Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 186: Sorry to Interrupt

Chapter 186: Sorry to Interrupt

This is absolutely preposterous; every attack meant to take her down somehow turns into an aid for her escape.

Ashe backed away quietly into his camp of outsiders, grumbling, This has gone beyond coincidence. Could she be a maiden beloved by Destiny itself?

If thats the case, wouldnt you be a child of Destiny too? Harvey chuckled.


Indeed, Igor couldnt help but interject, I wanted to deal with you, yet I ended up being framed and had no choice but to join the Escape Plan; Valcas wanted to deal with you, but ended up protecting you during the Blood Moon Tribunal; and we just happened to come across a Necromancer capable of controlling the Chip Processor An Escape Plan that should have taken years to devise, but because you could gather all the key players, we broke out in less than a month.

If you think about it, Cult Leader, your prison break story is actually more bizarre than that puppet girls.

Thats not the same! Ashe protested, Isnt it normal for a Prison to house many skilled in various escape arts? Its like asking people on a train if they have tickets; of course, everyone does!

Plus, the escape was all thanks to my remarkable willpower, relentless effort, tenacity, and the crucial flashes of brilliance at the right momentspure personal endeavor, not a hint of luck!

Even Harvey couldnt help but let out a yeah right, I wont argue with a fool amiable smile.

Double standards much, Igor spat, Your achievements are personal effort, while others are favored by Destiny? Is it that hard to admit youre a slacker?

What I do is properly allocate human resources, allowing everyone to play to their strengths, ensuring the right people do the right jobs

Igor sneered, As expected, slackers never admit theyre slackers, and those with good fortune never acknowledge lucks part in it.

I see the light, Ashe said with an epiphany, a punchable expression on his face, Youre trying to suppress me again, arent you? You must think Im important, thats why youre verbally bullying me, right?

Igors mouth twisted with irritation, You double-standard dog

Alright, alright, Harvey quickly smoothed things over, shifting the conversation, If we had also jumped in just now, we would have only faced that puppet girl who doesnt have much attacking power. But now

And who knows, the other side might be the stronghold of the Four Pillars Cult, Igor said with annoyance, And we already know that our dear Cult Leader doesnt have much standing within his own faction.

Ashe, looking at the bubbling cave, couldnt help but become slightly lost in thought.

He suddenly remembered a report in the collection of observation points that Professor Sylin had gathered, one of which stated across the Virtual Realm Passage is an underground river

Could it be that Eternal Calamity went to the Blood Moon Kingdom?

Whats this? A tactical switcher?


The three Trespassers looked up to see Cleos approach, her beautiful eyes swollen from crying, her nose twitching, You three, youre People from the Exotic Lands?

According to the laws of the Gospel Kingdom, any People from the Exotic Lands must be executed immediately.

Without giving them a chance to explain, she raised her Gun and aimed at Ashes forehead, May the Gospel guide your path.

Staring into the dark muzzle of the Gun, Ashe realized he was still in dangerthey were not under the protection of the local security forces but were regarded as invasive species, akin to American cockroaches, and casually killing them was a basic moral duty that good citizens were expected to adhere to!

To them, the Four Pillars Cult was indeed a savage beast, but the locals were even more ferocious natives!

But compared to the Four Pillars Cult, the local security forces were even more despairingagainst villains, there might still be good people to fight them, but if good people were after them, who could stir up trouble?

Just then, a pleasant voice came from above.

Wait a minute, Cleos, didnt we agree that the spoils of war were mine?

Someone had come to their rescue!

The three Trespassers turned around in surprise, thinking that whoever saved them, they would be eternally grateful

But the next moment, all their gratitude turned into annoyance.

Long time no see, gentlemen.

The Purple-clad Girl descended from the hole in the ceiling, landing gently like a butterfly: Although we just met an hour ago.

The Butler boy followed closely behind, pointing to the waterlogged ground, a frosty path extended, allowing the Purple-clad Girls boots to step on the clean ice surface.

