here with Haruka held in a bridal carry. It would have taken another day from the carriage so he told the coachman to return mansion from the town. Initially, Seth thought he would use a carriage but Haruka suggested it would be fine for her even if they fly to their destination. Seth in the first place didn't consider using his skill since he was worried about straining her physically but when she said in 'that' tone Seth didn't argue.

"So it seems. Well, please stay close to me Professor, and don't touch anything if possible."

He was yet again back to his formal speech despite making progress by jumping on the name basis of communication the last day. Since yesterday Haruka had been least talkative or more like she has been behaving coldly toward Seth for the 'prank' he played on her.

Truth be told, he didn't want to take the joke that far but Alba's acting skill and exaggerations which followed along made Haruka lose all her senses and she was about to commit suicide right there and then if not for Seth's timely intervention. He didn't scold Alba since it was not her plan to trick Haruka and gain some moments with her but it was all to blame on him.

Seth could only sigh for now and resign to his fate. He hopes that he could properly apologize and get her forgiveness before this trip ends but looking at the cold beauty walking beside him and the unusual persona she has been wearing around him... Seth knew it would take some time and honest persuasion on his part.

'Hmmm... So this is it... '

Walking in between the boulders and uneven landforms both of them walked past the point that Haruka mentioned earlier. The spike of energy indeed came from the artifact which Seth arrived to claim but the fact that the artifact holds the ability to misguide its location makes it rather complicated for the archaeologists to find the relic. It was after months that Arata along with Haruka came to this place and canon Haruka had enough evidence by that time to lead the protagonist to the ultimate treasure.

Seth's eyes roamed around the place, finding the clue that he has read in his previous life. But suddenly he realized it would be a futile method to find the runic symbol which gives access to the artifact. He had made this place far before his first raid but now that he had the privilege of third eye, Seth found an easier method to conclude this trip.

He came to an abrupt halt followed by Haruka before activating the ring resting over his finger. Supplying a portion of his soul energy soon Seth dove into a world in which he could see far clearer and from a better perspective.

Diving under the ground he didn't have to look far too long before he noticed a stream of raw energy directing him toward something massive. Seth offered his hand to Haruka with his eyes still closed. He didn't have to check from the third eye that his professor was slightly hesitant but soon she placed her hand over his.

Seth felt slight relief that Haruka was not entirely rejecting him before he began strolling forward while skipping over the stones and cracks. The stream of light soon was joined by another and another. Before he could realize a mass plant root-like bunch was gathering and directing at a single focal point.

It was after walking almost two hundred meters from the initial spot that Seth finally found the junction which brought a small smile to his lips.

'Finally found it... '


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