Star Odyssey

Chapter 2721: Primeval Cards

Chapter 2721: Primeval Cards

Lu Yin watched as the Evernight card slowly fell into his hand. "If my suspicions are true, then I hope to one day lead humanity to break past this false sky to see the true sky and the true universe.

"I hope that, one day, I can allow everyone to make their own rules and restore true freedom!"

There was a snap, and the sky opened. A dark line appeared, and it stretched out of sight of everyone who looked up.

This was the Hollow, and it had appeared without any reason at all. It broke the sky open and split the ground below, making it look like the universe had been split asunder.

Shan Gu, Sovereign Shao Yin, Xu Wuwei, and the other peak powerhouses all stared upwards in shock, none of them understanding what was happening. No enemy had attackedin fact, there had been no attack at all. Despite that, space had just broken open.

More accurately, it was not a spatial tear. Rather, reality itself had been torn apart as far as anyone could see. This was not space or the void that had been split, but reality itself. The fabric of the universes that everyone understood to be all that existed had been cracked open.

On the floating island, Lu Yin was badly startled. He felt as though thunder had just exploded in his mind, and it caused his hands to tremble so badly that he nearly dropped the card in his hand.

He looked up; were the Aeternals attacking?

Everyone was blown away, and they all stared blankly at the sky.

The black crack looked like a massive mouth that spread across the entire universe, wanting to swallow everything.

At this moment, a flash of white light emerged from the dark crack. Was it a corner of the card?

Anywhere else, where people were not actively trying to attract cards, this detail might have been overlooked, but during the Shangsan Festival, everyone recognized the appearance of a cards corner.

In the Hollow that split the universe, the corner of a card had appeared. The moment it appeared, the Evernight that Lu Yin was holding trembled, and then as he let out a gasp, it slipped away.

Lu Yin looked down to see that his new card had just escaped.

High up above, in the Hollow, the cards started to appear one after another. It looked like they were about to pop out into the visible universe.

Cards that had been hidden across the floating island started to appear and disappear, almost as though they were worshiping the card that had appeared in the Hollow.

Everyone who saw this felt confused. Why had a card appeared in the Hollow? It seemed as though it was trying to break away from something and was struggling to descend, but it also gave off the impression that it was accepting the worship of all the present cards.

No one could understand what was happening.

Only Shan Gu stared at the corner of the card that had appeared, and his eyes grew incredibly sharp, while he also became extremely excited. His entire body was trembling. Its true! The legends are true! Those cards truly do exist!

There was not a single one of these cards in the Lost Clans possession, but Shan Gu had watched the Evernight appearance, and Shan Gu had also seen how the card that Xuan Qi should have been holding had disappeared without a trace.

Its that kid! Hes the one who attracted that card.

Just when everyone thought that the card that had appeared in the Hollow would descend, it suddenly pulled back and disappeared. The Hollow that had opened up also started to slowly disappear. In the space of a single breath, it had already disappeared entirely, as though it had never even been there.

The universe returned to normal.

People glanced at each other in confusion, and then all of the peak powerhouses present turned to Shan Gu. Unless they were mistaken by what they had just seen, a card had appeared in the Hollow, and cards belonged to the Lost Clan. However, what in the world was that card?

The card clearly existed In the Hollow, which was beyond the understanding of even Sovereign Shao Yin and Xu Wuwei. Were there truly cards hidden in the Hollow?

Everyone wanted an explanation from the Lost Clan.

Even more importantly, who had drawn out that card?

Shan Gu abruptly took action, and he sealed off the central floating island. "Everyone, the Shangsan Festival is now over. Please return to your respective universes, and please forgive my Lost Clan for any lack of hospitality that we may have shown you."

As soon as the man finished speaking, people started flying out from the central floating island. All of them were foreigners who had participated in the Shangsan Festival.

