Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 397: “Going To Teach”

Chapter 397: “Going To Teach”

There is no great force as Sean imagined, no mysterious magic power scattered around, and no explosion. Its like Grindelwald took a sip of water.

The Qilins blood was flowing smoothly while Grindelwald slowly closed his eyes. The ancient rune symbols under his feet flickered. Although it looks amazing, it is quite different from what he imagined. Sean dragged his chin and pondered.

Soon, Grindelwald heard a strange vibration. He stood still without any movement, but it gave off the feeling that he was vibrating with a certain rhythm, and the frequency was getting faster and faster.

Suddenly, Grindelwald opened his eyes, and one of his eyes turned into him. But both eyes were out of focus and seemed to be looking at some distance.

Huh Grindelwald let out a long breath.

He picked up his wand and lightly tapped it on his temple. A thin memory silver thread was slowly pulled out. Grindelwald gently stirred the silver thread of memory, and a crystal bottle flew out of his arms. He threw the memory bottle to Sean.

Keep it safe, and when we become one, give it to Albus and me again. Grindelwald said calmly.

Professor Dumbledore? Sean looked at the memory bottle. It looks no different from the most common memory bottle, but Sean remembers one thing. Qilins blood can bring great power and some kind of influence to the wizard.

An inaccurate description of the Qilins blood is mentioned in the Ministry of Magics information. The source of this information is unknown, and the accuracy cannot be confirmed. After using an unknown method to intersect with the Qilins blood, the wizard may get precognition or divination abilities.

Sean guessed that Qilins blood might allow wizards to gain the ability of Seers. For a wizard like Grindelwald, who was originally a Seer, the Qilins blood may allow him to see farther and more accurately.

Grindelwald may have seen something, but he decided to extract this part of the memory, show it to Professor Dumbledore, and show it to himself, who has merged into one.

On the opposite side, Grindelwald closed his eyes again, I need a certain amount of time to absorb this. When everything is ready, I will notify you.

Seeing this, Sean nodded, decided not to disturb him, and quickly left the house with the memory bottle. The bedroom became empty again, and no one could hear Grindelwalds muttering.

Its sad


The matter here with Grindelwald was finally dealt with, and Sean was relieved. The biggest difficulty has been solved, and the next step is to wait for Grindelwald to absorb the magic power in the Qilins blood, and let the two Grindelwalds extract their decades-old memories.

Everything is ready, as long as it comes to 1996, the day when Grindelwald travels through, let Grindelwald turn the Time Turner. At that time, the bomb that will explode the world will be resolved.

Of course, there are still problems with Grindelwald and Dumbledores Blood Pact, the Returners, etc., and the thing in Seans own body is also a problem.

So far, Sean has shown no signs of being overwhelmed by Pride, nor has he been too much affected by it. However, it has dug many holes in Sean. However, Sean has absolutely no way of absorbing this force. It is impossible to control the Pride at present.

Lets take a step and take a look. Sean muttered while casting a spell on a metal safe with the wand in his hand.

Although Seans ring is safe, Sean decides to use the greatest and best measures to keep Grindelwalds memory close. Moreover, two people still have nearly a hundred years of memory each.

Sean bought this safe with the help of his father. It is the best safe in the Muggle world, and now he has added magics such as Anti-Unlocking Charm and many another anti-jinx spell. He also bought several magic defense props for it.

Looking at the safe on which he had cast spells, Sean nodded in satisfaction. It was still placed in his ring, so it was guaranteed to be safe and sound. After doing all this, Sean let out a deep breath, and he was surprised to find that he didnt seem to have much to do lately.

Grindelwalds time travel incident is steadily being solved, and he doesnt need to worry about the Returners affairs for the time being. As for the International Confederation of Wizards, which was originally going to start a fight with the Returners, they had also suspended their actions.

After all, everyone in the world had lost one year, and the changes brought about by this kind of incident were enough to turn the world upside down. After Sean returned from Godrics Hollow, he returned to his home. Of course, his family were all safe and sound. But his sister Ella suddenly grew much taller, making him quite sad.

He seems to have missed a year to witness his sisters growth. The Wallups also have the same mentality. They are already middle-aged, and the disappearance of a year barely affects them. But their son and daughter have progressed for a year, and they were a bit emotional about it.

Of course, the impact is not only on his family. His fathers private hospital business has also been affected. Although the world and time have controlled a more benign direction during the disappearance, there are still many patients who have no way to recover and lose their last moments of life directly.

Various accidents, quarrels, medications, and even lawsuits all followed one after another. Mr. Wallup has also been under a lot of stress at work lately, and the Muggle government has issued an announcement.

They are studying this mysterious phenomenon, but the cause is still unclear. What they can do now is to help all residents return to normal life as soon as possible.

However, combined with the previous Azkaban prisoner attacking Muggles, the peoples mood was not optimistic. Various occult organizations and anti-occult organizations sprung up one after another.

As for the wizards, he heard that the Ministry of Magic wanted to hide this matter, but the matter was too serious, and they couldnt just deny it.

While appeasing the masses, the Muggle and Wizard governments have to have extremely frequent conversations to ensure that the wizarding world will not be exposed to the eyes of the world in this incident.

