Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 145: Half an Hour

Chapter 145: Half an Hour

Freya was quite conscientious, helping Ashe wash the dishes.

After finishing, Freya glanced at the Screen of Knowledge, Are you going to use the Screen of Knowledge tonight?

Yeah, I want to look up some information.

Cant you connect your Chip to the Canopy for that?

I got rid of the chip in the back of my neck when I escaped.

Freya was a little surprised, Where will you live then? Without a chip to register, you cant even rent a house Dont tell me you plan to live with me forever!?

The contract clearly states that I can stay here for up to seven days. Ashe replied, annoyed, After seven days, Ill find somewhere else to sleep, even if its under a bridge.

As long as you give me the Compassion Art Spirit according to the contract, I dont mind letting you stay for a few more days If youre willing to cook every day, I can waive your rent.

Freya paused, I need to use the Screen of Knowledge after I take a shower, probably for about half an hour.

No problem, I also need to shower, so I can give you that time.

Ashe continued to browse on the Canopy, while Freya began to write her social studies homework. Social studies is not a magic major, but all subjects for the City Public Examination are from social studies. Basically, if you want to become a government operator in the future, you need to have a silver degree in social sciences.

The speech by Fernand Snow at the Blood Moon Tribunal last night has already made the rounds. Even Freya, who didnt watch it, was forced to watch it in class. Therefore, the professors assignment was Discuss the Pros and Cons of Socialized Rearing and the Family System. It was said that Socialized Rearing might become a compulsory subject in the City Public Examination in the coming years and is a key knowledge point that must be mastered.

The assignment was not difficult. As long as you follow the writing idea that Socialized Rearing crushes the Family System, you can pass. If you want to score high, you need to think more and write about the advantages currently shown by society that are not written in the book.

Considering the professors intention Fernand Snows speech Blood Moon Dual Race

Freya quickly had an idea.

The Family System will cause more factional struggles within the Blood Moon Dual Race. Those who successfully transform into Blood Moon Descendants will use their power to help their kin who are still of the original race to seize illegal benefits, robbing other original races of their rightful resources It will lead to incompetent people who originally had no qualification to join the Blood Moon Dual Race becoming Blood Moon Kin through nepotism and other unwritten rules, reducing the average quality of the Blood Moon Kin

If a family is all part of the Blood Moon Dual Race, they will form an unbreakable interest group, which is not conducive to the leadership of the research institute and the church It will pollute the rule of the Government Affairs Hall

Kinship bonds are a weakening poison and a precursor to internal strife for the Blood Moon Dual Race

The Blood Moon Dual Race is the basis for the development and growth of the Blood Moon Realm. We cannot allow backward systems to tarnish the purity of the Blood Moon Kin

Since there were no other tables, Freya also sat next to Ashe to do her homework.

Fortunately, the desk was large enough. Freya did her homework on the left, and Ashe surfed the net on the right. Except for sitting a little close to each other, they could work without interfering with each other The left side of the desk was originally filled with skincare products, lubrication, snacks, tissues, cotton swabs, and all sorts of clutter, but it was now all tidied up.

By the way, because Freya couldnt afford to hire a cleaner, her house was basically in a just enough to sleep state. Underwear was only washed when there was no more to wear, trash was only thrown away when it piled up, and the corridor was filled with a maze of clutter that only allowed one person to pass. The landlord even said she was very normal.

Now, looking at it, Freya realized that her house was completely transformed. Clothes had been washed, trash had been thrown away, clutter had been sorted and placed in the corner, she even wondered, Is this really my house?

Did you clean up during the day?

Ashe hesitated for a moment, but still nodded heavily: Well, to be honest, the hygienic conditions here are worse than the toilets in prison. Since Im idle, I might as well do some cleaning. Consider it as paying you rent.

Ashe said: By the way, I took your clothes to wash. You dont mind, do you? After all, the weather has been kinda hot lately, and theres no air conditioning here. In such a remarkable experimental environment, those piled clothes have produced a very peculiar smell. Its bearable at night, but during the day, I really cant stand it

Freyas face turned red up to her ears, and she shyly said: Really? I didnt notice any smell I dont mind, thank you.

Thats good. I was afraid that you would call me a pervert when you got back, so I decided to cook for you to win you over.

Why would I call you that? Rest assured, from now on, you can wash all my clothes!

Well, thats not necessary. But can you wash your clothes every day?

No, Im used to piling up a bunch of dirty clothes and washing them all together. Just like you cant ask me to put on clothes right after taking a bath, you cant change my laundry habits either.

Tsk, youre so pretty, how come your hygiene habits are so poor

What does being pretty or not have to do with this? Its a waste of time to clean the room and do laundry every day.

After a satisfying meal, Xiao Xian jumped onto the table and curled up into a ball of fluff, seemingly falling asleep to their conversation.

With their intermittent chit-chat, Freya quickly finished her social studies homework. Seeing that it was about time, she naturally took off all her clothes and threw them on the chair, humming a tune as she walked into the bathroom.

Ashe glanced at the undergarments on the chair, the sound of water flowing in the bathroom filling his ears. His gaze couldnt move away from the lace underwear. It took all his effort to turn his gaze away, then he summoned the Substitute Spirit, directing the Substitute to put these clothes in the laundry basket on the balcony a young mans body cant stand such stimulating sights!

Xiao Xian instantly perked up, chasing after the Substitute to play.

On the other side, Freya in the bathroom also felt something was off. As a Bewitcher, she was highly sensitive to emotional states, and she could clearly sense an odd emotion welling up inside her.

She didnt know how to describe this feeling, it was an experience she hadnt had in her eighteen years of life. Standing under the shower, letting the water wash over her pale skin, Freya quickly realized the source of this strange emotion who else could it be but the Demonic Saint who had suddenly barged into her life?

Was she scared? A little.

Did she like him? It seemed so.

Did she hate him?

Feeling as if her stomach was being wrung like a towel, Freya found it hard to breathe from the pain yes, she hated Ashe. She couldnt articulate why, but she suddenly found this man repulsive.

So, did she want to distance herself from him?

Freya stood silently under the water, leaning against the wall for a while, then suddenly laughed: How can there be such contradictory feelings It must be due to physical reasons, right? Yes, it must be physical reasons, after all, Ashe interrupted me last night.

She quickly let go of the matter, dried herself off, wrapped her hair in a towel, and as soon as she went out to blow-dry her hair, she saw Ashe dive into the bathroom and close the door in one smooth motion, so fast it was like he used a spirit. Freya didnt even get a clear look at him.

Youre in such a rush to take a shower? If you had said so earlier, I would have let you go first. Freya muttered to herself, then sat in front of the Screen of Knowledge, starting her nightly routine tasks.

After a while in the bathroom, Ashe gradually heard a soul-consuming moan.

At first, he thought the apartments soundproofing must be poor, perhaps another couple in a different room were trying to earn some Fertility Fund. But when he turned off the faucet to lather up with shower gel, the absence of the waters noise made the low moan suddenly much clearer.

This was far more striking than any lingerie.

Ashe silently turned the faucet back on, cranking it to the maximum flow rate. Cold water!

However, the melodious voice, like feathers of a goose, tickled in Ashes ear. Even the noise of the water couldnt help. On the contrary, it seemed to add a kind of filter effect, expanding his imagination.

A thought suddenly sprang up in his mind.

Is it really going to take half an hour?

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