These two were the ambushers outside the Virtual Realm Passage, the culprits who would sell the body of the smuggled trio to the Four Pillars Cult, members of the Funeral Firm!

Annan. Cleos took out a handkerchief and wiped her nose. You want to keep these People from the Exotic Lands?

Not keep, retrieve whats mine, the Purple-clad Girl, Annan, said with a smile: As we agreed before, as a reward for reporting the Four Pillars Cults base to Red Cap, they belong to me as spoils of war, and you cant just dispose of them.

Sold us, then sold out the Four Pillars Cult, played both sides, now wants to recycle us for more gain?

Ashe gave Igor a looksee, one of your kind.

Igor shook his headits one of your kind.

They are People from the Exotic Lands, Cleos enunciated. They are like Selina, pests that endanger the world and blaspheme the Gospel, and they must be executed promptly. Otherwise, once the Gospel behind their ears fades, they will go back and inform the Dark God of the Exotic Lands, leading demons to trample our fields, cities, and innocent citizens.

The Gospel behind the ears?

Ashe, turn your head to the right.

Why cant I look at you instead

While grumbling, Ashe obediently turned his head, and Igor took a glance, whispering, Theres a pale yellow countdown behind your ear, probably started from 72 hours, likely preventing us from spatial movement.

That is the divine punishment from the Omniscient Weaver for you demons who dare to invade the Gospel Kingdom, Cleos pressed the barrel of her Gun against Ashes forehead. Before the countdown ends, we who listen to the Gospel will slay all of you blind and foolish demons.

Ashe and his companions exchanged glances, all thinking the same thingit seemed the Kingdoms invasion defense mechanism wasnt very robust. They were aware that someone had successfully returned to the Blood Moon alive through the Virtual Realm Passage three days ago, which was why the Hunting Festival was scheduled for May 1st.

They wont be able to anymore, the Purple-clad Girl said with a smile. After they arrived at the Gospel, the Virtual Realm Passage they transmigrated through was closed. They cant return now. If you dont believe me, you could use the Gospel to check if Im lying.

Cleos hesitated for a moment. Youre not deceiving me?

Isnt it cheap to verify if Im lying? Youre not willing to spend even that few Points? Ill cover the cost if its too much.

No need. Cleoss eyes reddened again. But they are still People from the Exotic Lands

People from the Exotic Lands who wont earn you any Points even if you kill them, the Purple-clad Girl stated. I just checked; there are no bounties for these three in the Gospel. Killing them wont improve your ranking in the Red Cap. On the other hand, our contract clearly states that I get the spoils of war. If you insist on breaching the contract, it could significantly impact your credit record and might even result in you dropping out of the Red Cap Total Ranking.

But theyre not spoils of war

So you admit theyre natural persons? Right now, they have no criminal record, and for a Red Cap to kill a natural person with no criminal record is a Taboo.

Cleos sniffled, Your Firm always has such twisted logic But they are still People from the Exotic Lands, with a high tendency towards crime. If you want to take them, you need a way to control them.

Its already prepared.

The Purple-clad Girl produced three gold-edged contracts on white Contract Fabric. Directly exchanged from the Gospel, bound by both the Virtual Realm and the Omniscient Weaver, not even a legend with Quadruple wings could break these contracts. As long as they sign these three, accepting my terms, they absolutely cannot harm the Gospel. Are you satisfied now?

By the name of Dolan, under my command, they will only become a strength for the Gospel.

Cleos raised her Gun, seemingly persuaded. If thats the case

The three sat on the ground, looking pitiful, weak, and helpless. Normally, Trespassers would be wailing and begging to sign a Contract to save their lives at this point.

Yet, none of them spoke; they just calmly watched.

It seems theyre not willing to be bound, Cleos said, pressing the Gun once more to Ashes forehead. Since were burying Cultists anyway, a few more wont matter

Hold on, Cleos, the Purple-clad Girl said as she crouched down to look at them. Dont you want to live? Why arent you speaking?

The three exchanged glances, and finally, Ashe spoke, I would like to speak, actually. But seeing how engrossed you both were in your performance, it seemed rude to interrupt.

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