Stranger Danger

Chapter 142: Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction

Chapter 142: Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction

There was a momentary silence after Wei Yueshan was sent flying by Ye Qing. It was almost as if the Pacification Bureau was temporarily subdued by Ye Qing’s show of power. However, it was just the calm before the storm. The next moment, swimming dragons started appearing between the ground, the fake hills, the buildings and more. The sky above the headquarters had also turned into black all of a sudden.

The stars in the artificial night sky grew brighter and brighter. Then, a terrifying pressure bore down from above. Wawa let out a panicked cry and disappeared into thin air. Faceless slumped to the ground and curled into a ball, shivering. Kung Fu Frog dropped to one knee, head bowed and eyes bloodshot with pressure. It tried to look up and stand back on its feet to no avail.

“It’s the Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction…”

Ye Qing’s pupils contracted a little. He too was feeling a stifling amount of pressure and trepidation.

The Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction was one of the thirty six Heavenly Astral Restrictions. A restriction that brought forth the Ziwei Emperor’s presence into existence, it was a fusion between the natural order of the world, the power of the sun, moon and stars, the Purple Star and the Ziwei Emperor’s soul.

The Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction was specifically made to suppress Strangers. Its presence alone was enough to incapacitate most Strangers, but at its maximum, it could even manifest Ziwei Emperor’s soul to command the celestial bodies and do battle against humanity’s enemies. It was incredibly powerful to say the least.

Although the Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction was much less effective against humans, Ye Qing highly doubted he would be able to survive its full power. That was why Ye Qing wisely raised his hands in surrender and shouted, “Please stop! I’m a member of the Pacification Bureau as well!”

“I was recommended by the Anyang Pacification Bureau to—”

Unfortunately, Ye Qing was interrupted yet again when a majestic, awe-inspiring presence appeared in the night sky. It was none other than the Ziwei Emperor. He pointed a finger at Ye Qing and said, “The Purple Star shall subjugate the demons…”

The night sky shook, and the stars fell from the sky one by one. They converged at his fingertip as if all the stars in the sky was his to command and leaned forward as if he was planning to squish Ye Qing like a bug.

“Out you go!” Ye Qing swung his sleeves and delivered Kung Fu Frog and Faceless out of the door. Then, he slowly raised his head and stared at the descending finger.


Every time the finger descended an inch, wind would howl, space would shatter, and invisible ripples would spread to the surroundings. Ye Qing truly looked like an ant compared to the finger.

“Cloud Vaporization Style”

Eyes bloodshot, Ye Qing bent his knees slightly and slowly raised his arm. However, his waist kept falling as if it could not withstand the pressure of the finger or the weight of his fist.

When his waist, his fist, and the ground were all on the same level [1], Ye Qing abruptly shot up like an arrow, his muscles and bones letting out a thunderclap as he did so. His force, his astral qi and his spirit were all gathered inside his fist and molded into his flesh, blood and bone. When all three elements were joined into one, his power was equal to that of a dragon elephant.

With this fist, he would defeat even the Purple Star!


The second he raised his fist, the ground beneath him immediately started rumbling uncontrollably. It was like a series of spring thunders welcoming the return of spring. He punched right through the gale and force in front of the finger and clashed against the finger.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Qing’s lower half sank into the ground instantly. He looked like a nail that had been hammered halfway into a plank. The earth surrounding him started breaking apart like it was paper, and Burning Wind, hot and unrelenting, surged up as if it would destroy the world.

“Oh crap.”

“Retreat! Retreat!”

All the blood drained away from Chu Nianjiu and Lin Yuhuai’s face. They could sense a terrifying amount of power both in the sky and underground. Their clash would surely reduce the entire Pacification Bureau into ruins!

“What are you afraid of when I’m here? Cowards!”

It was at this moment a lion-like roar erupted throughout the headquarters. It was so loud that it stirred up everyone’s vigor and deafened their eardrums. A silhouette fell from the sky toward the courtyard, and the moment their feet landed on the ground, the mini earthquake affecting the entire Pacification Bureau abruptly ceased, and the powers in the sky and the underground vanished like they never were.

The silhouette did a little wave with their hand, sweeping away all the dust and air currents in one go and revealing their—no, his face. He was a middle-aged man with a gaunt, weathered face and dark skin. His appearance was unassuming, and his skin was coarse like that of a forty-year-old farmer who basked in the sun all year long. He also had a wide frame and unusually long arms that stretched below his knees. His fingers were covered in calluses as well.

The misshapen man looked nothing like a champion. In fact, Faceless looked more human than he was. But it was this man who had dispelled the terrifying energies like it was nothing.

“Shoo, shoo!” The middle-aged man waved at the figure in the sky first like it was a dog. The majestic figure responded to his command and slowly withdrew his finger. Then, he, his stars, and the night sky itself disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After the Purple Star Demon Subjugation Restriction was gone, the middle-aged man took two steps toward Ye Qing—he was still partially stuck in the underground right now—and laughed. “I see you’ve reached the initiate level of body-tempering, boy! No wonder you’re able to withstand one-third of the restriction’s power! Hahaha! Not bad at all!”

