Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 10 - 10 Miraculous Medicine

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Miraculous Medicine

As he spoke, Liu Suiyun's voice regained a faint spark of energy, but this only deepened Gu Yinghua's worry. She feared this was merely the last flicker of life before the end. Biting her lip, she whispered, "Tell me, whatever it is, I promise I'll make it happen."

A tear slipped from her eye, falling onto the man in her arms. No matter how monumental or difficult the task Liu Suiyun asked of her, even if it meant crossing countless mountains and braving endless perils, as long as she survived, she would fulfill his request. And if she couldn't, she would ensure that her master and fellow disciples saw it through.But Liu Suiyun's request was unexpectedly modest. "Before I left, I borrowed seventy-seven coins from Aunt Zhang at the east end of the village. If I don't make it, please make sure the debt is paid."Gu Yinghua recalled that when they left Lin Family Village, Liu Suiyun had indeed sent someone named Liu Xing to Aunt Zhang's store to get some supplies on credit, including those pea cakes he often snacked on. She said softly, "Why worry about such a small amount?""I've never left a debt unpaid, not in money, not in love," Liu Suiyun replied, his face showing a faint flush of color. "In this life, I've been devoted first to love, and second to tending my garden."Voices around them spoke up. "Liu, don't worry, I'll cover the debt.""You must survive.""Liu Suiyun, I know how much you care for Aunt Zhang and Granny Wang, those who have no one to rely on. You always paid a little extra just to support Aunt Zhang's business. Don't worry, I'll look after the elders in the village.""Liu, you don't need to worry about this. Aunt Zhang has probably made ten times that amount from you alone. I'll handle it."Gu Yinghua gently laid Liu Suiyun on the ground, wrapping him in her cloak before standing up. She wiped away a tear, her expression resolute. "He won't be abandoned. Find a dry, sheltered cave or set up a tent!"Huo Qianshu looked up, startled. "Miss, how can we save him?"He could see how deeply Gu Yinghua was moved by this man she had barely known, and he could also see how close Liu Suiyun was to death. Unless a miracle occurred, there was little hope of survival. "Miss, I have some healing herbs with me, but I'm afraid they won't do much..."Gu Yinghua glanced at the setting sun, its rays casting a brilliant red across the sky, much like the fleeting life in Liu Suiyun. "I have a way.""You mean...?" Huo Qianshu jumped to his feet, alarmed. "No, that's meant to save your own life. There are only a few left, even in the entire Shenxiao Sect."The young men from Lin Family Village, who had initially been furious at Huo Qianshu, froze at his words. They didn't know what kind of miracle cure he was referring to, but they understood that if it was something Gu Yinghua, the noble lady, would use to save her own life, it had to be incredibly precious. Especially if it was something even the Shenxiao Sect had in short supply—a sect so powerful it was said that the Han Dynasty came after it. Such a remedy would be beyond rare."He's more important," Gu Yinghua said firmly, clapping her hands together. "I never abandon those loyal to me. Besides, my master gave me this Miracle Fragrance to save lives, so let's use it.""Miss!" Huo Qianshu stomped his foot in frustration. The Miracle Fragrance was worth ten times more than the Xuanyun Jade Cauldron Pill that Gu Yinghua had promised earlier. "Even if you're willing, you need to think of your own health.""I'm willing." Gu Yinghua already had a small, dark pill in her hand, about the size of a sparrow's egg. "I'll take care of myself, but I never neglect those loyal to me... as long as they follow orders."Her only thought was, "Liu Suiyun cannot die!"