Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 103

“Seven! Wait

Jingning stopped.

Look back at him.

"Anything else?"

Old K hesitated for a moment, then said: "the dragon group is not peaceful recently. Many people are looking for you secretly. Be careful!"

Jingning was stunned.

A moment, a smile.

"I see. Thank you very much."

Lao K also laughed.

"As the only two offline acquaintances, I'm just a casual reminder. You're welcome."

Jingning nodded, didn't say anything again, turned and left.

Inside the Rolls Royce.

Su Mu looks not far away. He breaks up at the door of the cafe. He is slightly surprised.

He turned his head and glanced at his boss's face and asked cautiously, "president, do we still have to go there?"

Lu Jingshen looked at the tiny figure gradually moving away in the evening and frowned.

For a moment, he said, "no, no more."

With that, the door closed again and Rolls Royce pulled off the side of the road.

Due to the angle, Jingning did not see the Rolls Royce on the other side.

After she got on the bus, she received a call from Lu Jingshen.

The man's voice was a little cold and hoarse, and he asked, "where is it?"

Jingning eyebrows a Yang, look around at the traffic around the crowd, light voice: "the company ah, what's the matter?"

There was a pause in the opposite breath.

Also do not know why, Jingning inexplicably a little uneasy, she once again carefully looked left and right, sure that there is no familiar face or car, this just slightly relieved.

Then he asked, "are you off work?"

"Not yet."

"Well You work hard. See you in the evening? "

"Good. See you in the evening."

Hang up the phone, Jingning long sigh of relief.

Looking at the dark down of the mobile phone screen, a moment, and suddenly laugh like self mockery.

What is she guilty of?

That man is not her real husband.

What if I sleep twice? Even if you get a license?

Isn't he hiding something from her? Why do you have to be honest with him?

Jingning tried to persuade himself, and after a long time, he just suppressed the feeling of uneasiness and guilty.

On the other side, after Lu Jingshen hung up the phone, he thought of the figure he had just seen at the door of the coffee shop, and the lies that the woman said casually on the phone. His eyes were slightly cold.

He sneered and told Su mu.

"Find out who that man was."

Needless to say in detail, Su Mu also knows who the "he" in his mouth refers to.

I promise.

In the evening, when I got home, Lu Jingshen was already at home.

After Jingning entered the door, Aunt Liu just met her and said with a smile, "my wife is back. Dinner is ready. My husband is waiting for you in the dining room."

Jingning nodded and entered the restaurant.

In the dining room, Lu Jingshen, wearing a white shirt, was sitting in a critical position.

His handsome face is meticulous, and his eyebrows and corners are rare frosts.

See her come in, only slightly raised the eyelids, also did not say what.

Jingning is acutely aware that there is something wrong with today's atmosphere. She looks at Aunt Liu, who stands behind Lu Jingshen and winks at her secretly.

Today, my husband is in a bad mood. Everyone is hanging on his heart!

Jingning was clear. After sitting down, he asked with a smile, "have you been busy recently? Are you tired? "

Lu Jingshen did not answer.

In fact, Aunt Liu has a bad face.

It's just surprising that, even in a bad mood, according to the man's capital, most of the time, he is not happy and angry, and seldom shows on his face, let alone the servant.

It's so obvious today

Jingning's eyes turned slightly and soon understood.

Silent smile, asked: "in a bad mood? What happened to the company? "

Lu Jingshen finally gave her a positive look.

Do not look good, that one eye, but see Jingning slightly frightened.

Man's eyes are too penetrating, as if through her eyes, see through her mind.

Jingning some uncomfortable, slightly do not open eyes, then listen to him asked: "where in the afternoon?"

Jingning heart "clutters".

She calmed herself, looked at him, and said in a deep voice, "what do you want to do with this?"

"Lao K, a well-known underground private detective, has superb skills and extensive interpersonal relationships. He is especially popular in Jincheng area. What do you want him to do?"

Jingning is frozen there.

She looked at him in disbelief, and the details of her meeting with Lao K flashed through her mind. She didn't find any mistakes and frowned."You spy on me? Mo Nan

Lu Jingshen sneered.

"You can ask Mo Nan, did I ask her to watch you?"


She just remembered that she went to see old K this afternoon, and she deliberately supported Mo Nan.

She may know she went to the cafe, but she should not know who she has met.

Thinking like this, Jingning looks at Lu Jingshen again, and she can't help but take a trace of exploration in her eyes.

"So you are questioning me now?"

"As a husband, being cheated by his wife, shouldn't we ask a few questions?"

Jingning gave a cool smile.

"If in your eyes, husband and wife really should have no privacy and be frank with each other, then trouble Mr. Lu to do it himself first and then."

After she finished, she felt that she had no appetite tonight. She put down the dishes and was ready to leave. However, Lu Jingshen stopped.


Jingning moved and frowned at him.

"What do you mean? Say it clearly

Jingning sneered.

After a whole day's humiliation and anger suddenly burst out, "what do you mean you don't understand? Your relationship with your prospective fiancee and your children. In your opinion, should I, as a wife, also have the right to know? "

There was a moment of silence in the dining room.

It was so silent that you could almost hear a needle drop on the ground.

The servants opened their eyes wide with expressions of disbelief.

As if at that moment, even the breath stopped, just secretly admire Jingning's courage in my heart!

They have not seen anyone dare to be so angry with their husband, the wife is the first!

Sir Don't be angry!

Turning around to see Lu Jingshen, his handsome face was as gloomy as water, and his cold air almost froze people.

It's over!

What should I do if my husband is angry?

Without waiting for the servants to react, Lu Jingshen said coldly: "you all go out!"

Everyone looked at each other, a few seconds later, all quickly back out.

Jingning stood there, looking at him coldly.

There is a trace of regret in my heart.

Clearly has said that does not care, why in just that moment, will be so angry?

He was so angry that he couldn't help asking him directly!

If it turns out to be what she heard, how would she deal with it?

Think about it and feel lost!

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