Spy Mage System

Chapter 177

177 The Brutal Attack

Soon enough, the rocket landed, and a big ball of fire erupted-sending cars flying and sending people screaming. The rocket blew up in front of us, and we all had to duck down as it sprayed flames and smoke everywhere. Pieces and glass, and flipping cars filled the horrifed streets, and I could hear people screaming and yelling as they were trying to get away from the explosion. It threw me to the side of the car as B making our SUV swerve right in the opposite direction we were traveling towards it. It threw all of us back in our seats from the impact as I tried to grab onto something. My body was being tossed from one side of the car to another.

Another one landed.

The explosion sent two cars flying, flipping like dominos in the air, and I could see them collide into each other before they landed on the ground. Pieces of the car shot out once they landed, and people were running in every direction, screaming.

“Stay in the car!” B said as he took out his binoculars and looked at the sky.

It was a horrible, horrible sight. B leaned over in my seat and grabbed me by my shirt, pulling me up with him.

“Everyone okay?” he asked as he looked over at me. Everyone nodded their heads, but there was fear on all of our faces. “This is bad. We need to pull back a bit,” B said, looking around, then he pulled out his cellphone.

“This is B,” B responded. “What’s going on down there?”

“We got eyes on them!” the man responded over the radio. “We’re sending in backup right now.”

“We need to pull back!” B ordered over the radio. “We’re in a crossfire here.”


“How far back?” he responded.

“Half a mile,” B said as he looked out the window at me. “We need support over here!” He turned it off, as more of our SUVs began to size up on the convoy as people began to shoot at them with automatic weapons again.

“Keep going,” B told us, but I noticed that our car was slowing down as people began to look around and not really see what was happening because there was a massive fireball blocking out all the sun. But all of a sudden, all our radios began to static. “What’s going on?” Tisiah asked.

“Hello!” Maddie Cone suddenly greeted, and I felt like screaming, because I recognized her voice right away. “How’s my shooting? It’s kind of hard doing it from up here, to be honest.”

“That was you?” Malachi hissed, but Maddie Cone just laughed, saying, “Yeah, it was me!” She laughed even harder as she said, “You all should have listened to me in the first place!”

“What do you want?” Nikki asked, still with her gun pointed out the window. She was holding back the shooters from the convoy with her gun, but she couldn’t do much more than that as she ducked down low from all the bullets that were flying by us. “For you to die, obviously,” she said. “I’m quite aware you guys were listening, so I told you-I’m coming for you.”

“Not our men,” B corrected, and I looked back at him as I could tell he was scared too. “You won’t get away with this,” he said, trying to sound threatening as he gripped his gun more tightly in his hand. “Well, being the state of your operation, I think I will,” she said, laughing through the radio, as everyone in our SUV ducked down. “Oh, wait-that’s right,” she said as she laughed more. “You’re not going to be around to see it!”

“What do you mean?” I asked, but she only laughed more.

“Trust me, I have one last one just for you,” she said, but then she stopped. Then she got off of the radio. “Why did she hang up?” I asked, but as I looked up-I saw it. The airport.

“Okay, agents, once the convoy lands, everyone needs to attack,” B ordered through the radio, and I looked back at him with a shocked expression on my face.

“Attack them?” Nikki asked. “Are you insane?”

“Yes,” B responded calmly. “We have to attack.”

“Our men are gonna get annihilated!” September said, looking up at B with worry.

“Not if we do it right!” he responded.

“B!” Nikki said, but he ignored her and took out his binoculars again. “Trust me,” he said, looking at us with sincerity. “We can do this. This is for Masaru-not us.” I couldn’t deny it. He was right, so I nodded my head as he kept talking to us over the radio.

“Everyone knows what to do,” he said, and as I looked out the window, I saw some of our teammates in front of our car with guns aimed at the convoy as we began to pull away from them and head towards the airport.

“What’s your plan?” Nikki asked, but B didn’t say anything at first until he looked up and smiled at me.

“I’m going to draw them into my trap,” he said with a grin on his face, as we continued to drive into the airport as we were now surrounded by buildings.

“What do you mean by that?” Tisiah asked.

“Just trust me,” he responded. Soon enough, we parked, and we began to storm out of our cars. “Alright, go, go, go!” B shouted to all the agents, who began to storm the convoy of cars as I could hear gunshots and people screaming in every direction.

I saw several members of the convoy shooting at us as we were being shot at too, but it wasn’t like they had a chance to really fight back against us or really escape as they were being shot at all over the place. The shooters were coming out of their cars with pistols aimed at us, while our teams were firing at them, too. The drivers of the trucks were now trying to run away, but they couldn’t get anywhere as the agents shot at them while trying to escape into the airport itself.

But then I heard a loud crash. It sounded like something had fallen or someone had been hurt, but then I saw an SUV fall over. It fell on its side before landing on its top as I heard glass shattering all around me as people began to scream in fear at the sound of metal crashing and glass breaking all over the place.

The agents who were on foot were trying to get away from the convoy as they ran for cover behind cars and trucks and anything they could find for cover as they ducked down.

“Everybody get down!” someone shouted, and then there was more gunfire as they began to shoot at us with automatic weapons. The agents got hit with bullets that were flying from all over the place as I felt something hit my arm from where I was running behind a car for cover. I looked up and saw that someone was shooting at us from atop the building nearby as people began to run out of the airport entrance with their guns raised above their heads and pointed in our direction.

“They got BMO agents from inside the airport?!” Malachi shouted in shock, and I realized it was true. That meant that they had been planning this for a long time, which I knew B was aware of when he made his plan to attack them in the first place.

“Move back-back-back-back-back!!!” September shouted, and I could see that she was right as the agents began to move back. The BMO agents began to storm our front lines as bullets reflected off cars and windows as we kept firing our guns and firing back at them as the agents kept blasting at us.

“They’re coming in closer!” Nikki called out.

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