Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 204: The Witch and the Princess

Chapter 204: The Witch and the Princess

At that moment, the Butler Youth beckoned them to follow. Lise obediently trailed behind, looking like a little brother and sister.

Igor approached, and the scene suddenly transformed into a beautiful young woman with two Angel children.

Ashe subconsciously kept his distance from them, so as not to lower their average level of attractiveness.

Banjeet guided them through the other rooms on this floor, but Ashe was still thinking about what Igor had just said.

The escape from the Blood Moon was a collective effort; even after the transmigration and a series of events, both Igor and Harvey continued to demonstrate the high level of criminal expertise expected of Death row inmates. Thus, Ashe didnt believe they would feel panic due to being strangers in a strange land.

But on second thought, even during Ashes most rebellious times, when he longed to escape his family and went to college alone in a different place, he still felt cramped and fearful. Escaping the Blood Moon, with no hope of return within their lifetimes, they would have to survive in this foreign Kingdom with its different culture and political system.

Perhaps they would quickly adapt to their new lives, but during the adjustment period, they would have to battle their own longing, regrets, and loneliness.

The reason Ashe was unfazed was that this was his second transmigration. His previous one had been a switch of universal servers; this time, it was merely a change of regional servers. How could Ashe possibly feel nervous?

Most importantly, Ashe was different from Harvey and Igor.

He was no longer alone.

So, the proper treatment for Igor and Harvey should be

Igor, Ashe walked over and patted the Con Artist on the shoulder, expressing his concern, Youre not getting any younger. Isnt it time to think about love, finding a partner?

The look Igor gave Ashe was like staring at a pile of excrement.

After the Butler Youth had shown them around, he said, Feel free to enjoy the food and drinks, but please be mindful of your weight; do not diet or overindulge. If you need anything, just call for me; Im usually in my room. I personally suggest you start by watching the documentary Gospel, to get a basic understanding of the structure of the Gospel Kingdom Anything else?

Banjeet brother, Banjeet brother! Lise looked up at the Butler Youth, How old are you this year?

Good question! Igor and Ashe inwardly exclaimed. They had already guessed from earlier interactions that Banjeets age was far beyond what his appearance suggested, or perhaps Banjeet hadnt bothered to hide this fact at all.

They were still pondering how to subtly extend the conversation towards this topic when Lise directly asked. This was the advantage of being a child; even if she had touched on Banjeets sore point, she could still get away with acting cute. If it had been Igor or Ashe, the atmosphere could have become very awkward.

Banjeet glanced at them, pulled out a hair tie to gather his light blue long hair, and tilted his head, I am 61 years old this year.

61 years old!?

Are you sure its not 16?

However, Igors eyes sparkled with excitement: Youre 61 years old, so the last Weaving Festival

Do you know why Miss is willing to pave the way for you at all costs? Banjeet said with a smile, I am actually also a Person from the Exotic Lands. Once was.

So youre the last Echoer?

Banjeet nodded and poked his own cheek dimples with his fingers, This is my Echo Reward.

Seeing this, Lise also poked her own face, showing an innocent and adorable expression. Ashe looked back and forth between the two and shook his head, Lise, you lost.

I didnt ask Dad.

If there are no other questions, then youre free to do as you wish. Lunch starts at 12, and I will notify you, Banjeet waved and left.

Im going to watch the documentary Gospel, Igor decided to take Banjeets advice.

I want to go to the simulation game room to play the virtual games here, Ashe said eagerly.

The two hardened adult criminals looked at the little girl. Lise raised her hand, Im going to the library to read! I can take care of myself! Ashe Dad, Aunt Bukin, you guys do your own thing!

Ashe, let me give you a hand with educating your daughter

Wait, I have a Contract with her. I have to protect her. If you want to spank her, youll have to get past my Corpse!

Is that an offer?

Lise ignored the two adults acting like children and dashed to the library of the place, closing the big door behind her.

She found the librarys mirror and spoke to the pretty white-haired little girl reflected in it:

Secret Princess Deya, are you there?

Little Witch Lise, I am here.

When Lise blinked, she had become Deya.

Deya spun around on the spot, twisted her neck, and hopped twice, silently complaining that this body was too inconvenient. She would have preferred the Bronze Dragon to transform her into an old crone rather than this form that could only rely on being cute to get by

But now, at last, she had some free time!

