Spy Mage System

Chapter 170

170 Yelling on Church Grounds

I looked around, seeing all that happened, and then I sighed heavily before turning my head around to see Tisiah staring at me with his mouth agape; he must be feeling like this was all some kind of nightmare. I was covered in sweat as well and panted for breath. “Okay, that was a lot,” Malachi said with a wheeze. All the agents were on the ground, knocked out or possibly dead. Pretty sure knocked out though, they looked it; if they weren’t dead then it was only a matter of time before they were, especially when you’re caught off guard by a spell that powerful.

“Okay, we need to get out of-”

All of a sudden, we heard more agents coming our way, and guess who was with them: Maddie Cone. “It’s her,” Malachi said with a whimper, his face pale white with fear as he hid behind me and Tisiah.

I didn’t know what to do, but there was no time left now so it didn’t matter what we did or what we should have done. “We need to hide, now,” I said, as we began to book it into the field of the graveyard, with Tisiah leading the way with me right behind him and Malachi right behind me-so that we wouldn’t get caught in their sights.

“Don’t worry about me,” Malachi said to me as we ran faster than ever before; the agents were catching up fast with us and soon enough they were all surrounding us, blocking our path of escape.

“You need to hide too,” I said to Tisiah as we ran further into the field of the graveyard. “It won’t work if all of you are captured.”

“I’m not hiding,” Tisiah said defiantly as we continued running for our lives. But then bullets began to move past us at a quick pace, hitting the ground near us and making our footing even more precarious; we were getting closer to getting caught now.

“No we definitely need to hide,” I told him as a bullet passed by me, making me flinch at its proximity. “We can’t let them take us alive.”

“I’m not hiding!” Tisiah said stubbornly as he looked at me in the eyes. “I’m fighting.”


But as he said that, I saw a bolt zooming towards him at full speed. “Watch out!” I shouted, running into Tisiah’s way to try and knock him to safety as the bolt passed by us harmlessly.

“Whoa!” Malachi shouted, having just dodged another bullet.

“That was close,” Tisiah said as I landed on my feet; he seemed okay as well. There was this sort of church next to it that was white, with black lines in the shape of an ‘H’ on the side of it, and the doors of it were shut tightly. “Quick, there!” I shouted as we ran towards it, pushing Malachi out of the way in the process.

“What are you doing?” he asked with worry as we came to the door of it and began to open it. Then we heard footsteps coming our way and Tisiah pushed me into it first, followed by him and then finally Malachi-we shut the door behind us and hid inside of it, looking at each other as we waited for whatever was going to happen next.

“They’re not coming in,” Tisiah said as he slowly opened the door a little bit and peeked his head out of it. The agents were standing outside with their guns facing the church, so I guess that meant it wasn’t safe yet. We were going to have to wait for a while and see if they decided to leave us alone or not.

“So what’s your plan now?” I heard Maddie Cone say. “Go out in a blaze of fire?”

I didn’t respond, only hearing Nikki’s whimpers, along with Malachi’s sigh.

“What do you want us to do with them?” Nikki asked nervously.

I looked out the door as I heard her voice, seeing them talking among themselves now. “We don’t know what we want to do with them,” I heard Tisiah’s voice say as he looked at me. “We have no idea what we should do.”

“Yeah, you see a bit trapped don’t ya think?!” Maddie Cone said, looking at us, but her words didn’t really get through to us-we had no clue what to do or what to expect now.

“What’s your plan?” Maddie Cone asked again. “What is it? Here’s the plan, you’re gonna tell me where September is and then I’ll go ahead and leave you guys.” I looked at Nikki, seeing her crying softly on the ground as she began to sob more than before. “So tell me where she is.”

“She’s gone,” Tisiah said in an annoyed tone of voice. “She left us.”

Maddie Cone chuckled and shook her head, adjusting her small white jacket. “You guys are terrible liars,” she said with a laugh, “and you’re all terrible fighters.” She turned her head towards the agents standing outside of the door and then she gave a nod before she went back into the middle of them.

“I’ll ask again,” she said, looking back at us before she turned back around. “Where is she? Where is September?”

“She’s gone,” Tisiah repeated once more, now looking a little angry as he said it. But then Maddie Cone began to unload a handful of bullets. “Get down!” I shouted loudly, grabbing Malachi and Tisiah and shoving them both onto the ground with me. We heard several loud booms followed by screams and then everything went quiet.

“Now, I’ll ask again,” she said after reloading her gun, “where is she? Where did she go?”

“I don’t know,” Tisiah said, but I noticed that there was some hesitation in his voice now-as if he was thinking about something else and not being entirely truthful. He wasn’t really being truthful in the first place but, but that was fine-he had a point and I knew that he did too.

“You’re lying!” Maddie Cone said with rage in her voice. “Tell me where she went! My patience-” she lowered down on this part-“is waning.” My heart raced in fear, not sure what to do or what’s to happen next, but knowing that Maddie Cone was not someone you wanted to tick off. “Tell me where she went!” she said again as she raised her gun up.

“We don’t know where she went!” I shouted.

She began to unload all the bullets again, still missing but they were very very close to me, so close that I could feel their wind against my face. “I’ll ask one more time,” she said once she finished reloading, “where is she?”

It was all silent now, and no words were spoken for quite a long time, until suddenly Tisiah stood up and stared at us with a determined look in his eyes. He stared at her through the window, but no words escaped his mouth, and he just stared back at us without saying anything else.

“I don’t believe you,” she said with a sneer. “You’re lying. I know you are.”

Nothing else was continuing to be said, and it was as if tension was slowly rising from this silence, except everyone was way too afraid to even say anything-nothing perhaps. Silence was the only thing that was speaking in this case, and it was making everybody really mad.

“I don’t...” she muttered silently, turning her head away from us. Then she stood up and raised her gun up in the air, looking at it with disdain before pointing it towards us again. But all of a sudden, one of the agents walked over after looking quickly on his phone. He leaned over and spilled some words inside of her ear, and the next thing you know, all the agents began to escort themselves from the church grounds.

What was going on?

We’re they planning something?

Did something happen to them?

I wasn’t sure what to think or to even try and prophesy what even happened, but I hope it was for a good reason, or else I didn’t want to think about what would happen to us if we got caught by them again. I hoped that this was the end of our time being caught by them, but I was also hoping that we weren’t going to be arrested by them in the first place.

I looked out of the window as they walked away, seeing the church behind us, with no agents in sight anymore-we were safe now and there was nothing else for us to do but wait until everyone was gone.

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