Star Odyssey

Chapter 2920: Revenge

Chapter 2920: Revenge

Many of the mountain-backed giants looked as though they were being liberated, and many of the giant cyclops were also ecstatic about being freed from the curse.

Before he died, the Mountain King shot an unwilling glare at the Cyclops King. "You couldn't kill me! You can't kill me! You could never kill me! One-Eye, you didn't kill me-"

The Cyclops King took a step forward, wanting to deliver the final blow to the Mountain King.

However, Mu Ke’s blade abruptly rose, and he attacked the Cyclops King.

The Cyclops King was startled, and he hurriedly dodged the attack. He turned to glare at Mu Ke, furious. "What are you doing?"

Lu Yin walked past Mu Ke to approach the Mountain King. Infinity appeared. "I'm here to give the final blow."

"Little one, his life is mine! Get lost!" the Cyclops King roared as he tried to push forward.

Mu Ke’s blade rose yet again, and he attacked the Cyclops King.

The giant was enraged.

The Mountain King saw Lu Yin’s punch approaching, and satisfaction covered the giant’s face. "In the end, he still can't kill me, hahahaha."

Lu Yin took another step forward as he confined 100 punches. There was a deafening bang as the back of the Mountain King’s head shattered, and then the huge body slowly fell.

At the same time, Wang Jian and Xia Qin started to sweep away all the mountain-backed giants.

The mountain-backed giants all needed to die within a short period of time, or else the laws of the Giant's Purgatory would cause them all to be reborn in the universe. This was a terrible curse.

The giants possessed an unlimited number of lives, but they were also trapped within the Giant's Purgatory and forced to fight against each other. No one knew who had established such a vicious universe to torture the giants.

Lu Yin looked at the corpse of the Mountain King. As he stared, the Champions’ Stage appeared. It was time to anoint another champion.

Lu Yin had wanted to deliver the final blow to the Mountain King, but not to fulfill the giant’s dying wish. How many people had the Mountain King killed while helping the Aeternals? How could Lu Yin do anything to help the Mountain King?

Lu Yin simply wanted to anoint another champion. He had not been able to add another champion to his Champions’ Stage in quite a long time. In recent battles, Lu Yin had always summoned his conferred gods from his Investiture of the Gods, but the most powerful expert that Lu Yin had conferred was Xia Shenji.

Xia Shenji was no longer strong enough for Lu Yin’s battles. He urgently needed a sequence powerhouse.

The Mountain King was precisely a sequence powerhouse. The giant had been so powerful that even Lu Yin’s Senior Brother Mu Ke had not been certain that he could kill the Mountain King in a one-on-one battle. If Lu Yin could anoint the giant as a champion, it would be a tremendous help.

The only problem was Lu Yin’s fear of suffering from backlash.

He still remembered the agony of the backlash that he had suffered when he had tried to forcefully anoint a Semi-Progenitor shortly after his first stellular tribulation.

As a Semi-Progenitor himself, Lu Yin feared that he might suffer the same sort of backlash from his innate gift if he tried to anoint the Mountain King as a champion. However, the temptation of gaining such a powerful supporter meant that Lu Yin had to try.

"By my name, I anoint a Champion."

After a long time, Lu Yin was finally anointing another champion. He watched as the image of the Mountain King slowly appeared on the Champions’ Stage. A loud noise filled Lu Yin’s head. It was almost like an explosion, and he grew a bit dizzy.

He has experienced this sensation in the past. This was the backlash from his innate gift that had appeared when he tried to surpass his level when anointing a champion. Sure enough, anointing a sequence powerhouse as a Semi-Progenitor was enough to trigger another backlash.

Not only was Lu Yin suffering, but his Champions’ Stage also started to shake. The image of the Mountain King that had appeared on the stage suddenly moved away from it and shot towards Lu Yin, looking almost as though it was alive. This was not the real Mountain King, but rather the sequence particles related to the law of the universe that the Mountain King had wielded.