She set up a ladder and pulled out several reference books from the library shelves: How to Manually Trigger a Virtual Realm Storm, 100 Rules of Interpersonal Relationships You Cant Ignore, An Introduction to Virtual Realm Creatures, A Brief Analysis of Magical Factions, Essentials of Guard Sorcerer Combat Techniques, and Surviving the Wilderness with a Dog from the Start.

To prevent anyone from suddenly bursting in, she also took a few cute picture books and spread them out beside her, then diligently started reading those complex tomes.

Perhaps some could deduce from this selection of booksDeya had never been formally schooled, nor had she received formal sorcerer education.

She could read, sing, play instruments, knew about rhythm, was proficient in paintingin short, she was acquainted with elegant arts unrelated to life, but she lacked any knowledge of magical factions or survival skills.

Her current understanding of magical factions, survival skills, and even interpersonal interactions all came from reading the Sorcerer Handbook and using Experience Orbs in the Virtual Realm.

If it werent for the ability to acquire knowledge in the Virtual Realm, she might still be a princess in the Tower, staring at the sky cut into squares by the windows, with an innocent smile of a fool, blissfully accepting her Destiny.

After leaving the Tower with the help of the Bronze Dragon, one of Deyas goals for herself was to quickly fill the gaps in her knowledge, perfect her sorcerer knowledge system, and learn various survival skills to prepare for a future life in exile.

Deya had also wanted to practice the arts of the Time Faction, but since Banjeet advised against it, she decided not to go against this directive.

Because she genuinely wanted to join the Blasphemous Gospel plan!

Although initially transmigrating to the territory of the Four Pillars Cult and being captured by the Cultists, then being favored by Annan and forced to become a pawn of the Purple Moth, this series of events precisely aligned with Deyas needs!

The reason Deya went to great lengths to trigger the Bronze Dragons Favor at this time was to erase her past and participate in the Weaving Festival as a clean slate, thereby becoming an Echoer and seizing the Divine Masters Wish!

Becoming a pawn for Annan was not just a danger for Deya; it was the opportunity she had been dreaming of!

Deya only knew that to exploit the Weaving Festival Loophole, she must have the Bronze Dragon erase her past, but she was actually still clueless about how to exploit the Loophole.

And then, Annan appeared.

It was like a knight on the brink of starvation encountering a greedy dragon; either the knight would slay the dragon to fill his belly, or the dragon would fatten up the knight to satisfy its appetite. But regardless, one of them was sure to achieve their goal!

Without a doubt, Annans meeting with Deya was a deliberate arrangement by the Bronze Dragon!

As one of the rarest Virtual Realm mechanisms on the Time Continent, Bronze Dragons Favor, Deya received not only a curse but also the Bronze Dragons mischievously bestowed blessing.

The current situation was exactly as described in the Sorcerer Handbook. Bronze Dragons Favor, while bestowing a Trial, also tried its utmost to help the trial-taker achieve their wish, but this process was often as romantic as a fairy talein simple terms, the Bronze Dragon would continually create messy situations, insisting on playing pranks on the trial-taker.

Deyas journey, filled with hardship and eventually turning into a blessing in disguise by joining Annans Firm, was akin to taking a shortcut to seize the Divine Masters Wish, and this arrangement of Destiny was clearly the Bronze Dragon at work.

Without this series of coincidences, Deya would never have met someone like Annan, who shared her goal of defying the gods; but it was also these accidents that forced Deya to act cute to survive, indirectly coming under Annans control.

Complain, and the mischief of the Bronze Dragon indeed seems well-played; but be grateful, and the play of the Bronze Dragon is somewhat botched.

Its infuriating to the point of gnashing ones teeth, yet one cant help but not be angry at heart.

Fortunately, the Little Witch that Deya had recently crafted was smart enough to avoid entering a direct Contract with Annan. Instead, she chose to bind with Ashe, who seemed rather naive, not only leaving room for rebellion but also gaining a minion to exploit.

The only problem is that this minion doesnt seem very useful If Lise had chosen Igor to be her father at that time, it would have been better. However, since Lise didnt make that choice, it indicates that Igor is very wary and has a high resistance to being charmed by cuteness, not the kind of low-quality Human that can be easily bewitched.

But what if Lise called Ashe Daddy and Igor Mommy, is there a chance to drag Igor down too?

Deya recalled Annans behavior and felt that the formidable woman would not mind adding another shackle to herself; she couldnt help but sigh internallyLise was still too cautious, otherwise they would have had two servants by now.

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