Sovereign Shao Yin's eyes turned steely. "Senior Shan Gu, no Shangsan Festival has ever ended early. Is this related to the card that just appeared? May I ask about that ca-"

Shan Gu replied before the Sovereign had even finished speaking. "Sovereign Shao Yin, this concerns my Lost Clans internal affairs and is none of your concern. Please return!"

Sovereign Shao Yin's expression changed, as Shan Gu's attitude was clearly no longer friendly.

Xu Wuwei gave a slight smile. "It seems that your Lost Clan really does have cards beyond the Immemorial level, and there are also cards hidden in the Hollow. This is quite intriguing, haha."

He then left without voicing a single question.

Chen Le glanced at the central island before also taking his leave.

Right after that, Sage Jiang and Bureau Director Gan left, and Mu Ke also emerged from the floating island. Sovereign Shao Yin was unwilling to leave without learning anything, but Shan Zheng approached and gestured for the Sovereign to move away from the area. Sovereign Shao Yin had no choice but to leave with a sullen expression on his face.

In the end, only Xu Heng remained behind, and there was a frown on his face. "Where is my junior brother, Xuan Qi?"

All outsiders who had participated in the Shangsan Festival had been cast out of the central island, except for Lu Yin. Xu Wuwei had noticed this, but he had not cared. Chen Le had also noticed, but he was similarly unconcerned. Xu Heng alone had stayed back to ask about Xuan Qi.

Shan Zheng replied, "Grand Elder has taken care of things for him. Brother Heng, please head on back. You dont need to worry, as nothing will happen to Xuan Qi."

Xu Heng took a deep breath. This was his first time attending a Shangsan Festival, and yet such a strange matter had occurred. He did not know who had drawn that card from the Hollow, and he also had no idea what would happen to Xuan Qi.

"My junior brother attracted a seven-star Immemorial card, which might create problems with your Lost Clan, but please dont make things difficult for him. After all, he has met with Lord Xu himself and received his approval." Xu Heng gave a subtle warning before leaving. He wanted to catch up to Xu Wuwei and ask the older man to reach out to Lord Xu.

The importance that seven-star Immemorial cards held for the Lost Clan was self-evident. Xuan Qi alone had been kept behind, so he had to be in trouble.

No one other than Shan Gu had noticed that the Evernight card had disappeared, and this was also why Shan Gu had immediately sealed off the floating island. He did not want anyone to know that the card from the Hollow had frightened the Evernight card away and made it disappear from Xuan Qis hand.

At this moment, the only people remaining on the floating island were members of the Lost Clan and Lu Yin.

Lu Yin glanced around in a daze; where had his Immemorial card gone? It had vanished, disappeared completely, and the card from the Hollow had not fully appeared. What did that mean? Had Lu Yin failed to exchange his card?

He wanted to leave, but an unseen power stopped him.

"Xuan Qi, right?" Shan Gu stepped out and smiled at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked over, startled by the old mans sudden appearance. There was no hesitation as Lu Yin offered a quick bow. "This junior is indeed Xuan Qi. I wonder who you might be, Senior?"

He felt incredibly nervous. A single glance was enough to tell Lu Yin that this man was a powerhouse from the Lost Clan, and it was very possible that he was capable of seeing through Lu Yins Mask of Death, which was a big problem.

Shan Gu observed Lu Yin. "Do you know what the card that just appeared before you is?"

"This junior does not know."

"That one is the seven-star Immemorial card, Evernight," Shan Gu stated.

Lu Yin was shocked. "Seven-star?"

Shan Gu stroked his beard. "My Lost Clan only possesses three seven-star Immemorial cards, and Evernight is one of them. It represents the power of darkness and desolation. As long as the owner can drag an enemy into that card, even extremely strong powerhouses might suffer and die, irrespective of the card owner's personal strength."

Lu Yin bitterly replied, "But that card is gone."

Shan Gu nodded as he gave Lu Yin a measured stare. "True, it's gone. A seven-star Immemorial card disappeared because it was frightened away."