Anointing a champion also anointed the champion’s sequence particles. At this moment, Lu Yin needed to not only deal with the backlash from surpassing his own realm by attempting to anoint the Mountain King, but he also needed to handle the backlash from the Mountain King’s sequence particles.

Mu Ke quickly took action, and he tried to sever the approaching sequence particles with his saber.

However, a portion of the law of the universe swept past the blade and shot towards Lu Yin, carrying with it the resentment of the Mountain King that had accumulated over the course of countless years.

It was a massive number of sequence particles. While Mu Ke had blocked most of them, what remained was sufficient to badly injure Lu Yin.

Desperate, Lu Yin released the universe from his chest, and the shell of the Hollow isolated him. The sequence particles were weakened as they passed through the Hollow, but some remained, and they slammed into Lu Yin. He felt as though he had been punched by the Mountain King himself, but luckily, he was able to endure the attack.

He gave a bitter smile. He had not expected there to be such a severe backlash from anointing a sequence powerhouse as a champion.

Lu Buzheng could not have known anything about this matter, and Lu Tianyi and the others had not considered the possibility of Lu Yin attempting to anoint a sequence powerhouse as a champion. Or was it possible that they had never attempted such a thing?

There were not very many Sequence Progenitors, and even during the Daosource Sect era, it was hard to say just how many of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas had reached that level. Xia Shenji had been the most powerful Progenitor aside from the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, and none of those people had ever been anointed as a champion. It was possible that a similar backlash had appeared when a Sequence Progenitor was conferred as a god, but Lu Tianyi had surpassed the strength of all the other Nine Mountains and Eight Seas. Thus, he would not have had any problems handling the backlashes that might have appeared when conferring those people.

No one had considered the possibility of a Semi-Progenitor like Lu Yin trying to anoint a sequence powerhouse as a champion, but that was exactly what had happened.

On the Champions’ Stage, the image of the Mountain King’s appearance became even more ferocious, and his roaring reverberated in Lu Yin’s head as his Champions’ Stage trembled.

He forcefully endured the vertigo. Since he had already suffered the backlash, as long as it did not continue to increase to a point that he could no longer endure, he would continue to try to anoint a new champion. If he gave up, all of his suffering so far would have been in vain.

The image of the giant grew clearer and more distinct, but at the same time, Lu Yin’s dizziness grew worse and worse. His eyes were so bloodshot that it looked like his blood vessels were about to burst.

At this moment, the body of the Mountain King suddenly shattered. When that happened, the corpses of all of the mountain-backed giants shattered as well. However, no flesh and blood was left behind as the shattered remains scattered across the Giant's Purgatory.

On the Champions’ Stage, the image of the Mountain King instantly disappeared.

Lu Yin went bug eyed. What the hell had just happened?

Everyone stared at the scene in a daze. So many corpses had just exploded, so why was there not a single drop of blood to be seen? Blood had flowed in rivers during the recent battle.

The Cyclops King was stunned, and he quickly examined himself. He was composed of flesh and blood. He was real, but how could the Mountain King have disappeared in such a manner?

All of the scattered corpse fragments that had spread across the Giant's Purgatory started to converge in a particular direction. Ultimately, everything gathered above where the Mountain King had died, and an image appeared in outer space.

The image showed two massive armies colliding. They were the mountain-backed giants and the cyclops. Everyone watching easily noticed the Cyclops King and the Mountain King. The image showed the same tragic scene that had taken place when the second battalion had first entered the Giant's Purgatory.

However, the universe in this image was different from the Giant's Purgatory. In the image, the universe contained planets, people, and other living creatures.

The two races of super giants collided, shattering multiple planets and extinguishing various species. The universe was destroyed, and that destruction transformed it.

The image then shifted to focus on a single planet, featuring a hellish vision. Countless people cried out as they were swallowed by lava. Untold numbers of people struggled on the edge of life and death, trying to escape. While the universe was vast, where could they flee to for a hope of survival?

Any one of the giants’ chains could pierce through the void, and a single shockwave could destroy an entire region of the universe.

