Star Eater

Chapter 175 - 175

Chapter 175: Chapter 175

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Typhon had come to see Arceana and check up on her. It put a smile on my face, and I left her in his capable hands. His, and the many healers and doctors that were present. He was smart enough to know to stay out of the way, and Arceana appeared to be fine.

Nothing was irregular, and it's possible she had some magical flare-ups. Unusual, but these are unusual times. Maybe it's from all the residual magic from recent incidents that have been affecting her? It was impossible to tell, and nothing was showing up on any spells that scanned her.

My thoughts lingered on my sister for a time as I walked back to the throne room. However, the closer I got, revealed a pair of voices talking. This surprised me as not many would likely speak with Sir Arthur. Most of the military weren't his biggest supporters unless they were under his direct command. All the other branches were rather irked about how he's been treating the other Generals and us.

"I see!" Lucia's voice pitched in as I stood next to the guards standing outside the door. "I cannot believe that worked! How did you learn so much about magic!?" Her voice was excited, and she sounded as if she was enjoying herself.

"As I said before, I knew a very talented Elf who was very knowledgeable in magic and spells." Arthur replied fondly but in a somber tone. "Always had a way of explaining things so even I could understand." Then he took on a more amused tone. "Despite my ineptitude in the subject!"

"What happened to him?" She inquired, and Arthur became quiet.

I listened in, as did the guards, despite their best to look uninterested. "The same thing that is happening now..." Our Knight finally spoke after a moment. "Demons." My eyes widened slightly at that. "They always seem to know who to target when it comes to those I care about. He was no different. Although, I do think he pissed them off enough for the Demons to target him specifically." Arthur explained.

Silence once again reigned until Lucia broke it. "Is that why you hate Demons and are so cruel to them?"

A chilly breeze seemed to come through the cracks in the closed door, and I frowned in nervousness. "Demons are just like everyone else. They scheme, plan, make deals, and betray those foolish enough to believe them." Arthur answered in a cold tone. "Never believe for a second that it's just Demons you need be wary of, Lucia. Every race is capable of the same deeds. The Demons just had someone in charge that is a bit more difficult to deal with."

"I see..." It was clear she was unsure of how to respond.

"Animals and monsters, Lucia. No matter what you see on the outside, know that it is just a front." He stated. "Someone who seems meek and weak to you may be a wolf. Another who seems strong could be a tiny bird. Everyone hides what they are on the inside, and you'll never know what that is until they are faced with confrontation."

"And what of the monsters? Where do they hide?" Lucia asked back in a joking but serious tone.

Arthur was quiet for a moment before I heard his answer. "Right in front of you."

Entering the throne room, I was surprised to see the two of them relaxing on our thrones. "An interesting viewpoint to have, Sir Arthur. As is your choice in sitting on our throne." Lucia had bolted from the seat while Arthur lazed about.

"Not like there was anywhere else to sit." He replied nonchalantly as he remained sitting.

"Get up." I told him in a firm tone.

The man had the nerve to roll his eyes at me before standing and then gestured for me to sit down. "Do you feel better now?"

Rubbing the sides of my head in exhaustion and annoyance, I replied. "Not really, no." Turning to Lucia, I spoke. "Go check in on the Vithari Queen."

Needing no further prompting, Lucia made herself scarce after taking one last glance at Arthur. "That was kind of rude. She's been keeping me company."

"And you have been telling her to be wary of everyone!" I replied in an irritated tone.

"A good policy to have. One I'm sure you've adopted yourself." He said before gesturing to me. Stepping beside me, he continued. "Not like you and your sister can afford too much trust to strangers."

I groaned. "You have been far from perfect, Arthur." He quirked a brow at my reply. "We have admitted that we handled some matters concerning you, rashly. However, you are completely unpredictable, which is never a good thing." Then I poked his chest before continuing with an eye roll. "Murdering Elves left and right certainly did you no favors in earning our trust."

He scoffed and waved a dismissive hand. "Please." Arthur gave me an amused look as if mocking me. "I did us all a favor. It's not my fault you and your sister's favorite race is filled with a bunch of uptight assholes."

"By the gods, you are trying my patience."

"Good. I've been doing my job then."

Groaning, I moved to my throne before sitting down and shaking my head. "As amusing as this bickering is, I need you to do something for me."

Our Knight crossed his arms, already giving me a look. "And what about my book?"

Closing my eyes, I had to stop myself from counting to ten out loud as I tried to calm myself. "I-"

"Caused I'd really like to read it." He interrupted me.

"I'm too tired for this." I mumbled before I teleported him away.

Not a moment later, a portal opened, and he returned with a concerned look on his face. "Did you really think that would work?" Arthur inquired.

I shook my head. "No, but I was hoping it would. I deserve something to go my way today."

Arthur groaned before rolling his eyes. "Fine!" He grumbled. "What do you need me to do? No need to be so dramatic."

"There's part of me that thinks you're good for my sister and I, while another part just wants to slap you."

"Some might call that feeling arousal." Arthur suggested playfully. "I cause that kind of effect in many women." I just groaned in response.

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