Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 140: Piccolo VS Raditz

Chapter 140: Piccolo VS Raditz

Good fight!

Im having a conflicting feeling. Piccolo has become so strong! I clearly easily defeated him in the last martial arts tournament.

Seeing Piccolo fighting back and forth with Raditz, Krillin and others couldnt help being happy for him.

Its a pity that they couldnt remain happy for long. After a few rounds, Piccolo gradually began to fall into disadvantage.

Seeing this, Krillin was a little surprised: Why is Piccolo still using 4x Kaio-ken? With his strength, he should be able to use 5x Kaio-ken, right? His opponent is too strong, there is no use in just using 4x Kaio-ken!

No, Piccolo cant use 5x Kaio-ken. Goku said suddenly.


Krillin and the others were surprised, but at the same time in disbelief.

At the beginning, the group started to learn Kaio-ken almost at the same time. Although everyones strength progressed differently, now even the weakest Chiaotzus body can bear 4x Kaio-ken, and if he tries his best, he can even use 5x Kaio-ken. Then why cant Piccolo?

I dont know, it seems to be because of his body structure? I also heard about it from North Kai

At this time, the situation was getting worse and worse. Piccolo, who was able to fight back and forth with Raditz before, gradually began to fall into disadvantage.

Blue veins were standing out on Piccolos body, and after every action, he would pant heavily. He clearly hadnt suffered any serious injury, but he looked like he was about to die.

Damn it!

Piccolo cursed gloomily, his eyes full of helplessness.

His mind drifted back to the time when he was still on Kais Planet more than a year ago.

Piccolo, although you have learned Kaio-ken, I need to remind you that a Namekians body is very different from ours and Gokus body! Although your body can regenerate, it is precisely because of this regeneration ability that you Namekians are actually not suitable for practicing my Kaio-ken.

Why? Shouldnt the regeneration ability be perfectly compatible with Kaio-kens consumption?

Idiot! Dont you know yourself? Namekians regeneration ability consumes your stamina! And Kaio-ken will also consume stamina. And if both superimpose on each other, the burden on Namekian using Kaio-ken is more than double that of ordinary people!

So Piccolo, your Kaio-ken can only be used up to 4x times. Even if your strength greatly increases in the future, you can only use it up to 4x! This is not a problem of strength, but Namekians body. 4x Kaio-ken is the limit! Do you hear me?

Damn it!

Raditzs attack arrived again. Piccolo cursed gloomily and hurriedly dodged it.

At the same time, deep resentment emerged from his heart.

Even people like Yamcha and Chiaotzu can use 5x Kaio-ken, why can he, the Great Demon King Piccolo, only use 4x?

If he can use 5x Kaio-ken, this trash

Haha, Namekian, your movements seem to have slowed down? Is your body unable to hold on?

Raditz looked relaxed as he said while attacking, he could feel that the victory was already in his grasp.

As Vegetas companion, Raditz has always played the role of underdog in the past, and no matter how hard he tries, he is always overshadowed by Vegeta.

With a rare opportunity for him to play the role of a strong expert, Raditzs suppressed emotions completely exploded.

Laughing wildly, he unleashed a storm of violent attacks on Piccolos body.

Under these attacks, Piccolos body was almost at his limit. Not to mention 5x Kaio-ken, he was almost unable to sustain 4x Kaio-ken.

Seeing that his time was about to run out, Piccolo made a desperate move and concentrated all his energy on his hands, overlapping them on his head to gather energy.


The radiance resembled the sun for a moment, exuding resplendent and bright light, and then like an arrow, it struck its target directly.

Rumble! !

Everyones eyes were enveloped with white light, and when the light disappeared, Raditz had been swallowed by the smoke and dust which was shrouding the entire sky, and the terrain of the surrounding wilderness had changed.

However, after the smoke and dust disappeared, Raditz walked out with a dejected look.

Vegeta, these people can actually condense energy to increase their Power Level. The move just now was exactly the same as your Galick Gun! Raditz wiped his face and said. The attack just now has caused some cracks to appear on the battle armor.

Ridiculous, his move is far inferior to. My Galick Gun. If it were my Galick Gun, you would have been long dead! Raditz, hurry up and finish him! Why are you still taking so much time even against someone with such a low Power Level, it seems Ill have to train you more!

Being scolded by Vegeta in front of so many people, Raditz turned red in embarrassment and turned towards Piccolo and said fiercely: Namekian, prepare to end the battle!

Compared with Raditz, Piccolos aura had begun to decline rapidly, and he could no longer even maintain Kaio-ken.

Soon his body became weak and he fell to the ground.

Its over! Raditz shouted, and in the blink of an eye he was at Piccolos side, his fist smashing towards Piccolos face.

Oh no! Piccolos expression changed, but his body had no time to react.

But even after a while, Piccolo found that he didnt feel any pain. He opened his eyes in confusion, and found that Raditzs fist had stopped just a few centimeters away from him.

Goku was standing by his side, blocking Raditzs fist.

Whats going on? Raditz looked at Goku who was exuding a red aura in astonishment. He tried to exert his strength angrily, but realized that he couldnt break free from Gokus grasp.

Looking at the scouter again, Raditz froze for a moment.

Because at this time, Scouter was showing that Gokus Power Level was 450,000!

Kakarot! You..You?

Goku threw Raditz back with a flick of his hand, and he then took out a Senzu Bean and gave it to Piccolo to swallow.

After eating the Senzu Bean, Piccolos body finally returned to normal.

He pushed Goku away and roared, Goku, I dont need you to save me!

Piccolo, North Kai told me about you. Namekians body is not suitable for Kaio-ken! Goku said.

Piccolo frowned: That damn fatty! I dont need to use Kaio-ken to deal with him, I have other ways to take care of him!

Get out of the way, Im going to kill that Saiyan!

Haha, this Namekian actually said he is going to kill me? Raditz turned to Vegeta and smiled.

But Vegeta ignored him, instead staring at Goku with a gleam in his eyes.

He hadnt planned to end them himself, but seeing Goku reveal his strength, Vegeta suddenly became interested in fighting.

Raditz, Ill leave that Namekian and the others to you while Ill deal with Kakarot!


Raditz licked his lips.

Although he really wanted to fight Goku, since Vegeta had spoken, and the strength revealed by Goku, he was not sure that he could defeat Goku.

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