Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 408 - Kill If You Want

" Head Madam, you better give me an explanation today or else I assure you this matter wouldn't end just here!" Concubine Ye was once the most doted concubine of Old master Fu. Unlike Luo Xin, she was tender and her temper was gentle, and she was loyal to her husband, despite not being the official wife.

Unlike Luo Xin and Old master Fu's marriage, which was based on nothing more but mutual benefits, Concubine Ye married the old master Fu out of love and affection. Even though she was shrew beneath her gentle temperament, Old master Fu loved her enough. Which was the only reason why he treated concubine Ye the best among all his wives.

Concubine Ye wasn't a soft person either, though she didn't have a son she had a strong maternal family, unlike Luo Xin whose only strength was her sharp mind and her son, the only heir of the Fu family.

But so what if she has a son? She too wasn't someone easy to trifle with! Her brother was still alive and well, and he will definitely rush to help her as long as she sent one word to her maternal family!

Luo Xin had a headache, last night she played a bit too much and drank too much. She was thinking about sleeping a little more but then concubine Ye's shrill voice disrupted her sleep, and she woke up.? Luo Xin didn't like anyone disturbing her in the morning but she still stifled her anger, her maternal family had broken all relations with her once they caught wind of her lawless acts.

They gave the excuse that they didn't want to see innocent boys suffer but Luo Xin had a long understanding of her family, they didn't care a ratass about the innocent boys, they just didn't want to entangle themselves in her mess. Everyone held an official position or were a socialite in her family, they didn't want to risk anything for her.

Currently, only her son was her strength and most important pawn. With her current state, she cannot fight against Ye Ci and offend her. The Ye family were after all protective of their own.

" what's wrong, sister Ye?" draping a robe over her frail figure, Luo Xin walked out.? Though she was cursing the Ye family to die out and rot in hell, she still kept her smile intact. Not an ounce of her real emotions can be seen on her face " why are you so angry? Who offended you so early in the morning?"

" if not for you, who else ?" retorted Ye Ci with a mocking sneer, she flicked her sleeves as she slammed the pillar next to her " head madam is old and the head of the family after the master, I don't dare to offend the head madam and can only keep my head lowered and take every step carefully. I can't even breathe in ease, worried that I might offend you in one way or another. Whatever head madam does in her courtyard everyone knows, even if it's definitely immoral. We don't dare to say anything, I still remember that the last time third young miss said something about it, even though it was just an innocent comment, and she was nothing but a six-year-old child, head madam had third miss locked up in the shed in such a cold winter than she caught a chill and never got better after that" Ye Ci took a deep breath and then contemptuously looked up at Luo Xin who was looking down at her like she was an ant. Humph, this was what they called 'Full of air, though vanquished'. Such an unhealthy ego! Today she will squash on this ego no matter what! " even though it's shameful, I kept my mouth shut but today things have crossed the line! I want a decent explanation! Or else I will take this matter to my family let my brother be the judge of this matter "

Luo Xin frowned, irritated by Ye Ci's loud voice. This woman was always like this, ever since old master Fu died, and her family broke off all relations after finding out that her son didn't inherit his father's talent. Now she didn't have much strength left, no wonder this woman acted as if she was the master here " what Matter? what's with this unnecessary fuss?"

Ye Ci swelled like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, " unnecessary fuss? Let me show you what exactly is this unnecessary fuss!" she turned around and ordered the momo standing behind her " drag him here!"

The sturdy momo nodded and then went out of Luo Xin's courtyard. Watching their actions, Luo Xin suddenly felt something wrong was going to happen, a sense of foreboding rose in her heart and sure enough, a second later, the sturdy momo dragged Fang Zimo inside. The latter was tied up with a dirty rag stuffed in his mouth, he tried to fight against the momo but he couldn't even move his hands how will he fight against her?

" This is head madam's pet, right? Then doesn't head madam knows that one must need to keep a firm check on their pets? This mad dog ran to my daughter's courtyard and slept on her bed! Thankfully, he was caught before he could do anything, I have waited an entire night to come and question head madam, don't you think you need to give me an answer? Head madam?"

Like this Ye Ci cleaned any suspicion regarding her daughter and dumped the blame on Fang Zimo.

Luo Xin clenched her fists, not because Fang Zimo was caught but because she was humiliated by Ye Ci in front of so many people! Never in her life has she been humiliated like this! And all because of this useless bastard! Luo Xin was a shrewd woman she knew when to cut her losses short and immediately calmed down " just this? Sister didn't have to come here just for this. It's just a servant deal with him however, you want.. Kill if that's what will make you quench your anger. After all, you are the mistress here as well"

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