Single Stat System

Chapter 47: Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 47: Is That A Wisp?

Meanwhile, somewhere near the cliff...

"I never thought that that man has a good eye. He even got your Dancing Wind," This time, Gabi, the one who hadn't spoken before, finally opened his mouth and spoke. But his tone of voice was rather full of mockery as it was obvious that he didn't feel pity for Hapon but instead, ridicule.

"Shut up!" Hapon yelled out. His mouth was opened so wide to the point that he almost swallowed the other party whole.

But then, that man did really have a good eye for his best equipment to be stolen by him. It had to be known that it was the only Legend rank equipment he had. Just by thinking about how many dangers did he overcome just to have this item only to be stolen in the end could only make him feel lightheaded. Just how cruel was the world for him to suffer like this?

"Don't make fun of him, Gabi. Can't you see that he really is pitiful now," Tanghali said seriously. His eyes were as if filled with concern and worries as he sighed deeply in lament.

But why the hell did Hapon feel that it was a kind of sarcasm? And besides that, when did the other party start to worry about him? It wasn't like him at all. Surely, this bastard was making fun of him as well. Hapon could only grit his teeth with a 'grrrrr' and clench his fist to the point that his veins were now popping out all over his body.

"Stop it, let's hurry up and climb this cliff," Umaga said. After a moment of pause, he added, "Don't worry Hapon, we will ask the guild master to give you compensation for your stolen equipment."

But then, that man surely had a good eye. At first, he still had some doubts regarding the ability of that man. But when he made a move and stole a good item that even he didn't have, all of his suspicions were immediately erased as he was instead filled with fear.

He was just thankful that that man didn't go too far so as to steal all their items as well and empty their pockets. Perhaps, their items didn't give him any interest as he was too lazy to get them from them, right? Umaga felt like it must be the case.

On the other hand, hearing their party leader, Hapon could only take a deep breath to calm himself down. But it didn't change the fact that he was still angry. Although their party leader had already assured him that his lost equipment would be compensated, he knew that this would not be as good as his lost equipment anymore, especially his Dancing Wind. How could he feel happy with that?

It had to be known that that Legend rank clothing was pretty rare as it had a special attribute. Even among the hundreds of Legend rank equipment, those with a special attribute were hard to come by. In their guild, he was only one of the few lucky individuals to have such an item. And in his current party, although the other three had more Legend rank equipment than him, he was the only one among them who had a Legend rank equipment with a special attribute.

But now, that precious item was just being robbed? What even worse was that he couldn't even do anything against it as he was forced to wear such trashy clothing right now. Hapon really wanted to go home now and cry out on his bed. Having a good treasure wasn't really too good. If he only had ordinary Legend rank equipment, then he shouldn't have been robbed. But since his Legend rank equipment was special, it caught the eye of that person and stole it. Surely, he must have a way to upgrade its rank to Mythical rank, or even Divine rank.

Damn it! No matter how hard Hapon had gritted his teeth, he just couldn't move on. He really wanted to find someone to beat up so that he could vent his anger already.

But as helpless as he was, there was nothing else he could do against it. Hapon had just tried his best to calm down as he set his mind that he should be thankful that he lost his equipment instead of his life.

It was just that... It was too unfair! Why was he the only one who lost an item? That bastard should have also stolen the equipment of his bastard teammates, right?

"Hey! What are you dilly-dallying around?! Hurry up and get up here!" But as Hapon was still in deep thought, he suddenly heard an angry bellowed. He looked above and only then did he notice that those bastards were already far above. Just when in the world did they start climbing?

"Damn it!" Hapon gritted his teeth harder as he too then started climbing. Who would have taught that losing an item was this frustrating?


Tap! Tap! Tap! Sakim's wooden slippers echoed across the woods. Except for the cold howl of the winds and trees rustling all around with a creaking sound of the woods, there was no other noise that could be heard. And right now, the dusk was about to come as an orange hue engulfed the entire surroundings.

On the road, Sakim hadn't encountered any monsters yet. It was as if he was walking in a safe area.

But Sakim wouldn't get careless just because of this. Who knew if there was some kind of dangers lurking in the shadows?

So instead of finding a place to rest for the night, Sakim continued his journey. Until finally, the night time came.

The howls of wild birds were now could be heard here and there. And the sky, without any clouds, the moonshine engulfed the entire surroundings.

Only now did Sakim realize that he was a bit exhausted. He felt like he wanted to sleep now. But where should he sleep in this place? It wasn't like this place he was in was completely safe, right? There might be some poisonous bugs in the area or perhaps, wild animals and beasts that were ready to attack him at any moment.

Sakim swept his gaze around him before sighing deeply. Since he lived his past life mostly in the urban region, he wasn't that familliar with the forest. Although he knew a thing or two about it, he knew as well that his knowledge was still lacking. He didn't even know exactly how to make fire without a lighter. All he knew was that ancient people in his past life tended to rub stones or woods to form heat and make fire. But how long would it take if he used that method? It had to be known that he didn't have that kind of patience.

If only there was lightning... Sakim looked above as he saw how clear the night sky was. How could he even think of lightning to fall from above with this kind of good weather? He should rather use his [Wrath Of Heaven] than wait for the lightning to come. With that, he would surely create a huge fire. But to use such a precious item just to make a fire? What kind of bullshit was that? Sakim shook his head as he felt that his thoughts were going out of control again. Perhaps, he should just take a rest without any fire?

However, as Sakim was planning to just lean to a certain tree for him to sleep, he suddenly caught sight of something like a small ball of blue light at a certain distance away from him. It was dancing in the midair as Sakim was mesmerized by it. Was that a wisp? Sakim really was astonished at the wonders of this world. This kind of thing was something that could only be seen in movies. But here? It was real.

Under the watchful gaze of Sakim, the wisp flew in his direction. Sakim was slightly taken aback by the sudden action of that wisp as he didn't know what to do. Should he run away? Should he catch it? Should he steal it and make it his pet?

But as Sakim was still thinking on what to do, the wisp had already reached its distance near him. It floated right in front of him as he only watched it cautiously. If this thing tried to harm him, then he would definitely let it know that he wasn't like someone that should be bothered with.

But then, Sakim didn't feel any harm from the wisp. He stared at it as he didn't even bother blinking. It was as if the two of them were staring at each other in eye-to-eye as the time and the world before them had as if stopped.

So after a good while, Sakim's curiosity had finally leveled up. He raised his hand forward as he wanted to know what it felt like to touch this kind of thing. From what he saw, with its somewhat transparent body, this wisp was in a form of light. Since that was the case, it shouldn't have any physical body, right?

And just like what he thought, when Sakim tried to touch it, his hand only went through its body. Only then did the wisp danced again in the midair as it flew past him.

Sakim followed it with his gaze. But when he saw it, it was as if inviting him to come. Sakim narrowed his eyes for a moment, before deciding to follow the wisp. There should be no harm by doing so, right?

So for a while, Sakim followed the wisp. He walked cautiously as he followed. He didn't even know where he was now. But he didn't care about it anymore. Because right now, he was certain that they finally reached their destination.

What a beautiful sight! Sakim was left in awe with gaping eyes when he saw what was ahead of him. He was even thinking that this kind of wonder could probably leave the seven wonders of the Earth into dust.

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