Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 19 - 20 Promotion

Chapter 19: Chapter 20 Promotion

Du Yunlong inhaled the faint, delicate fragrance lingering in the air as Wang Zihan gently touched his forehead with her fingertip. In that brief moment of contact, he noticed that her touch was even softer and more fragrant than he had imagined. The sensation sent a surge of excitement through him, but almost immediately, a coolness spread across his forehead, permeating through his entire body.

Instead of resisting the cold, Du Yunlong welcomed it. The chill coursing through his veins eased the blockages in his meridians, making him feel lighter. His spiritual energy flowed more freely, and without hesitation, he sat down to meditate, channeling the energy through the "Extreme Primordial Thunder God's Forging Scripture" to absorb the benefits from Wang Zihan's touch.

Soon, his entire body felt refreshingly cool. He wasn't sure what technique Wang Zihan had used—perhaps it was some legendary divine method like "the enlightenment of divine nectar"—but one thing was clear: this single touch had granted him immense benefits.

He remained seated while Fire Qianshu stood guard nearby, wielding his meteor hammer with caution. After circulating his spiritual energy nine times, the effects of Wang Zihan's touch finally subsided. Du Yunlong opened his eyes, a joyful expression spreading across his face. "Thank you, Miss Wang. I've broken through to the second level of Qi Refinement!"

Indeed, Wang Zihan's miraculous touch had propelled Du Yunlong to the second level of Qi Refinement. If he factored in the power of the "Heavenly Tear Falling Star Sword," his strength was now equivalent to that of someone in the mid-stage of Qi Refinement.

The difference between the fourth and fifth levels of Qi Refinement may seem small, but in the path of cultivation, it marked a critical threshold. Reaching the fifth level meant entering the mid-stage of Qi Refinement, where the power of Daoist techniques increased significantly. Some techniques became so potent that they could decisively turn the tide in battle.

Previously, Du Yunlong had been at the peak of the fourth level, just a hair's breadth away from the fifth. But now, thanks to Wang Zihan's assistance, his strength had increased by at least thirty percent. With his newfound mid-stage Qi Refinement strength, he could now unleash powerful Daoist techniques that were previously out of his reach.

It was astonishing—just a single touch, and he had broken through to the fifth level of Qi Refinement. Under normal circumstances, even with the speed granted by cultivating the "Extreme Primordial Thunder God's Forging Scripture," it would have taken him at least ten days to achieve this. But now, after assessing his energy flow, Du Yunlong realized he was close to fully mastering the fifth level.

"With this level of strength and the Heavenly Tear Falling Star Sword, I might barely qualify as my servant!"

Wang Zihan's tone was as unyielding as ever, but Du Yunlong smiled. What could be more joyful than gaining at least three levels of strength without any effort? Besides, Wang Zihan's extraordinary touch had cost him nothing. She then shifted the conversation back to their journey: "When we reach Yuanzhou, you can try the sweet soy milk there! Only servants I approve of get the privilege of enjoying a bowl of sweet soy milk on me!"

The word "servant" rolled off Wang Zihan's tongue with surprising sweetness, devoid of any derogatory intent. Instead, it was filled with endless care, warmth, and affection, as if she were addressing someone very dear to her.

Having benefited from Wang Zihan's help, Du Yunlong's stance softened. "Anything you say, Miss Wang. Everything can be discussed once we reach Yuanzhou. But may I ask, what immortal technique was that?"

Such a technique, which could instantly help someone break through a barrier in Qi Refinement, was something Du Yunlong had never heard of before. He still hadn't fully grasped Wang Zihan's background, only knowing that she had a powerful master—someone referred to by Pang Tianming as "the Immaculate Divine Nun."

Du Yunlong had never heard of this "Immaculate Divine Nun" and wasn't sure which sect she belonged to. But based on Wang Zihan's extraordinary touch, it was clear that her background was nothing short of remarkable.

Wang Zihan didn't reveal much about the origin of her technique. She simply raised her chin and said, "I merely bestowed a touch upon you, my servant. When we reach Yuanzhou, if your heart is set on the ultimate Dao, I have even greater rewards in store for you."

Suddenly, she swayed on her feet and commanded, "Servant, attend to your master!"

