Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 412 - Take Care Of Him

They brought Fang Zimo to Lin Yan's room, their house might have a lot of rooms but in the end, it wasn't a big manor like the ones in the town, with so manly people staying the rooms were completely occupied and the only empty room belonged to the currently absent Lin Rui who was staying in the town but they couldn't just give Fang? Zimo, Lin Rui's room without the latter's permission can they? So Lin Yan who was responsible for bringing Fang Zimo told Lin Chen to bring Fang Zimo inside his room. Lin Chen did as he was told, he brought Fang Zimo inside and laid him down on the Kang that was no longer burning, the weather wasn't cold anymore there was no need for them to burn Kang anymore.

Their family was doing better and better so the bedding and mattress have been changed to a softer one, it wasn't the case for Lin Yan alone, everyone else too was using the new and soft beddings. Especially Su Wan whose mattress was extra soft, Fang Zimo sighed in contentment he was worried that if the mattress was hard then he might end up groaning in pain but luckily that wasn't the case, the bed was soft and it didn't even tickle his injuries. A thin quilt was used to cover his body and Fang Zimo's eyelids fluttered, the quilt was sun-dried and smelled of home, warmth and security, mixed with it was Lin Yan's natural scent, it was like hugging his brother Yan to sleep. Fang Zimo only thought of closing his eyes but then a sense of relief washed over him and he fell asleep.

Doctor Gu hasn't left for the town when Lin Chen went to all for him, Doctor Gu was someone who took his profession seriously it didn't matter whether the patient was a slave or a beggar, as long as he was brought to him, Doctor Gu would try his best to save his patient. Thus, even though Lin Chen told him everything about Fang Zimo's injuries Doctor Gu wasn't at all disgusted, he checked Fang Zimo's injuries and even sent Su Wan and Madam Zhu to brew a nutritional soup for Fag Zimo, so as to avoid any kind of awkwardness for Fang Zimo " His injuries are quite severe but they are not life-threatening as long as? you keep taking good care of him there is no need for you to worry. Remember don't let him wash himself for a week or two let his skin heal itself before touching the water, but right now it is necessary to clean the residual of whatever was left behind, Ah Chen can you bring me some hot water ?"

Lin Chen nodded to show that he understood before he left to get some hot water, Lin Chen didn't go to the kitchen to avoid Su Wan's and Madam Zhu's questions instead he circled around the house and then entered the spring room where he filled a vat of water with the water from the spring. He mixed it with the water from the well and then brought it to doctor Gu who didn't question him, about how he was able to boil water so quickly. He took the hot water and cleaned Fang Zimo with a clean cloth, then he opened the bag that he carried everywhere? and took out a transparent salve, the medicinal salve was cold in nature and applied it on his skin making the latter shiver " apply this salve on his skin for the next three weeks, then once his skin is scabbed, come to me I will give you another medicine that might help in healing his injuries completely" doctor Gu cast a sim pathetic glance before continuing" As for the scars on his body they are too old to heal I am afraid there is nothing that I can do to help him."

Lin Yan winced at doctor Gu's words, though he knew that fang Zimo's injuries were severe he didn't think that they were so bad. The scars on his back and legs most probably came from whipping, he really wished that he could erase those marks to give Fang Zimo a new start where he could forget everything that happened to him but looks like he wouldn't be able to do that. He nodded stiffly "It's alright I understand Doctor Gu just treat his injuries so that they no longer hurt him."

Docter Gu wrote a few prescriptions to nourish Fang Zimo's body and even left a special prescription to soothe Fang Zimo's nerves considerately "Remember to let him drink his medicine on the time it will help with his frayed nerves and soothe his mind."

Lin Yan paid Doctor Gu twenty copper coins as his fees and another silver tael as the price of the salve. Lin Jing took doctor Gu with him and politely sent him off to the place where Luo Sheng parked his ox cart to ferry the villagers to the town.

Lin Chen turned to his second brother and held his hand out "Second brother let me take this prescription to the town's medicinal hall, I will buy these medicines for him. You stay here and keep an eye on him, if he ran away I will not bother searching for him with you."

Lin Yan said nothing and held it, Lin Chen, the prescription, he knew that even though Lin Chen was speaking harshly, he didn't mean anything bad. He was worried about Fang Zimo and sympathised with him too. He just didn't want to show that he cared about Fang Zimo when he was complaining about him just a few hours ago. When Lin Chen left to buy the medicine, Lin Yu limped out of the room as he said over his shoulder "I will tell Wan Wan to leave the nutritional soup on the stove that way he will be able to drink it hot and get better as soon as possible." Then paused and added, "We can't leave Wan Wan alone without a helper.." Then he too left the room.

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