Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 401 - Are You Stupid?

Lin Yan felt as if someone had dunked him in cold water. The guy in front was once a friend, a brother. "Fang Zimo, what are you trying to do ?"

Fang Zimo smiled and untied his robe, revealing long, ugly red marks on his skin. Lin Yan cringed at the sight of those bloody marks, looking away at once. When he shifted his gaze, he heard Fang Zimo sigh softly. "Ugly, aren't they?" He mused as if he was talking about the weather, then he closed his robe and walked forward. Tipping Lin Yan's chin with his finger. "Do you know, brother Yan, these marks were supposed to be yours?"

Lin Yan's head snapped up. He stared at Fang Zimo; it was as if he was looking at a stranger, as a sense of betrayal crawled up in his heart. He eyed him warily. "You -"

"Caught on, haven't you?" Asked Fang Zimo. He smiled and ran a finger down Lin Yan's jaw, rubbing the pulse point on his neck. "It should have been you who was bent forward, propped on your fours, begging for the mistress to let you come, begging to please her. You should be the one suffering, but -" His hold on Lin Yan's throat tightened as Fang Zimo's expression morphed, twisted in an ugly sneer. "But I'm the one! I'm the one who is suffering! I worked so hard for the Madam to notice you! Attracting her attention to you! I worked hard, so hard! Even being kind to you! Giving you the things that should have belonged to me! But yet - you ran away! Ran away and left me behind! Why!"

"It's not my fault," said Lin Yan, his eyes hardening as he looked at Fang Zimo. He couldn't make him see sense, not when Fang Zimo was already out of his mind. Instead, he should think of a way to get out of here. His eyes flickered around the alley furtively as he continued, "I didn't run away to trap you but because I couldn't take it anymore! Don't think that everyone is like you, wanting to entrap others while trying to escape!"

Lin Yan was interrupted and felt a sharp pain burning in his scalp when Fang Zimo reached for his hair and pulled it backward, so hard that Lin Yan could feel a few strands ripping out of his head. "What's wrong?" mused Fang Zimo. "Continue with your scolding."

Fang Zimo's other hand still curled around his throat. Just one wrong move, and he might lose his life. "You were just like me, brother Yan, a poor boy sold to a rich sadist. You should have stayed like that and protected me, your younger brother, but you ran away. So you cannot blame me for this - I'm forced to take this action. If I don't, I will have to serve the mistress tonight like a dog, and honestly, as much as l have learned to like it, I would rather give that pleasure to you."

Lin Yan pulled away, his eyes flickering with fear. He should have known. "No! You can not do this! My family knows about her! If you try to drag me there, you will suffer the effects of your actions! They will not let you or the Madam off on this!"

"And what are they going to do? Have you forgotten your brother hasn't become an official yet? By the time he becomes one, you will be too broken for your wife to care for you. You won't be able to care for yourself, and your wife will have no reason to bother. She has four other husbands, more dominant than you. Who would like a submissive? "

"What nonsense are you talking about, you bastard!"


Fury came over him when Lin Yan realized they slapped him. He breathed in as he yelled at the top of his voice, "Someone help! Help me! There is a pervert down here! Help -"

Another slap!

Fang Zimo's voice remained under control despite the fury rolling in his eyes. "You can shout as much as you want, but this alley is abandoned and under the control of Madam Luo. She bought it especially for you after keeping track of your life for so long. We finally got hold of you. Do you really think we are such fools that we might not know how to keep you after catching you?"

"You mean to say-"

"Madam Luo is right here," said Fang Zimo, pointing to the alcohol shop in front of him. The building was tall and dimly lit. Without looking properly, anyone would have missed it if you didn't pay attention. "She says she missed you a lot, so shall we go in?"

"You don't - let go of me!" fear gripped Lin Yan's heart as he tried to wrench himself away from the burly man, but no matter how he tried to fight, he was drug forward. "Let me go! HELP SOMEONE HELP PLEASE -" The rest of his screams were drowned out when Fang Zimo stuffed a cloth in his mouth and tied it. "You are so annoying, brother Yan -"

No, he didn't want to, anyone, please -

"Oi, you freak! Look here!" A familiar voice called from behind, and then something came hurling in their direction. Everything happened so suddenly that the man behind Lin Yan let go of him, and he took advantage of it. He hit the man that was holding on to him with his head. The sound of the brute's jaw crunching as he smashed into it with his head was something he loved. Lin Yan then pushed Fang Zimo out of the way to escape the alley. Lin Yan rushed to Lin Rui, who was holding a brick in his hand.

Lin Rui took hold of his wrist and pulled him away, dragging him from the dark alley and back to the market. Not once stopping as he ran. They stopped only when they were in the middle of the street. "Second brother, huff, are you - are you mad?! Going to such a faraway place at night, aren't you just giving them a chance to kidnap you?!"

Lin Yan ripped away the cloth covering his mouth and spat on the road. "How did you find me?"

"Eldest Uncle was waiting for you at the cart station, but you didn't arrive. He thought something had gone wrong and checked out the restaurant. You weren't there either, so he came looking for me, thinking you came to see me. When he didn't find you with me either, we realized something had happened. We have been looking for you - thankfully, Little Shi was following you before they knocked him out cold."

"Little Shi was following me?" asked Lin Yan, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah, the poor boy wasn't comfortable seeing you go out alone, so he followed you. But then he was attacked, we found him lying on the road in an alley, and he told us where you went or else -" Lin Rui cursed. He was panting with the effort of standing up straight. "Seriously, second brother, are you stupid?"

A roar came from behind before Lin Yan could answer, and Shen Junxi came running, "You brat! You scared me to death!" Just like Lin Rui, Shen Junxi was panting. "Didn't I tell you to come to me straight away after work?! where did you wander off to?!"

"I - I thought I should buy a gift for Wan Wan - ouch!" Before he could finish, Shen Junxi slapped his back with an angry expression he sneered. "Buy what gift! Do you even have any idea what would have happened if that woman got hold of you? Even with Lord Fei's help, you would be -" Shen Junxi didn't finish but only glared.. However, from his clenched fist, it was clear how scared he was.

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