Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 183

Small he listen to her tone as if very determined, this just rest assured, hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Jingning went directly to the studio to find Lin Shufan.

There is still a play to shoot in the afternoon. As a director, Lin Shufan can't go back to the hotel to have a rest.

After lunch, take a rest and start working.

When Jingning found him, he was there watching the camera shot this morning. He was surprised to see her coming.

"Why? Didn't you go back to the hotel and have a rest? But don't keep up with your physical strength in the afternoon. "

Jingning smile, "no problem, director Lin, I want to talk to you about something."

Lin Shufan looked at her, noticed her eyes and nodded.

"OK, let's go there and talk."

With that, he led her to the temporary rest room set up by the crew.

After entering the rest room, Lin Shufan asked, "go ahead! What can I do for you? "

Jingning also no nonsense, directly took out the mobile phone, boarded the bib, turned out the hot search placed in front of him.

Lin Shufan was stunned. He took the mobile phone and looked at it carefully. When he saw the title and photo above, his face suddenly changed and his face became blue.


He put his mobile phone on the table and said angrily, "who took this picture? Who wrote this mess? Is it a blind dog or a blind dog? If you're drunk, give it a hand, and it's going to stir up a scandal? What is the intention? "

Jingning laughed and advised, "director Lin, you don't have to be angry. The person who took this kind of photo naturally hopes to make my reputation stink. Unfortunately, she is just afraid of miscalculation."

Lin Shufan was stunned and looked at her.

"Who wants to stink your reputation? I don't understand. Who can you stand in the way of a new comer? What's the use of trying so hard to deal with you? "

Jingning picked her eyebrows, "maybe Just pure jealousy? "

Lin Shufan was stunned there.

Jingning put away the mobile phone and calmly said, "the reason why I told you this is to make you have a psychological preparation, so that you don't know anything when the entertainment notes suddenly ask about it. I know you don't usually go around the neck."

Lin Shufan reacted for a moment and frowned.

"You mean Are you going to let me intervene? "

Jingning nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with it. I'll make sure that there won't be any accident."

Lin Shufan shook his head in disapproval.

"No, it doesn't seem to matter, but if it's not handled properly, it will have a great impact on you. Don't worry about it. I'll make a public statement and find someone to find out who did it secretly. Don't get yourself involved again."

Jingning looked at him and blinked.

"Why make a statement?"

Lin Shufan a Leng, "why not hair?"

Jingning said with a smile: "it's such a good opportunity to increase the popularity of the crew. Some people even bought it for us. Why should we throw it away ourselves? Let hot search keep as good as possible, and it doesn't have to make any statement. It's just that it helps us publicize the new drama. "

Lin Shufan was completely puzzled.

"Aren't you afraid that people believe the above and think that you are a person who uses nepotism for the sake of the role?"

Jingning looked at him and laughed slowly.

"I heard that at the end of this month, the first promotional video will be on, isn't it?"

Lin Shufan a Leng, nodded, "yes, but this has nothing to do with this matter."

"The best way to prove it is not to declare it, but to hit those people in the face with strength," Jingning said

She said, the depths of her eyes suddenly revealed a fierce brilliance, word by word: "before this, I want some people, climb how high, fall how miserable!"


When Jingning left the studio, Xiaokui was just passing by.

She entered the dressing room. Jing Xiaoya had just finished her meal and was sitting there resting.

Seeing her come in, she lifted her eyelids and said in a cold voice: "how about it? What do you see? "

Small sunflower micro low head, voice small, with a trace of timidity.

"I saw Jingning come out of director Lin's lounge."

Jing Xiaoya sneered.

"It seems that she saw those photos and thought that Lin Shufan could solve the problem? Oh! It's naive

Small Kui looked up at her one eye, and quickly lowered his head, eyes drooped, lips slightly tight, no voice.

Jingxiaoya thought about it for a moment and ordered: "you can contact several big V's for me again, and let them stir up this matter again. The heat should not fade. Try to stay on the list for a few more days, and even the one yesterday will be fried together."

Small Kui grasped the fingertip, some hesitation.

Seeing her standing still, Jing Xiaoya is suddenly angry. A cup of water directly takes the water belt and the paper cup is thrown at her feet.

"Deaf? Let's get you to work, don't you hear me? I'm not going to have to teach you how to contact people? "Xiaokui quickly agreed, "yes, I know."

With that, he left in a hurry.

That afternoon.

Almost all netizens know that there is a TV play called "cannon fodder strategy", in which there is a heroine named Jingning, and the director is Lin Shufan. They have an improper affair.

These days, the melons in the entertainment industry are eaten rotten. There is nothing new between the heroine and the director.

The most important thing is that these two names are too strange. Except that some people in Jingning know that it is Jing Xiaoya's sister, the rest of the information is pitiful.

Even the relationship between Jingning and jingxiaoya, although there was a scandal before, was only spread by some netizens in the mixed rice circle.

Most of the passers-by netizens don't pay much attention to these, even if they eat melons, they eat even after eating.

In addition, the prospect of Xiaoya had several bad news, passers-by perception is not good, not to mention about her news.

But these two days, also do not know how to return a responsibility, Jingning this name, frequently ascended hot search.

First of all, yesterday, Jing Xiaoya and Jingning reconciled generously, and the sisters were close to each other.

Today, it was revealed that Jingning sleeps with a director and gets a female No.1 role for the new play.

People are confused. Who is Jingning? Why are there so many plays?

Curious people began to search for news about Jingning.

Jingning didn't use the identity of an actress to open a Weibo. The previous number was also her job number when she was doing public relations. The title above was still the chairman of Xinghui entertainment and the director of Anning international public relations department.

There are not many people who know this number, but because she reprinted it when the crew released the fixed makeup poster, we naturally found it.

I only found out that it was really a job number.

Nothing but job information.

Not to mention Jingning's personal life.

Netizens all feel dull, faint, more curious about this person.

After all, just from the fixed makeup poster, Jingning's appearance is very good.

In the past, Jing Xiaoya, which was set up by fans on the Internet, stood by her side like a servant girl. She was full of little family spirit that could not be on the stage.

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