Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Wei San flipped her chopsticks, then fed Jin Ke a mouthful of food: Is it salty?

Jin Ke swallowed and frowned, Its salty.

I also think so, they dont taste it. Wei Sans obsession with food was probably the sequela left by digging through garbage in the garbage dump.

Dont you have better perception than them? Jin Ke spoke casually, Youre more sensitive. Buy something else again, Ill pay.

Jin Ke was very generous to Wei San when he was depressed.

Wei San immediately got up and went to another window to cop a portion, turned around and saw Ying Chenghe coming too.

Are you guys so free today? Wei San asked the aunt to pack the food and carry it over.

Ying Chenghe didnt say much and directly handed over 35000 star coins to Wei San.

Wei San: Do you want to sleep, too?

The student who just came back from drinking water stayed where he was. What did he just hear?

The original forum said that these three people usually have a good relationship. Was this a good relationship?!

This was a moral debacle!

Lets go. Wei San shook her head and walked to the bedroom with the meal.

Jin Ke and Ying Chenghe walked side by side behind them.

The student dining: should he pass on this gossip?

The bedroom was the same as before, but the upper and lower bunks beside Wei San were all stocked with bedding by Jin Ke so he could sleep back and forth.

Its cheaper for you today. Jin Ke complained to Ying Chenghe.

The two lay in the upper and lower beds in the dormitory of Wei San.

As for Wei San, she squatted outside the bedroom to eat her boxed meal, with Yu Qingfeis notes in her hand.

It has to be said that Yu Qingfei was talkative and lazy. Every time Wei San finished reading a book, she would be depressed in her heart for a long time.

For example, in this book, Yu Qingfei even explained in detail how to paint the fingertips of the mecha nails after maintenance. In the middle of the book, he also used the name of maintenance to paint the fingernails of the principals mecha nails, which was finally discovered in advance.

[The headmaster is really stingy. I just want to maintain his mechas nails. He painted my mecha nails black and ugly. Its crazy! Next time his wife comes, I will let her know what a narrow-minded man he is. Today was also a very angry day. I dont want to write anymore about mecha maintenance. Thats it. Theres no end and no continuation.]

It was broken again.

Now Wei San has known some data of the mecha, but they were not the same mecha, and each time only involved one or some parts of the mecha.

Because Yu Qingfei always wrote where his thoughts carried him, but Wei San could still begin to see something from it.

When Wei San got up and went in, she saw the two men lying on the bed with their legs crossed.

Why are there only two floors? Ying Chenghe asked soullessly, I think the school should make a five story iron bed, just for a small group to sleep.

The bedroom is not that high. Jin Ke in the upper bunk closed his eyes and shook his legs. But maybe the Imperial Military Academy has something this high. Anyways, they have money.

Why did you come to Damocles Military Academy before? Ying Chenghe interrogated him.

Id rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. At that time, who among the commanders did not know that Ying Xingjue was the leader. Why did you come here? Jin Ke continued to shake his legs. I remember, you were the first from the Ying family to come to Damocles Military Academy.

I want to learn from what Yu Qingfei left behind. Ying Chenghe thought for a moment and said, Our home is not closely connected with the main family.

If his perception was not measured as 3S, he might not have had the opportunity to contact the main family in his life.

Wei San, what about you? Ying Chenghe sat up and asked her.

Before coming, I went to the Star Network and found our Damocles Military Academy was the most modest. Wei San said seriously, I really appreciate this school spirit. Other schools have a serious atmosphere of competition at first sight, so I finally decided to come here.

If Wei San hadnt cheated him many times with her pure and sincere expression, Chenghe would have believed her.

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