Lu Yins eyes narrowed and stared at Shan Gu. "It was frightened away?"

Shan Gu and Lu Yin stared at each other. "What did you just think about?"

Lu Yin probed the old man, "Ive heard legends of Primeval cards that surpass Immemorial cards, no?"

Shan Gu grew solemn. "The corner of the card that appeared from within the Hollow is part of a Primeval card."

Lu Yin was flabbergasted. "To my knowledge, the peak of human power is the level of peak powerhouses. Each parallel universe has their own name or term for that level, but the person who unquestionably stands above all others is the Cyclic Universes Great Sovereign. Despite that, even the Great Sovereign himself is recognized as a peak powerhouse. Is it possible that that card surpasses the level of the Great Sovereign?

"This junior doesnt understand, so if Ive said anything offensive, I ask that you dont hold it against me, Senior."

Shan Gu smiled. "Human beings are simply too insignificant. What does it mean to look at the stars of this universe? The most powerful cultivators are able to alter a universe, but they can only alter it. Can a peak powerhouse bring someone back to life? Can they transform a creature into a different species? Can a plant be transformed into a human? Can a person be transformed into a plant? Can a peak powerhouse do any of that?"

"Of course not, its impossible," Lu Yin answered confidently. Everyone said that the most powerful peak powerhouses were able to alter the rules of a universe and that they possessed unfathomable power. However, what was regarded unfathomable power was really just the power that resulted from when peak powerhouses altered a universe. When they took that action, their power was also changed, and it could be granted to others, providing a new cultivation method. However, a cultivation method could not fundamentally change a human into something else.

Biological creatures were able to alter and change on their own, but they could not be forced to change by a peak powerhouse.

How could a Progenitor bring a person back to life? How many peak powerhouses were capable of treating Ming Yan's injuries?

Shan Gu lamented, "Not even the strongest peak powerhouses are omnipotent, but living creatures exist and continue to evolve, leading to incredible diversity and infinite possibilities. Why is this? Have you ever thought about it?"

Lu Yin bowed again. "This junior is not in any position to consider such things."

Shan Gu replied, "Given your talent, you will eventually become a peak powerhouse yourself. In the Voidforce Universe, youll be regarded as a Void Suprema. On that day, try to think about how humans, creatures, plants, and everything in existence exists and operates. These are questions that all of the most powerful cultivators consider.

Lu Yins eyes narrowed, as the old man was referring to sequence particles. The Transcendent Universe had been studying sequence particles, but so far, their research had only successfully proven the existence of sequence particles, as well as the possibility of modifying them. However, there had been no progress in determining the reason for their existence. This old man was presenting questions to Lu Yin that surpassed even the Transcendent Universes research goals, and in some sense, they even surpassed the limits of human imagination.

Lu Yin bowed low to the old man. "Thank you, Senior, for your advice. If this junior is truly able to become a peak powerhouse one day, I can assure you that I will consider the matters you have mentioned.

"I wonder, when can this junior leave?"

Shan Gu laughed. "Dont you want that Evernight card?"

Of course Lu Yin had not considered that possibility, as he simply wanted to leave as quickly as possible and get far, far away. This old man had to have seen through his Mask of Death, and yet he was still extremely willing to share information. Lu Yin could not understand this old man at all. "The fact that the card disappeared means that this junior failed to attract it. After touching the card and losing it, how could I have any thoughts of obtaining it?"

Shan Gu replied, "You attracted it. Are you truly willing to accept it being frightened away by that Primeval card? That card is Evernight, a seven-star Immemorial card."

Lu Yin responded in a bitter tone, "If that is my fate, then I can only accept it."

Shan Gu shook his head. "Do you truly want to leave?"

Lu Yin hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

"Join my Lost Clan!" Shan Gu suddenly stated, startling Lu Yin. He stared at Shan Gu with a blank expression.

"Join the Lost Clan?"

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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