Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 409: “Hogwarts Education Condition”

Chapter 409: “Hogwarts Education Condition”

Seans reputation at Hogwarts is growing.

As a fourth-grade student, he became a teaching assistant for the Transfiguration class and brought amazing teaching to the new students. Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and others all praised him.

A lot of things have brought Seans excellent popularity to a higher level. The students in the first and second grades cant wait to hang around him when they eat, and the friends who know him are also proud of him. Many Slytherin students would take the initiative to say hello when they saw Sean.

Even if he is not pure blood, the Slytherins are not stupid. They can see a persons great potential and bright future. Of course, this is also due to his classmate Draco Malfoy. He secretly followed Seans way and is currently working on changing the Slytherin house.

Hogwarts seems like a Garden of Eden in troubled times, and the outside world is still tense.

According to the information Sean got from Lupin, the world has a lot of troubles to deal with, and the disappearing year was officially classified as an unknown accident. Of course, the impact was not small, and they had to handle it thoroughly.

In the wizarding world, time incidents are also a big problem. Fortunately, wizards can more or less understand the incident related to time. At least when doing follow-up work, most wizards are cooperative and move on with their things.

As for the Ministry of Magic from various countries controlled by the Returners, such as the British Ministry of Magic and the French Ministry of Magic, they still maintain the appearance of normal official institutions in front of the public and dont seem to have made any major decision.

Not knowing whether it was because they were trying to lay low or planning something, Sean told Lupin to keep an eye on them.

During the reform of the International Confederation of Wizards, the followers of Grindelwald from positions changed the previous people in charge. Grindelwald appeared several times during the period, and giving his followers more confidence was also to warn those who were planning something secretly.

Among them, Sean made two appearances in the past. Both of these were important events that required Grindelwalds presence, while on some less important occasions, he let other people drink a Polyjuice potion to pose as him.

In addition to the reform of the International Confederation of Wizards, the search for members of the former Guards is still in progress. It also includes a group of dark wizards who escaped from the prisons of the Ministry of Magic in various countries.

The Guards offices in the Ministry of Magic of various countries have been disbanded. Those members can choose their next work after being screened, and most of them choose to become an Auror. James Potter, the head of the British Guards Office, did not choose to return to the Auror Office after losing his job.

James was angry about the attack on Hogsmeade and knew that the Guards and the Auror team were working together. He knew that the Ministry of Magic was no longer the original Ministry of Magic, so he chose to stay at home.

Of course, he considered whether to stay in the Ministry of Magic to convey some inside information to Dumbledore, Lupin, Sean, and others. But Sirius went directly to the director of the Auror office, Kingsley Shacklebolt got into a fight with him, and James accidentally blew up the Auror office when trying to break it up.

The situation is still chaotic and tense, but the overall situation is still moving in a good direction. As for Hogwarts, probably this can be regarded as the Garden of Eden in troubled times.

Although, this Garden of Eden is not very relaxing.

The students tasks have almost doubled, with more classes, more homework, and longer papers. Except for people like Hermione and Percy, who would enjoy that, Sean was getting busier.

Of course, its not a big deal for Sean just to take more classes. But with the addition of the teaching of the Transfiguration class, Sean is a bit troubled.

Every day, he has to go to class to do his homework, and he has to assign homework to others. Sean has to find time to complete the practice that he has basically never missed since he entered school.

Because of the increase in the number of his magical animals, Hay also spent a lot more time in the ring. Fortunately, Hermione and Daisy shared that responsibility with him.

Of course, Hermione was speechless when she saw the Loch Ness Monster and the Thunderbirds.

Hermione, think about it. The Ministry of Magic is not controlling Hogwarts now, and the Ministry of Magic itself has a big problem. Besides, this is not the first time we have violated various regulations. Yes, all of us. Daisy said to Hermione indifferently while playing with the Loch Ness Monster.

Her character has become more and more like James and Sirius. Of course, she has also inherited the tenderness and understanding of her mother as well.

Hermione gave Sean and Daisy an annoyed look while feeding the Thunderbirds; she complained to them both, If one day Im expelled from Hogwarts, you two will be responsible!

Someone said the same thing last time when we were about to learn Animagus. Sean muttered in a low voice, and he and Daisy snickered.

Hermione and Daisys Animagus have dragged on until now, and they were stopped by Sean, who could have started the first step a long time ago. He was worried that a time incident would cause problems later.

Therefore, the time when the two officially became Animagus was moved to later. At that time, after Grindelwalds time-traveling incident was resolved, there was no need to worry about this issue.

Although it was extremely busy, this period of time was the most relaxing period for Sean. He likes magic, exploring more mysteries, and playing with the birds who are waiting to be fed. Sometimes, he even thinks that it might be a good choice for him to be a professor in the future.

Under such circumstances, time is running non-stop like clockwork.

