Star Eater

Chapter 160 - 160

Chapter 160: Chapter 160

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Releasing General Alwin as we arrived, he immediately looked up at me. "Priestess, with all due respect-"

"Keep your respect and pick your battles more carefully. Arthur is insufferable at times, but you posing any sort of challenge to him is impossible." Giving him a cautionary look, he frowned. "Attack him again, and you will face the consequences of your actions without any help from me."

He scowled as he glared at the floor. "Why did you put him in charge..." Alwin whispered to himself, but I heard it.

Confronting him, I stepped before the Elf. "What did you say?"

Looking up at me, he fumed angrily. "Why did you put him in charge!?" Gesturing wildly with his arms, Alwin continued. "I worked hard for this position and spent decades of my life in service to you, but you give some stranger the same rank and respect that took me years of my life to earn!" Flailing at me with a glare, he continued. "What did those years of service even mean to you!?"

"Your years of service were your decision and yours alone. My sister and I did not force you to join the military. You volunteered and chose to stay when your time was up. Diligence, fortitude, character, integrity, and so much more is why you have the position you do." I explained evenly as I met his harsh tone with one of understanding. "However, in the short time Arthur has been here, he has accomplished more than you in your entire career."

He gestured to himself. "Because I follow protocol! I delegate! Running headfirst into danger without any regard to anyone are the actions of someone unfit to lead!" Alwin replied harshly.

I nodded in agreement. "He does, but in those situations, it is likely I would have done the same." Gesturing to the General, he seethed. "You and General Kheri Naset are some of the few in our military that could fight a Ghoul." Rubbing a sore spot on my stomach, I continued as I looked down at it. "Even I struggle holding my own against a group of them." My eyes darted back up. "Arthur has time and time again shown great strength in the face of adversity."

"The man is barbaric!"

"Yes. He is. Although I think that is just a sign that he is used to a different lifestyle than we are." I pointed out. "However, even in his barbarism, there is dignity. Arthur is many things, but he has his own morals that he keeps to. Your sister learned that lesson well and was lucky he did not seek retribution." Then I placed my hand on his shoulder again. "Despite your emotional state, I think you are angry because you know some of his words rang true, and that is what has angered you."

"I performed my duties to the-" He began, but I cut him off.

"You did, but was it enough?" Alwin became silent. "Whatever issues you have with Arthur Pendragon, I suggest getting them settled. He ignored your sister's slight against him and no doubt has a less than favorable outlook for you." Then I sighed. "Then again, it seems like he might hate most Elves." Giving a small shake of my head, I continued. "I do not know the inner workings of Arthur's mind, but I do not think continuing down this path to be a wise choice, General."

The doors opened, and in walked Lucia. "Greetings, Elincia and General Alwin." She looked at me without reading the room and spoke. "I would like permission to borrow the General." Quirking a brow at that, she continued upon seeing my look. "I have a few questions I would like to speak to Sir Arthur about."

Alwin immediately started grinding his teeth in anger, which went unnoticed by Lucia, but not me. Things were starting to make some more sense with the General's outburst. Alwin quickly adjusted himself as Lucia looked at him with a smile. The two of them truly were children and thought my sister and I none the wiser about them, but it made them both happy.

I nodded towards Lucia. "Very well. Make sure he escorts you if you go into town, and remember to remain hidden. Word of your existence is now spreading, but many will still mistake you for Arceana."

Lucia nodded. "Of course. The General will be with me the entire time." She said in a chipper tone. "Right?"

"As you command." Alwin replied with a slight bow and even tone.

Arceana appeared, and I eyed her for a moment as Lucia and Alwin began to leave. They gave her a quick bow, which she returned. I knew we needed to speak about what had just happened, but my eyes quickly landed on the form of Alwin Farro, who was leaving.

"General," I called out to him, and he came to a sudden stop, which got Lucia and Arceana to gaze in my direction. "Never," I began as he turned around slowly. "Speak to me in such a tone again. I will overlook it this time, but do not let it happen again." Lucia turned to him, confused. "Do we understand one another?"

He kneeled and quickly replied. "Yes, Priestess." Then they were off.

My sister stepped beside me. "Do we have a problem?" She inquired.

"Not with Alwin," I answered and then sighed. "I know we need to talk, but one of us needs to retrieve Typhon first." Arceana looked stumped at that before sighing. "I'll be right back."

I quickly retrieved the poor boy, who was unaware that we had accidentally left him behind. To be fair, he likely would have understood. Given that there was a large assault on the farm from the Ghouls, he was preoccupied with speaking to Cassidy and Austin. A child I was grateful to have around. Arceana loved that boy and was excited for me to meet him upon my return a decade or so ago.

Teleporting back to the Temple with Typhon in tow amazed me at how fast time can fly when dealing with the mortal races. Although, having a Dragon around will be a nice change of pace. Especially since none would dare hurt him with our name bestowed upon him. While Arceana did go against my advice with that decision, I admit that my judgment was wrong. He was a wonderful addition to our lives, and I enjoyed his company very much.

Once we were in the Temple, Typhon gave me a quick hug since no one else was around. "Thank you for picking me up. Can I go down to visit them again soon?" The child inquired.

I returned the hug. "Of course. Ayda will be heading back down to the bottom rung soon, and you may stay with her during that time."

He smiled and gave Arceana a hug, which she kneeled to return before using her magic to summon a snack of sorts. Typhon wandered off and left the two of us with small smiles on our individual faces. Unfortunately, they quickly faded as we turned to one another.

"Tell me everything that happened from the very beginning." Arceana stated as she looked at me with a worried expression.

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