..."What's that fragrance...?"Liu Suiyun awoke to a sharp pain, his mind racing back to the battle that had brought him here. "Too reckless... but if I hadn't been, could I still claim to be the most passionate man alive? Am I dead or alive?"He was enveloped in a subtle fragrance, not just smelling it, but tasting and feeling it. He realized he was still alive—his clothes were still soaked through, but now he was wrapped in Gu Yinghua's cloak."You're awake?" Gu Yinghua's voice was clear and commanding. "Good. That means I won't have to pay Aunt Zhang your seventy-seven coins."Liu Suiyun sighed in relief, though he had no idea where he was. When he looked up, he saw only the faint glow of a small lamp and the subtle gleam on Gu Yinghua's jade-like face. They were alone, in what seemed to be a tent.The entire space was filled with the delicate fragrance. Despite the pain tearing through his body, he had never felt better in his life.He had seen the world, and not even the Xuanyun Jade Cauldron Pill, worth fifty thousand coins, could have produced such an effect. No, even ten of them together couldn't compare to this. He could feel his body undergoing a profound transformation, as waves of warmth surged through his meridians, bringing him unprecedented comfort. "What kind of miracle drug is this?"Pain and pleasure mixed in a way he couldn't describe, but he knew that Gu Yinghua had just given him something of unimaginable value, something perhaps even close to a Foundation Establishment Pill. And for what? For a man she'd met just the day before? Liu Suiyun couldn't believe that someone would sacrifice such a priceless treasure for him. His heart swelled with gratitude—she was the only woman in the world who would do something like this for him."Don't ask questions," Gu Yinghua said calmly. "Just focus on healing."She could see that Liu Suiyun was out of danger now. The Miracle Fragrance had worked wonders. "Also, about your request for an extra three to five thousand coins, I'm not agreeing to that."What did it matter if she didn't agree? Liu Suiyun was smiling. He knew that this pill wasn't something that could be measured in worldly wealth. It wasn't even something that could be bought with spirit stones; it was a divine medicine, earned only through merit within the Daoist sects.But Liu Suiyun never left debts unpaid, not in love, nor in money, nor in life. So, he pressed her gently, "Miss Gu, what exactly is this fragrance?""Just consider it incense from a Buddha's head. Not only are you not getting extra money, but you'll owe me three to five thousand coins. I'll deduct it from your wages."Watching the soft glow on Gu Yinghua's jade-like face, Liu Suiyun felt a lightness in his body, as if all his pain had melted away. Even his mood lifted. But Gu Yinghua was already fussing over him. "I never neglect those loyal to me, so you'll get a bonus of three to five hundred coins."She mentioned a debt of three to five thousand coins, yet offered a bonus of only three to five hundred. But Liu Suiyun couldn't imagine a better employer. Gazing up at the darkness above him, he thought with a smile, "For my woman, I would give everything, sacrifice anything...""Rogue!" Gu Yinghua scolded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "That's not how you flirt with a lady, and besides, I already have someone in my heart!"She wasn't angry; she knew this man's character well enough. A few flirtatious words meant nothing. But as she uttered the words, "I already have someone in my heart," she felt a twinge of regret. Quickly, she shifted the conversation back on track. "Anyway, let's not change the subject. You're from the Tianji Valley clan, aren't you?"Liu Suiyun was surprised that Gu Yinghua had figured it out. "How did you know?""Seeing how fiercely you fought against the Pang family, who else would hold such a grudge against them but someone from Tianji Valley?" Gu Yinghua said with a half-smile. "I've heard countless stories about the four loyal dogs of the Tianji Valley clan over the years."The Tianji Valley clan was a nouveau riche family in the Tianji County, having risen to power by illegally mining silver. Later, they stumbled upon a gold vein, further boosting their fortune. But their numbers were few, and their skilled warriors and cultivators could be counted on one hand. Most of them were hired hands, not born of the clan's training. Their ruthless reputation was well-known, and it was commonly said that such a family wouldn't last more than three generations.The Pang family, being the most powerful in Tianji County, had long coveted the Tianji clan's mines. When the head of the Tianji clan suddenly died, leaving only a widow named Yan to hold the family together, the Pang family saw it as a golden opportunity. They launched a fierce attack, intending to wipe out the Tianji clan and take over their

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