The middle-aged man looked haggard, but his laughter was as loud as a chorus of bells. While laughing, he tapped Ye Qing twice on the shoulder. The gesture was casual and unconscious, but Ye Qing still sank another two inches into the ground. His shoulder felt numb as well. It showed just how strong the man really was.

He’s most definitely a body tempering warrior, and his body is way stronger than mine! Ye Qing thought in astonishment.

“Phew! Your body is pretty great! Now this is what I call a diamond in the rough!” praised the middle-aged man while giving Ye Qing’s shoulder a squeeze. “Do you want to be my disciple, boy?”

“Er…” The question had come out of nowhere, but there really wasn’t much to think about. The middle-aged man must be pretty high up in the Luo Shui Pacification Bureau. If he could become his disciple, he would skyrocket up the bureau ladder like crazy, and Wang Luori should not be an issue anymore!

“Senior—” Ye Qing was about to say something, but the middle-aged man suddenly interrupted him with the wave of his hand, “Actually, forget it. I’m already in my forties, and I’m still only five dragon elephants strong. You, on the other hand, are already at the initiate level at your age. Frankly, I am not qualified to teach you, so forget it!”

Ye Qing: “...” Can you let me finish?

Also, I don’t mind even if you think you’re not qualified!

Unfortunately, it was too late to bring it up now. Bootlickers and desperate men were unsightly at best and loathsome at worst!

“We greet you, Deputy Chief.”

“We greet you, Deputy Chief.”

It was at this moment Chu Nianjiu and Lin Yuhuai walked over and saluted the middle-aged man respectfully.

“Deputy Chief?” Ye Qing was a bit surprised, to be honest. He never thought that this unassuming man would be the Deputy Chief himself, a.k.a Ling Jianqiu’s master and one of the only two Spirit Masters of the Luo Shui Pacification Bureau, Gu Suitang the “Mountainshaker”!

Seriously, senior, can you take back your words so I can become your disciple?

“Yes, yes, whatever,” Gu Suitang waved them off. It was clear he wasn’t one for pleasantries.

“I greet you, Senior Gu. My name is Ye Qing, and I am the one recommended by Chief Ling of the Anyang Pacification Bureau this year!” Ye Qing got rid of his stray thoughts and handed a letter to Gu Suitang. “This is the letter he wrote, senior. He also asked me to give you his regards.”

Gu Suitang accepted the letter while complaining, “Regards my ass! If that brat really wants to give me his regards, then why didn’t he visit me himself? Kids these days, they think that a single letter is…”

“Haha…” Ye Qing rubbed his nose smilingly. It was as Ling Jianqiu said. Although his master was a hot-tempered man who cared little for trivialities, he was really a big softie on the inside. If he really meant what he said, he would not have accepted the letter, would he?

“You can save the pleasantries as well, boy. Jianqiu had already messaged me about you yesterday. Long story short, you’re the guy Jianqiu recommended and my junior, right? So let’s act like actual seniors and juniors, okay?” Gu Suitang smiled while lifting Ye Qing back to the surface with two fingers.

“No problem, senior, and thank you!” Ye Qing saluted him.

“Deputy Chief, Peacemakers, you have to help me!”

It was at this moment Tian Wu ran over while crying, “This… this insolent bastard has committed many unforgivable crimes today! Not only had he harmed innocent civilians with his Strangers and used one of them as a hostage, he even wrecked the Pacification Bureau! You must kill him for all that is right, my lords!”

Just now, Tian Wu had run far, far away from the battlefield because he didn’t want to be caught in it. It was only after the dust had settled that he crept back to check if Ye Qing was dead, which was why he had missed Ye Qing and Gu Suitang’s conversation. Believing that Gu Suitang had captured Ye Qing, he did not hesitate to pin all the blame on Ye Qing and urge for his execution as soon as possible. Dead men tell no tales. If Gu Suitang killed Ye Qing now, then no one would ever know about his abuse of power.

“Yeah! This is the bastard who hurt my men and even took me hostage, my lords! You need to kill him right away!”

Luo Feibai also ran over to support Tian Wu’s statement, “I am Luo Feibai of the Luo Clan. I beg you to do right by me, my lords!”

“Is that so?” Gu Suitang wasn’t looking at Tian Wu, Luo Feibai or even Ye Qing. The question was directed at Lin Yuhuai.

Yuhuai smiled warmly and produced a book from his shirt. It was dark yellow, ancient, and normal-looking. When he opened the book, it gave off a mysterious energy that was decidedly not normal. After he penned the date on a blank page, the pages suddenly flipped on its own, and ink words leaped out of the papers and flew into the air. They formed a passage that said,

“On Jingrui 3, September 8th, the third quadrant of Rabbit Hour [2], a young man and the second young master of the Luo Clan, Luo Feibai engaged in conflict with one another at Pacification Street. Later, the Pacification Sentinels led by Guardian Tian Wu made an intervention.”

“According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the main cause of the altercation was Luo Feibai wanting to buy the Book Sprite he owned, and the young man refusing to comply with his request. After being rejected repeatedly, Luo Feibai allowed his subordinates to snatch the Book Sprite by force. Physical conflict ensued when a Malice-class Stranger accompanying the young man took action to protect the Book Sprite.”

1. This is technically possible, but yeah it’s pretty weird 👈

2. 5.45 am to be exact 👈

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