The whole world has become disorganized and extremely busy.

However, for Sean, there was nothing to be busy with. He returned as a normal student. After the initial panic, Hogwarts slowly returned to normal during the Christmas holidays.

When the clock rang that the year changed to 1995, the world cheered. Classes resumed, and the students became busier than ever.

Everyones classes were doubled. Although everyone had an extra year of magic power and higher spell proficiency, the students who were used to learning in a relaxed way all complained.

Sean enjoyed it. For him, the fourth-year classes were not difficult, and now it is more like a review. However, what made Sean most happy was that he finally didnt have to look at Harry and Hermiones operations during Potions class and secretly flipped through the notes Snape gave him from time to time.

Potions seems to be a class where you can get qualified concoctions by following the steps, but even with Snapes notes, it was difficult for Sean to make good potions.

It is difficult to control the precise fire, the stirring, and the amount when adding the materials. Many details cannot be recorded in textbooks, and you can only know it when doing so. Moreover, every potion material has a slight difference or impurity, which he needs to examine.

With the five-point talent in potions and Snapes notes, Sean finally realized what Snape meant by the beauty of the slowly simmering cauldron emitting white smoke and fragrance.

Sean increased the stirring intensity, stirring the dark green potion liquid in the cauldron to the top layer, slightly increased the fire, and the dark green liquid burst out.

Snape was already ready to scold Sean, abruptly reversing his steps, and his cold eyes showed a little bit of doubt. Snape turned to Harry, and he didnt say a word to Sean until the end of Potions class.

Hermione looked at Sean, You did a really good today. Congratulations, Sean. But Professor Snape didnt comment on you once?

Sean shrugged, Maybe he couldnt tell what I was doing wrong?

Although his talent was much better than before, Snapes notes taught many operations and details. If Snape could find any flaws in his operation, he would directly slap Sean.

Harry and his group walked out of the classroom, complaining, Just because my stirring was different from what he said, he deducted five points from me?!,

They walked towards the Transfiguration classroom. Originally, students still had some free mornings and afternoons for rest and entertainment, but because of the situation now, they have classes throughout the whole day.

There are even more classes like Transfiguration and Charms. For example, after todays Transfiguration class, there will be another Transfiguration class in the afternoon.

There was still a while before the class starts. Sean and his group had just walked to the door when they found Professor McGonagall, who would have been reviewing the books.

She looked straight at Sean, Mr. Wallup, can you come with me?

Although Sean was slightly puzzled, he nodded, Of course, professor.

Professor McGonagall led him to an empty classroom next to her. She put her hands on her waist with appreciation in her eyes, Mr. Wallup, Ill cut to the chase. Do you remember what we said at the beginning of school?

Sean suddenly realized. He nodded, Of course, Professor, I always remember it.

May I have to ask for your opinion? Now that the learning contents are increased, and Transfiguration is one of the main courses, of course, there would be more things to learn. I dont mind working longer hours, but the problem is, I have no way to separate myself to teach others.

Professor McGonagall squeezed her brows with some headaches, And I thought about you. Wallup, can you spare some time for a few classes now? Dont worry. Its all about the Transfiguration contents you have learned and help me teach Transfiguration to first-year students?

Sean nodded without hesitation, Of course, professor. I have nothing else to do now, only if you dont mind me not coming to your class.

Well, that will at least allow students from other houses to get some extra points from me. Professor McGonagall made a joke.

Oh, Professor. Hermione belongs to Ravenclaw too, you know. Sean also responded with a smile.

Professor McGonagall shook her head with a smirk, Oh, it makes me want to give Filius fewer gifts next Christmas. Anyways, Mr. Wallup, I need you to show me your transfiguration level first.

Of course.

Sean didnt hesitate. He quickly demonstrated several Transfiguration spells that he would only learn in the late fifth grade. At the request of Professor McGonagall, he also demonstrated several advanced Transfiguration magic that he would only learn in the late sixth grade.

Very good, very good, Professor McGonagall showed an amazed expression, To be honest, you can already get an O from me in the Transfiguration OWL. I must admit, many seventh-grade students are not as good as you; your magic foundation is very solid.

Professor McGonagalls compliment made Sean a little embarrassed, Professor, its all because of your teaching, and that notebook helped me a lot.

Oh, Wallup, dont flatter me. I know that you must have put in a lot of hard work at your age. Professor McGonagall pushed her glasses, and her eyes were full of satisfaction.

Now, lets talk about the teaching contents. Professor McGonagall handed over a textbook, Those first-year students mainly lay a solid foundation; you follow the textbook to advance the course, but the teaching method is what you need, and there is no need to follow exactly like the books; you can use it as a reference.

Professor McGonagalls words made Sean feel that the book was nothing, Professor, I can only teach the most basic

No, I trust you. Go ahead; you are familiar with first-year professors too, and your salary will be given every Saturday.

Alright then, you dont need to worry about it.

After saying this, Professor McGonagall left. Sean looked at the book in his hand and let out a laugh. Finally, he adjusted his clothes and walked towards the first-year classroom.

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