Wails and cries for help rang in the ears of everyone watching the scene play out.

Everyone in the second battalion was watching. It was a familiar sight. Anyone who had fought a battle in outer space had witnessed such a scene before.

Lu Yin had witnessed similar scenes all too many times before. He had fought in many wars, and he had watched countless people struggle to survive, especially ordinary humans. Those people simply wanted to survive and live ordinary lives, but they were ultimately destroyed without even knowing what had killed them.

This was the cruel reality of the universe.

The image finally focused on a little boy. This child stood alone at the edge of the cliff as he looked up at the starry sky. There was only half of a planet remaining beneath his feet, and he was also about to be swallowed up by the destruction. Following the boy’s gaze, it was clear that he was watching a fight between two super giants. He was staring at the Cyclops King and the Mountain King.

The resentment and malice that filled the child’s eyes caused everyone who saw him to shiver.

"Why is this happening? Why do you want to destroy my home while fighting against each other? Why does your battle have to affect my family and kill my parents? You deserve to die! All of you beasts deserve to die! I swear, if I survive, I will force you to live forever, suffering the pain of war while making it impossible for you to live or die-"

The little boy's vicious oath rang out across all of the Giant's Purgatory, and everyone turned to look at the Cyclops King.

The giant’s eyes flared as he stared at the image with pure hatred. He ground his teeth so hard that they nearly cracked. "It's him! He’s the one who created the Giant's Purgatory. He’s the one who cursed us to live forever!"

Lu Yin's eyes remained calm. The image showed the little boy leaping off of the cliff.

The image then disappeared.

The vision had not lasted for very long, but everyone who saw it felt shocked. They had just witnessed a stunning moment in history.

The war between the super giants had destroyed a planet, but the only survivor, a child, had ultimately succeeded in getting his revenge. He had become an absolute powerhouse who had then created the Giant's Purgatory, forcing the cyclops and the mountain-backed giants to fight an endless war. They would never truly die, and they had no hope of escaping from their terrible fate.

That child had succeeded, and while achieving revenge could be thrilling, all who understood what had happened felt a heavy weight fall upon them.

What cultivator had never harmed innocent people, even if only by accident? Such actions would form karma that would eventually return to them one day.

Lu Yin closed his eyes and considered what he had just witnessed. Had he ever harmed innocent people? Of course he had. But, did he even know about it?

This was similar to the Cyclops King. Had the giant ever cared about an ant-like child during his fights? And yet, in the end, it had been that same child who had cast the super giants into hell.

Seruzen’s innate gift proved that karma truly existed, and Destina had survived a horrible backlash from her divination by transferring her karma to others. She had fought too many times in the Fifth Mainland, and no matter how many lofty excuses were given, there was no way that Destina could ever make things up to those who had suffered from her battles.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. He honestly did not regret any of his actions. If he had not made the choices that he had, could the current Heavens Sect have ever come to be? What about the crusade that he was leading? Given all that he had done to help humanity, Lu Yin was willing to bear the consequences of his actions.

Inexplicably, he remembered the future he had witnessed from the merged Books of Destiny. Was what he had witnessed a scene of his karma returning to him?

The void was shattered by a punch. The Cyclops King was panting, clearly furious. Only at this moment had he learned the reason behind the existence of the Giant's Purgatory. It was no wonder why the laws of this particular universe had forced the two races of super giants to fight and kill each other. The giants had all come to hate their very own existences, and yet, they had still been unwilling to die at the hands of their enemies.

Someone had taken advantage of the giants’ mentality, forcing them to continue fighting for endless years.

The Cyclops King roared angrily.

Off in the distance, all of the giant cyclops roared as well. Their eyes were bloodshot, and they were all eager to destroy their own universe.

The second battalion remained silent as they watched the giant cyclops vent their rage, but not everyone sympathized with the giants. Some of them saw certain shadows in the giant cyclops’ fate, as it reflected the cruelest truth of reality.

"Listen to me!" the Cyclops King shouted.

All of the cyclops turned towards him.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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