In the Transfiguration class, Sean leaned on the newly bought podium. After paying compensation for the podium that turned into a dragon and flew out of Hogwarts, and was smashed into pieces by the Whomping Willow, Sean ordered it at his own expense.

He didnt know why he liked turning the podium into all kinds of flying things and letting them fly out of the classroom so much.

Everyones performance is good today. Sean glanced at the time and clapped his hands to indicate that everyone could get out of class.

Someone raised their hand and asked, Professor, did the reward you promised last time last until the end of this month?

Yes, in the last class at the end of this month, whoever can complete the puzzle I left behind, then this thing belongs to them. Sean took out a glass bottle from his arms and shook it.

It contained a pale gold liquid. It is not Felix Felicis. With Seans current level of potions, he is not enough for him to make Felix Felicis a prize for first-year students.

The potion in this bottle comes from Dumbledore. During the summer vacation of the first grade, Dumbledore gave Sean an imitation of Philosophers Stone. Of course, it cant be compared with the real one, but the effect of the imitation one is pretty good.

Fill a golden cup with clear water, soak the imitation stone in the water for twelve hours, and drink that cup of water. The magic power, when using a spell, will last longer.

This potion is simply an experience doubler for practicing a Transfiguration spell, and it can make it easier for the caster to observe the situation of the object during the period.

Sean has been drinking this stuff for a long time. Of course, considering his current strength, the effect is not apparent anymore, but it is still very good as a prize for students.

Take one standard silver spoon and three mouthfuls at a time. After the next hour, the magic power attached to your spell will be longer and more effective, which greatly benefits practicing Transfiguration. In this bottle, Sean shook it, You can use it more than fifty times. Of course, if you can do well later in your class.

Trust me, I wont let you down with the prize. I look forward to someone getting this thing from me.

Under the eyes of the students, Sean put the potion in his arms, pushed open the door, and walked towards the faculty lounge. He has become obsessed with the lounge recently. Its not that Sean doesnt want to separate himself from the public, but the lounge is quieter and more suitable for rest.

There is also a massage chair in the lounge and special drinks made by the house elves.

Walking to the room, Sean opened the door and walked in, and found that a large number of people suddenly appeared in the lounge.

Hey, Sean. In the crowd, Charlotte greeted Sean.

Sterling also nodded to Sean, who was standing not far from Charlotte.

Although they had only taught for more than three months, the two had quarreled more than fifty times, had magic more than five times, and ridiculed each other countless times. But it is worth noting that their teaching level was good.

They were originally some of the best graduates of Hogwarts and Nurmengard. After graduation, they have experienced in many adventures, and their strength is beyond doubt.

Although Charlotte is hot-tempered, she is extremely patient and responsible when dealing with students. In addition, she has already known many students before and has won their praise in the past few months.

Sterling has a cold and vicious character, but he and Charlotte have one thing in common: being responsible. Colton did not copy the magic he learned in Nurmengard to Hogwarts but made improvements according to the situation around him. At the same time, because he is powerful and good-looking, he also gained the interest of many students.

Everyone has disliked Professor Lockhart. After teaching for so long, everyone can see this blonde wizard is actually an idiot. The only place Lockhart likes to go these days is the library because there is still the only loyal fan in this castle, Mrs. Pince.

Sean said hello and walked in. He found that most of the people in the lounge were unfamiliar faces. He had met two people once before, and he was also a Hogwarts graduate student.

Oh, youre here, Sean. Professor McGonagall greeted him.

You should also know that, whether it is the increase in the number of students or the doubling of classes. Every professor at Hogwarts is now under a lot of pressure. Such as Lockhart Professor McGonagall frowned, Charlotte and Sterling are here to help, and other professors also need teaching assistants.

Sean nodded to express his understanding. Indeed, the task is too heavy for them, especially when the homework needs to be checked a lot.

Last time, when Sean returned to the lounge to pick up his own things after dinner, he even met Professor Sprout, who was sleeping on the armchair because she was too tired.

The head of Hufflepuff House and Professor of Herbology hadnt even taken off her gloves that were soiled with manure. The other professors werent much better, and Professor Flitwick often smoked in his office.

Newt also has a bit of a headache because now he is not allowed to go to the Forbidden Forest; he can only bring magical animals to a special classroom to teach everyone. But there are too many students, and even if Hagrid is willing to help, the two of them are having trouble.

Hiring a new teaching assistant is imminent. Sean looked around, and it seemed that these people were the newly hired teaching assistants.

Let me introduce them to you. This is Sean Wallup, my teaching assistant in Transfiguration, and currently a fourth-grade student in Ravenclaw.

The new teaching assistants were visibly surprised.

This is Charlotte Hawke, who graduated from Hogwarts, and this is Colton Sterling, who graduated from Nurmengard, and they are currently a teaching assistant for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

As for these new teaching assistants, let me introduce you one by one.

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