It was then that Du Yunlong noticed the beads of sweat forming on Wang Zihan's forehead, the glistening droplets on her fragrant neck, and the heavy rise and fall of her chest. She had exhausted herself significantly with that miraculous touch.

Grateful, Du Yunlong quickly moved to support her. "Rest assured, Miss Wang. If there's one thing I'm known for, it's my unwavering loyalty!"

"That's precisely why I've chosen you as my servant," Wang Zihan admitted softly, leaning into his support. "And why I'm willing to grant you such benefits."

Wang Zihan's hand was even softer and more delicate than Du Yunlong had imagined. Normally, he might have been entranced, but now he remained respectfully focused on supporting her. He even glanced at her figure—Miss Wang was indeed a beauty unmatched in the mortal world, though perhaps a bit too voluptuous.

Despite her exhaustion, Wang Zihan's pride remained unshaken. "Even though I can't channel any spiritual energy right now, the number of immortal techniques I know is vast and unparalleled. Unlike you, my servant, who only has the 'Extreme Primordial Thunder God's Forging Scripture' to rely on. When we reach Yuanzhou, if your heart desires the ultimate Dao, you'll have your pick of techniques to cultivate."

Du Yunlong, steadying Wang Zihan, quipped, "I still think savory soy milk tastes better."


Wang Zihan gripped his hand tightly, about to retort, when Du Yunlong's expression turned serious. "The Pang family's hounds are here! We're in trouble!"

"What's going on?" Fire Qianshu, who had been observing the exchange from the side, asked with a stern expression. "Are the Pang family's pursuers upon us?"

In the past few days, Du Yunlong had come to understand that the burly man with the meteor hammer wasn't as rough as he appeared. Fire Qianshu had a heart more delicate than a maiden's—he could cook exquisite dishes and even mend clothes with the skill of a seamstress.

Du Yunlong found it hard to reconcile Fire Qianshu's hulking figure with the image of someone delicately sewing and mending clothes, but it was the truth. Without Fire Qianshu in their group, they would have lacked a certain vibrancy.

More importantly, Fire Qianshu's keen mind, combined with his ability to adapt to the dangers of the Falling Star Mountain, made him a perfect partner for Du Yunlong. Du Yunlong pointed to the sky. "The Pang family's hounds have arrived!"

Fire Qianshu looked up and saw a hunting hawk circling high above, watching their group. The bird was so high that from Fire Qianshu's perspective, it was barely larger than a grain of rice.

As Fire Qianshu's gaze met the hawk's, it spiraled upwards before darting off into the distance without making a sound. But Fire Qianshu knew all too well the terror of the Pang family's hawks—they were silent and deadly, ranging far and wide.

"Is there any way to bring it down?" Fire Qianshu asked. He knew that Du Yunlong was a veteran of the Gu family, who had fought against the Pang family for fifteen years and might know how to deal with these birds.

Du Yunlong shook his head. "There's almost no way. Back when the Gu family fought the Pang family, no matter what tactics the Pang family used, we always had a counter. But their hawks were the one thing that gave us the most trouble. Wherever these accursed hawks appeared, their hounds weren't far behind."

In fact, it was even worse than Du Yunlong described. During the Gu-Pang war, despite the Pang family's Foundation Establishment cultivators and high-level martial artists, the Gu family had never been intimidated—except by the hawks. Every time Du Yunlong encountered one of the Pang family's hawks, he couldn't help but think, "If only we had these hawks on our side!"

But wishes were one thing, and reality another. Du Yunlong warned Wang Zihan and Fire Qianshu, "The Pang family's pursuers are likely less than half a day away. With the hawks guiding them, they'll be upon us in no time."

Fire Qianshu asked urgently, "Is there anything we can do?"

Du Yunlong clenched Wang Zihan's hand tightly. "Fight our way out. Even if it costs us our last drop of blood, we have to fight our way out!"

Twenty miles away, on a mountain peak, a grizzled man named Ma Qianjun, aged forty-seven, shouted with excitement, "We've found traces of Wang Zihan and Du Yunlong! Let's move out immediately!"

Beside him, Pang Jiaolong, a fellow martial artist of the Yuanlong stage, grinned maliciously. "Let's see where they think they can run. Those three are as good as dead!"

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